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This statement says it all...


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There is so many people in denial around here. I was included in that for years. Not anymore!!! Joe Gibbs being a good man sounds good. I look it as if he is that good of a man than he should be thinking about us fans. He has made millions of dollars off of us fans, and still is. A good man has to come to the conclusion that he is a terrible coach these days. He makes some of the worst calls during a game that I have ever seen. He is costing us the fans our hard earned money to watch a losing team. I have seen interview after interview of these suckhole coaches and they are laughing like it is a joke. They just keep ripping us off. JOE GIBBS IS THE HEAD COACH OF THE RIP OFF!!! so that being said, don't give me that bullcrap. These suckhole players(80%) are people who JOE GIBBS brought in.

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I'm sorry, you must be 110% successfull everyday in everything? Dude, this is the NFL and there are 32 teams filled with professionals. We as fans, SUCK on this site because we ***** moan and complain about STUPID ****. We are ABOVE 500 AND STILL ****ING!!!!

Get over yourself. If you could do better, you would'nt be typing about it.

Above .500 and still ****ing?...yeah because we should easily be one of the top 3 teams in the NFC but our coaching staff has totally blown it again! If you don't like complaining go to a Pukes site. They are either talking **** or aren't around. All they care about is winning.

Most Skin fans just want to see their team play well and contend. I'd be happy with that even if we lose a game here and there. But Gibbs doesn't have the capability to allow the team to do that anymore. We thought he did but there's no denying it after Sunday's loss and the pattern of blown 4th quarter leads this entire season.

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But Gibbs doesn't have the capability to allow the team to do that anymore. We thought he did but there's no denying it after Sunday's loss and the pattern of blown 4th quarter leads this entire season.

Yeah, and Joe Gibbs allowed Westbrook to get through to the goal line off that McNabb pass right?? Once again, instead of putting this loss onto the shoulders of where it belongs with the defensive PLAYERS, it's so much more convenient to blame J.G.

Plays are designed because they work... It's all a matter of executing those plays, and right now THAT is what is not consistent.

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building a team, believing in that team, and PATIENCE to stick with it.

So to end my post (probably the longest one I've ever done) I will say these few words...

Joe Gibbs does NOT quit. Never has, never will. He will do as he had said and fulfill his obligation here...


Gibbs didn't fulfill his last contract with the Skins when he retired abruptly in 1993. You never know why a man will retire. So to say never is not accurate.

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if the team hasn't consistently improved in 4yrs under gibbs, what good is another year in the same mold going to accomplish???

Well... we did if you really look at it.

in 2003, we were a 5-11

in 2004, 6-10

in 2005, 10-6

Then we threw all these wrenches in the machinery. Gained Saunders, Lloyd, Arch... you know what happened that year...

in 2006 we went 5-11, and so far this year has had some dissapointments, we are still above .500 for the season. After this week we will most likley be .500 but what the hell. I can objectivley call this team and improvment over the 10 years prior to Gibbs 2.

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Gibbs didn't fulfill his last contract with the Skins when he retired abruptly in 1993. You never know why a man will retire. So to say never is not accurate.

And you have those contract details where?? And gee if I remember right, it wasn't all that rosy at times during Gibbs I... Lets think back to the '87 strike year when Joe's players QUIT on him but he had the faith and the resolve to continue on and bring 2 more Superbowls... But yet, Joe didn't quit....

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And you have those contract details where?? And gee if I remember right, it wasn't all that rosy at times during Gibbs I... Lets think back to the '87 strike year when Joe's players QUIT on him but he had the faith and the resolve to continue on and bring 2 more Superbowls... But yet, Joe didn't quit....

stop living in the past, this is not the same Gibbs that was coaching back then.

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Joe Gibbs does NOT quit. Never has, never will. He will do as he had said and fulfill his obligation here...

And this is good for the organization how? Gibbs is putting his best foot forward and has beaten one team with a winning record all year. He's very old and the games passed him by. Next season we will have another season like this one but this time every second the distraction will be who our next coach will be. We don't need a lame duck year for our head coach wether that person is in the HOF or not. We need a good coach that can use the players on the team in a way that wins us games when we are leading in the 4th quarter. He will most likely fullfill his obligation here with the team but if that means 4 losing years in 5 years who needs it?

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stop living in the past, this is not the same Gibbs that was coaching back then.

Not even close. Anyone with 2 cents of football knowledge and not wearing B&G glasses can see this. Problem is the people that can't admit this are the same ones like Gibbs who would rather have a nice guy on the team then a good football player. We don't need nice guys, we need good football players. Gibbs would rather have nice guys on the team. Times passed the man by

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And you have those contract details where?? And gee if I remember right, it wasn't all that rosy at times during Gibbs I... Lets think back to the '87 strike year when Joe's players QUIT on him but he had the faith and the resolve to continue on and bring 2 more Superbowls... But yet, Joe didn't quit....

Actually, you are incorrect. In the 1987 strike, players were told by Gibbs to not cross the picket line. In fact, the Redskins were the only team that year to have NO, 0, zilch, none, nil, veterans on the team that played during the 3 week strike.

The irony is that even with scrubs, we beat Dallas on their turf with the replacments and Dallas had 7 vets on the team at the time.

Search for "americas game 1987 Redskins" and "torrent" and you can see the interviews yourself.

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Actually, you are incorrect. In the 1987 strike, players were told by Gibbs to not cross the picket line. In fact, the Redskins were the only team that year to have NO, 0, zilch, none, nil, veterans on the team that played during the 3 week strike.

The irony is that even with scrubs, we beat Dallas on their turf with the replacments and Dallas had 7 vets on the team at the time.

Search for "americas game 1987 Redskins" and "torrent" and you can see the interviews yourself.

Passizle you are absolutely correct and I err'ed in my statement... I humbly apologize!

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Just about any modern coach can look bad when compared to a Hall of Fame coach, which is what we do when we compare Gibbs II to Gibbs I. As it stands now, the Gibbs II era is not near Hall of Fame caliber when standing on its own.

However, ye of little faith, to go proverbial for a moment, "it's always darkest before the dawn". We're not at a "rock bottom" moment, or anywhere close really. For people to have such high expectations of this team based on the glimpses of excellence they've seen at times, is also a reflection of the coaching staff.

And if there's high hopes based on periods of good play, then maybe the coaching staff isn't as doing as bad of a job as we think.

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Yeah, and lets just compare a hall of fame coach with the likes of these 2...

Especially Turner who was also 1-1 in the playoffs... I can understand Fisher maybe, but Turner??? Yeah lets hire him back instead of staying with continuity... :doh:

Thats my point, big guy...

Joe Gibbs I was 86-11 when leading at halftime, and went to the Hall of Fame...

Joe Gibbs II is WORSE THAN NORV TURNER (or, as you eloquently illustrate, EQUAL in playoff record).....

There is a reason EVERYONE separates the two time periods into Gibbs I and Gibbs II...you CANNOT take into account something that occurred 20 years ago when wondering what Gibbs will do this Sunday...the game is not the same, the players are not the same, and, most importantly, Gibbs is not the same....I cannot believe you do not realize that...

Loyalty to the man I can respect

Stupidity and blindness I cannot

you choose which one you are guilty of....

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Look... Most of you know me around here and you all know I'm not one for starting new threads but being this is the first week of the two most important weeks (IMHO) in the season I had to do this. This statement was pulled from The Examiner WEX and is located in the Breaking News forum. If you look at the last 4 paragraphs from the bottom in the article you will notice 3 very good points. And this is from a writer based in Portland who basically has no bias either way for the team. Here are the three statements for those of you that don't feel like clicking the link here.

1. "Look, Gibbs still has a job in 2008 barring a total collapse, which is unlikely. Even if they don’t reach the postseason, Snyder isn’t firing Gibbs. This was an all-chips-in move by the owner, who won’t have a moment’s peace the rest of his days in Washington if he treats Gibbs badly, no matter how much the team loses."

2. "No, Bill Cowher isn’t coming. This is Gibbs’ team for at least another 14 months when his contract expires and he hopefully has the good sense to retire. Until then, Gibbs needs to buck up and gamble his legacy. The no-huddle against Philadelphia was a good start. Now use it more on the goal line instead of getting stuffed like a Taco Bell burrito."

3." Washington must beat Dallas on Sunday to remain in the NFC East race. They’ll need at least 24 points, maybe more. Safety Sean Taylor is ailing and Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens runs across the field regularly. That means no more playing safe."

Still we are hearing about fire Gibbs, who our next coach is, the *@$$#%!& poll about rebuilding the franchise, and blah blah blah... Some of us really need to take the time and reflect on these above points, especially #1. For those of you that fail to remember the kind of man that Joe Gibbs is, you should ask this question...

Has Joe Gibbs EVER given up on anything he has worked towards?

I know most of you don't like the analogy of NFL to NASCAR, but put this in perspective... What if Joe had given up on JGR between the Daytona win from Terry Labonte in Feb. of '93 up until the first Cup Championship in 2000? Would the team have fielded 2 more Trophys in the next few coming years? Not likely... Possible, but not likely. I know that alot of you will say that there is no comparison in the 2 sports, but I must disagree. It takes building a team, believing in that team, and PATIENCE to stick with it.

So to end my post (probably the longest one I've ever done) I will say these few words...

Joe Gibbs does NOT quit. Never has, never will. He will do as he had said and fulfill his obligation here...

Now lets kick the snot outta the Cowboys!!!


Look, Gibbs still has a job in 2008 barring a total collapse, which is unlikely....and just how unlikely is that my friend? What exactly do you call a 26-31 record since he came back? I don't want Gibbs to get fired but I would like to think that if he himself is a "core Redskin" and loves this organization like he says he does, then maybe he should give this team a chance and let someone else take over. He will probably make a great team President but as for coaching all I need to do is look at the results over 4 1/2 years and draw my own conclusion. Facts are our friends folks. It's the denial in us that doesn't like the facts. Bottom line:Gibbs II is not working.

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Look, Gibbs still has a job in 2008 barring a total collapse, which is unlikely....and just how unlikely is that my friend? What exactly do you call a 26-31 record since he came back? I don't want Gibbs to get fired but I would like to think that if he himself is a "core Redskin" and loves this organization like he says he does, then maybe he should give this team a chance and let someone else take over. He will probably make a great team President but as for coaching all I need to do is look at the results over 4 1/2 years and draw my own conclusion. Facts are our friends folks. It's the denial in us that doesn't like the facts. Bottom line:Gibbs II is not working.

What the writer (not my words) is trying to say here is that the team is unlikely to collapse... And once again, we are still 1 win above .500. I guess that you were not happy with the way Portis, Campbell, Thrash, McCardell performed either... That show of offense in the first 3 quarters was excellent, was it not? Receivers catching touchdowns (another first, but hey... I guess thats not improvement) :doh:, Portis hitting holes and accelerating picking up first downs, but yet everyone fails to see that had the D stepped up in the 4th it would have been a lovely weekend in Redskin land, no? Yes there were some playcalling miscues as well, but what everyone fails to remember is that last week weren't most people calling for Campbell to be unleashed? So we finally unleash him and give him a choice to call a play on 3rd down, and now he's an idiot and other things I've heard today just because he read coverage, saw the opportunity and made his decision to hand it to the man who had been chugging out yards all day long? What else do you want? For the first time I saw real fight in the team, real trust and real effort from our offense.

But then again I guess Joe is calling the defensive schemes as well right? Yes he is the head coach and takes full responsibility for all factions, but lets lay the blame of this loss where it truly belongs... On the Defense.

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Gibbs and Saunders are terrified of trying to score 28 points or more during a game. Scoring over 30 on the Lions was an accident, not by design. And then you have teams like Dallas, Indy, and the Pats who have a real goal to score 28 or more each game. Campbell and the other play-makers on offense must feel hand-cuffed at times. I truly wonder if Gibbs realizes that the Skins will need to score at least 4 TDs to have a chance at beating Dallas. This will mean having Campbell (gasp!) throw the ball DOWN-FIELD many times!!!!

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Yes its a good point but a better point is even sparring partners for top flight boxers dont give up on being a punching bag for the Tysons and Alis of the world. You just have to know when to walk in another direction if it is not working. Yes being too proud and stubborn to quit is a great trait but not if you are hurting your organization and the results just arent there. The Game hasnt passed Joe by ,Joe has passed by the game and didnt realize it. :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: it.

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The bottom line is that it does not matter who coaches this team and what players are on the field. If we do not go out and get a Real GM this team has no future. We all know this to be true why is it Dan Snyder can not see it. I hope he's not looking at the cowboys as a role Model and Jerry Jones being their GM. Because Jerry must have a great support staff or they just got lucky as hell. Dan YOU MUST hire a GM. Then things will begin to turn around. :2cents:

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Ok, specific examples that WERE Joe Gibbs decisions from the last game (since you asked):

1) After the Mike Sellers "attempted leap to glory" that left us at 4th and 1 on the Philly 5 Gibbs has admitted he was concerned that the spot may have been bad and he considered challenging. What he DID do is just stand there and ended up wasting a timeout.....to kick a field goal on 4th down. He has actually asked "what would you do"...well, here are the options....

a) If you really think the spot is bad, throw the challenge flag. In the end, if your challenge fails, it costs you a timeout, WHICH YOU BURNED ANYWAY.

B) Take the delay of game penalty once you have screwed the pooch on the time management. The difference is a 23 yard field goal or a 28 yard field goal. In multiple (MULTIPLE) game winning situations (Jets, Dolphins, etc) you have sent Suisham out from 40+ in questionable situations because you had faith in him. Hopefully that means he can also make 28 yarder.

c) If you have now burned a timeout at the 5, lineup and run a play.

d) The WORST thing you can do is dick around getting your field goal team on the field so that you have to call a timeout just to kick a field goal...its AWFUL time management.

(For the record, these thoughts, although mine as well, are not also my own, they also happen to belong to John Riggins, several ESPN analysts, several members of the Washington sports media, and, if he were available to be asked, God himself....)

Example 2:

After missing the first extra point, just kick the second extra point...it is IDIOTIC to go for 2, in the second quarter.....

Why you say?

well, it would have been 16-7 (up by 2 scores) instead of 15-7 (up by 1 score) when Suisham later kicked his field goal...and for all you know that may have very well changed the complexion of the game...

(See above disclaimer relating to original thoughts.....)

Those are just 2 examples from this past game...

We can get into wasted timeouts, errant spikes from the Giants game, clock management that makes High School football coaches cringe, if you really want....

As I said in the other post, I love Joe Gibbs, but it is time for him to move up to the team presidency at the end of the season, hire a general manager, and allow that general manager to hire a coach, and then build the team....:2cents:

Now, on a completely different note, slobberknocker, what I do resent is your willingness to question the loyalty and the intelligence of people who do not blindly agree with you or buy into what has occurred in Gibbs II. We are all fans here, diehard true, or we wouldn't spend our time (when we could be doing something else) on an internet message board devoted to our beloved team. It is insulting for you to imply that simply because someone has a differing opinion than you do that they are less of a fan. We all want this team to win, want it so much it hurts us. We may disagree with how it is going to happen....but don't question my (or any other Redskins fan's) loyalty to team anymore please

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