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Sunday Ticket subscribers having second thoughts about next season?


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Well, I spent $350 this year for ST and "Super"fan. I've sent $125 and up every year since 1994 on ST. Chances are, with paying for 13 seasons of disappointment, I'll do it again. Although they ARE getting to the point where it is hard to justify charging an extra $100 or more just for HD! I don't ever use all of the other "Super"fan junk.

Next year, I will be at the end of my most recent 2-year agreement. I figure it's going to cost THEM (for a change) to keep me happy for another coupla years! :laugh: I expect no LESS than a second HR20 (piece of crap HD-DVR!), free "Super"fan and probably free HD for a year. After 14 years of DirecTV, I expect them to put out!

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Of course it wouldnt make sense to you.

Of all the players on our team, you chose Cooley and Suisham for your signature. Cooley - OK. Suisham? A kicker? Thats a stretch even for a klansman.

omg now he is racist?


Blondie, I never once said Taylor had no talent. I answered your question, now answer mine.

Did he ever get charged for pistol whipping someone?

Why is Timmy Smith in jail?

Answer those questions, sorry but those 2 stick in my head for some reason. Manley being a powder head doesnt as much but it is a fact (just like LT back in his day).

Hmm, I must be mistaken huh? Why is Pacman not playing this season? That link was just the 1st one I came too, interesting.

I'm the furthest from racist, if it seems that way then maybe you are the racist ones...

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Of course it wouldnt make sense to you.

Of all the players on our team, you chose Cooley and Suisham for your signature. Cooley - OK. Suisham? A kicker? Thats a stretch even for a klansman.

lmao Reminds me of a typical liberal. Can't argue facts so starts name-calling and accusations. Go ahead and vote for Hillary and keep hating yourself. :laugh:

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Illinois is finally prohibiting smoking from bars and restaurants come the new year. If Gibbs is still coaching I would be willing to fork over more money for the package still, but now with this (progressive) law I'll be able to watch it in the sports bar right down the street without having to coat my clothes and my lungs with other people's tar. If Gibbs isn't the coach? Bye Redskins, good luck - As was my attitude in the few days before Gibbs was re-hired.

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It's time to start pulling for a franchise that is not so disfunctional like the Redskins. Maybe I'll pay for Sunday ticket to watch a GOOD football team, but not the crap that Snyder shovels Redskins fans...

And people get pissed when their loyalty is questioned.

You sir, were never a Redskin fan. I know you can't see that, but there it is.

You were never a Redskin fan.

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omg now he is racist?


Blondie, I never once said Taylor had no talent. I answered your question, now answer mine.

Did he ever get charged for pistol whipping someone?

Why is Timmy Smith in jail?

Answer those questions, sorry but those 2 stick in my head for some reason. Manley being a powder head doesnt as much but it is a fact (just like LT back in his day).

Hmm, I must be mistaken huh? Why is Pacman not playing this season? That link was just the 1st one I came too, interesting.

I'm the furthest from racist, if it seems that way then maybe you are the racist ones...

Actually YOU did talk about Taylor and you did say this: It's about paying for all these ignorant, money grubbing "thugs" who thinnk they deserve something more then a hot plate of ****. When they make ignorant decisions and cant make any plays

So which is it? He can or he cant play.

You also said: Let em go back to pistol whipping people or selling drugs... It may be the only thing they excell at You admitted you were speaking of Sean Taylor.........so.....are you saying he cant play and can only excel at being a thug?

Which is it?

This thread was started about not watching the SKINS play.

NOW you are going to talk about Pacman? When did he get on this team?

You have truly embarassed yourself by your rantings.

Your protests about not being a racist are making me wonder. I dont even know where that came from..

There are hundreds and hundreds of players in the league, yet you make a blanket statement:Why SHOULD anyone support the paycheck these skill lacking punks get when they are just sucking you dry?

Sorry, but the NFL as a whole is rediculous... Yet we still pay to fuel the fire for these retards to "represent"

that ALL players are punks, drug dealers, thugs.

I really didnt realize you had so much venom and hate.

I will keep you in my prayers. I wish you safe passage in Iraq...and may you find peace in your life.

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To answer the question the OP threw out...Yes, I am having second thoughts but not because of how the Skins are playing. I am having second thoughts because of the number of times the Skins are on National TV now. I have used Sunday Ticket now like twice this year. By the end of the season I will have needed it for 4 games I think. That is over $50 a game (more if I go with the HD package). Not sure I want to pay that regardless of how good the team is or is not.

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And I choose to put a white guy on my sig I am worse than a Klansman?


Only if done in conjuction with several off the wall racist sentiments.

Otherwise, no. Nothing wrong with having a white guy in the sig, its just funny that this guy has 2 white guys, one being a kicker of all positions, in his sig while ranting about "thugs" running the NFL and the sheer class exhibited by the predominantly white sport, hockey.

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After careful consideration, it really seems like a waste of my money to spend $200+ a year to cheer for a worthless cause. I think next year may be the 1st one in 5 years that I don't buy Sunday Ticket. I've been a fan all of my life, born and raised in DC and MD. But I'm just tired of it. I'll still watch the games that I get locally, but otherwise, I'm not spending any more money on the NFL or the Redskins. I'm sure that there's plenty of you that will call me names, etc. but whatever. Anyone else considering saving your $200 next year?

I'm sure you wouldn't be saying this if we were 8-3, or even 7-4. You, sir, are nothing but a homer. You aren't a true fan. So, yeah, it might just be in your best interest to not get the Ticket next year. Go shopping with your wife on Sundays, bro. I'm sure she could put that money to use.

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After careful consideration, it really seems like a waste of my money to spend $200+ a year to cheer for a worthless cause. I think next year may be the 1st one in 5 years that I don't buy Sunday Ticket. I've been a fan all of my life, born and raised in DC and MD. But I'm just tired of it. I'll still watch the games that I get locally, but otherwise, I'm not spending any more money on the NFL or the Redskins. I'm sure that there's plenty of you that will call me names, etc. but whatever. Anyone else considering saving your $200 next year?

I battled with that decision last season and decided that Direct TV had upped the ante too much. I'm glad that I did because watching this kind of stuff week in and week out would have me in a complete fit of rage by now. I'm with you all the way on this, the team just isn't putting out a quality product for whatever reason.

This pains me, but it's true. This team is like a Madden wet dream. It really seems as if everything is there but it just never gells. The injuries this year, particularly right now are simply devastating. The right side, a pro-bowl calibur right side of the o-line is out. Half the starting secondary is out. Both starting wide-outs are nursing nagging ailments. Our young QB isn't getting time and the running game isn't dominating (clearly both symptoms of the line's injury probelms, I hope). The way they play, I just can't see letting DirectTV double the costs of watching the games over the past 8 years. I'm done with the ticket, but not the Skins, they're an addiction and there aint no rehab for this fix.

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Locally I don't need the Sunday Ticket. They broadcast the games every week on local channels. :silly: And the ones who want to give up those season tickets, SELL THEM! I WILL BE MUCH CLOSER IN GETTING MINE! :point2sky

You'll be one place closer after this season

I'll not pay the danny a thousand dollars to watch this stinking pile of :pooh: again

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I'm sure you wouldn't be saying this if we were 8-3, or even 7-4. You, sir, are nothing but a homer. You aren't a true fan. So, yeah, it might just be in your best interest to not get the Ticket next year. Go shopping with your wife on Sundays, bro. I'm sure she could put that money to use.

So I'm not a true fan cus I don't want to pay the $200 next year? Your employer wouldn't start with "Direc" and end with "TV", would it? :laugh:

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hate to break it too you but its $8 for a beer at just about all stadiums. I know they were in tampa today for the game. Hell I also paid $6 for a lemonade (damn that was good thou, It was hot as hell there today).

Regretfully I have to go to the Bears game. I refuse to drink $8 beers and will NEVER goto FED EX again afterward. Dan Snyder will never get another dime from me.

This team sucks!

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After careful consideration, it really seems like a waste of my money to spend $200+ a year to cheer for a worthless cause. I think next year may be the 1st one in 5 years that I don't buy Sunday Ticket. I've been a fan all of my life, born and raised in DC and MD. But I'm just tired of it. I'll still watch the games that I get locally, but otherwise, I'm not spending any more money on the NFL or the Redskins. I'm sure that there's plenty of you that will call me names, etc. but whatever. Anyone else considering saving your $200 next year?

I live in Charlotte, NC and I will pay my $200 a year to get my Redskins football and I will pay the extra $50 (talked them down) to get the games in HD. I also will call the ticket office and ask to add a third ticket to my name as I am on the season ticket wait list. We are having a baby girl next March that will need a seat by the time I get tickets. I eat, drink, and sleep the Skins. :cheers:

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omg now he is racist?


Blondie, I never once said Taylor had no talent. I answered your question, now answer mine.

Did he ever get charged for pistol whipping someone?

Why is Timmy Smith in jail?

Answer those questions, sorry but those 2 stick in my head for some reason. Manley being a powder head doesnt as much but it is a fact (just like LT back in his day).

Hmm, I must be mistaken huh? Why is Pacman not playing this season? That link was just the 1st one I came too, interesting.

I'm the furthest from racist, if it seems that way then maybe you are the racist ones...

How many Skins have ever been involved in off field problems (minus Taylor)?? Get some sleep, work off the alcohol, bread helps (trust me).

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Quite the opposite, am frustrated too but I see plenty of signs that next year will be a big season.

This season Campbell is still growing, they have a TON of injuries, and a tough schedule. They add a possesion sure handed WR, and another pass rusher and I'd feel better coming into the season than any other season within recent memory.

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