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This statement says it all...


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Now, on a completely different note, slobberknocker, what I do resent is your willingness to question the loyalty and the intelligence of people who do not blindly agree with you or buy into what has occurred in Gibbs II. We are all fans here, diehard true, or we wouldn't spend our time (when we could be doing something else) on an internet message board devoted to our beloved team. It is insulting for you to imply that simply because someone has a differing opinion than you do that they are less of a fan. We all want this team to win, want it so much it hurts us. We may disagree with how it is going to happen....but don't question my (or any other Redskins fan's) loyalty to team anymore please

Where did I question anyone's loyalty? When did I ever state that a person wasn't a fan? I've just searched through everything I've posted, and I'm confused where I did anything of the sort you have mentioned in above said quote... :no:

And by the way, that's "my opinion"... Now am I less of a fan? ;)

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as one example:

He has what alot of everyone here should have for this team... HEART, PRIDE, SOUL and DEDICATION (emphasis added)

Implying that people do not have what you describe above....

If I have implied something not intended from your tone, I certainly apologize....I don't think I have, but then again my impression is that we are all supposed to be friends.....so I am satisfied if you want to chalk it up to my misunderstanding and continue the discussion as friends

To get back on point, however, your NASCAR analogy is invalid...

To carry your analogy forward, Gibbs has never been a NASCAR crew chief...which is the role which is comprable to an NFL head coach...what he HAS been is the person in charge of bringing in the people that successfully create the organization....which is what I would like to see him do here...step down as head coach (at the end of the season, the firegibbs people are idiots) and become team president....then he can go out and hire a general manager, and run the Redskins in a manner that is similar to how he built JGR....(although hopefully minus personalities like Stewart and Busch)

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