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Quit Fooling Yourselves


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This team is trying to snow us again and quite frankly I am not getting sucked in again this year. First of all, our defense got thoroughly exposed up in New England. Bill Belichik ate Greg Williams' lunch dominating this so called great defense of ours. The lowly Jets rolled up 334 yards of total offense and quite frankly we only won that game because we finally got some production from CP and it was about time since he hadn't had a 100 yard game in his last 12 outings...give me a break. About time you start earning that money CP!!

As for yesterday, McNabb/Westbrook had their way with us. Despite their 3-5 record, they have dominated us and the division for the last five years so they still have a nucleus of guys that still know what to do to win games. Good teams do that and then there are bad teams that do all the things that bad teams do to lose games and that is the Redskins.

This defense has been shelled three weeks in a row and there is nothing championship about it. Daryl Johnston was giving all of these props to Gibbs during the broadcast for "opening up the Offense"...why? Gibbs was just starting to do what the rest of the NFL does after 4 1/2 years? Please.

We have no chance in Dallas this week, and I know the diehards will get their panties in a wad over that remark, but at this point I really don't care much. I am a fan of 26 years so I have stuck with this team, so for those of you who know nothing about Redskins football other than being a fan when Gibbs came back and only knowing the "glory years" ala NFL Films, keep your comments to yourself. Snyder continues to allow this joke of a system to continue. Insanity=doing the same things over and over(no GM, over paying for bust free agents, over paying for coaches whose Ego is bigger than life itself, sorry ass game plans, etc. etc.) and expecting different results.....2004:6-10.....2005:10-6(no super bowl appearance)...2006:5-11....2007:5-4......26-31 overall and 5 games under .500 with a payroll to the moon.........yeah, I will be cheering. I have to. I have 26 years vested in this team. However, Joe, Al, Danny, Gregg, and Buges.....you won't snow me again. I have seen this number before....for 4 and a half years now....and counting.

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Another week, another sob story. If you are really a 26 year fan, then you should be able to take this kind of thing in stride.

so for those of you who know nothing about Redskins football other than being a fan when Gibbs came back and only knowing the "glory years" ala NFL Films, keep your comments to yourself.

That's not going to happen and why should it?

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My sentiments exactly. We just showed that we are not a contender even in our own division this year. I've finally had it with Gibbs and Williams...EVERYONE knew it was coming...there is no way we can win playing crappy 4th quarter 'beat the clock' games like that 3 times in a row. Stupidity and Gutlessness are now what defines the highest paid coaching staff in the league. Mark my words, IF we make the playoffs we will not win.

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damn good post ... totally agree with everything you said. This coaching staff is a JOKE!!! Half the players on the team are a JOKE!! and Snyder and his hooligans are a bunch of JOKES!!!!!!! I'll be root and hollering for the Skins up in Dallas, but its gonna be a blowout. 34-10 type game.

I cannot WAIT until we get a new coach, i really hope its next season. And i dont want Cower, we need blood, we need Russ Grimm!!!!

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damn good post ... totally agree with everything you said. This coaching staff is a JOKE!!! Half the players on the team are a JOKE!! and Snyder and his hooligans are a bunch of JOKES!!!!!!! I'll be root and hollering for the Skins up in Dallas, but its gonna be a blowout. 34-10 type game.

I cannot WAIT until we get a new coach, i really hope its next season. And i dont want Cower, we need blood, we need Russ Grimm!!!!

So what you are saying is that after almost 10 years of outspending everyone else in the league, they need to replace the coaching staff, half the players, and the ownership group.

Man, we've got a long ways to go! :)

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Another week, another sob story. If you are really a 26 year fan, then you should be able to take this kind of thing in stride.

That's not going to happen and why should it?

I do take it in stride. Here is the sad part....with the quality of product that this organization puts out not only on the field, but in critical front office positions, that is exactly what they are saying to the fans...year in and year out.

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i dont give a crap if youre a fan of 26 years.. U got to watch the glory years.. Whoopie. Want a cookie.

I started watching after norv got hired and i am still watching. You are spoiled for 12-13 great years.. Every franchise has bad years. Suck it up

You're not suppose to have 15 years of losing now, not with parity and a salary cap.

Hell the Jaguars and Panthers have had more success than we have in their first 10 years of playing.

Maybe back in the 70s and 80s teams that were bad stayed bad and it was expected, but not anymore.

Too many teams have gone from 3-13 to division winners in one year, too many teams have come out of no where to win super bowls.

The best record we've had in the past 15 years is 10-6, that is a pathetic, its beyond pathetic, its disgusting.

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i dont give a crap if youre a fan of 26 years.. U got to watch the glory years.. Whoopie. Want a cookie.

I started watching after norv got hired and i am still watching. You are spoiled for 12-13 great years.. Every franchise has bad years. Suck it up

Tis better never to have witnessed great coaching...than to witness great coaching and never having it again. You are used to mediocrity my friend...Gibbs I vs Gibbs II is night and day.

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Yes, we need to put PEOPLE on this team that CARE when we lose. Half the players on this team are here to collect a paycheck, they dont care, at the end of the day they still get paid. Coaches are just inept. In 4 years they havent figured out clock management, they have to many cooks in the kitchen, everyone gets to make a decision, thats not how to run a team. Ownership, i think we all know what needs to happen here.

Every week its the same story, we dominate most teams in the first 2 quarters, and lose the lead with 2 minutes to go and it depends on the last play of the game to see whos going to win.

We know management isnt going to change. So lets get some firey emotionfilled coaches who WANT TO WIN!!! and who KNOW HOW TO WIN!!!! I think if we bring in Cower, its going to be the same crap. He is going to collect is 7M a year and bam, same old mediocre pathetic team.

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Guest sith lord
Somehow I see the REdskins putting up one heck of a fight this SUNDAY in D TOWN.

They might. But they'll probably blow it in the final 3 minutes.

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You're right. You must be a better fan then everyone younger than you simply because you've been a fan longer!

Glad you cleared that up for us.

Not saying I'm better...not saying that all. I'm just putting my boundaries up for fans who don't know any better because they haven't been around as long....Gibbs I was totally dominant and took no prisoners. If you don't agree with me than read Boswell today...he will put a nice little bow on things for you as to what I am talking about and what a bunch of Redskins fans on this board are feeling today.

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Find a new team. Gibbs is more redskin than all of you. How do you outcoach injury? (o I forgot that injury is not an excuse....except for 31 other teams).

Why not channel your anger into what our team really needs.....right side Offensive Linemen and Impact D Linemen.? Why not ask who blew their coverage (hint right side of line) down at the 1-2 yd line. Who let the sacks come in at the end of the game?

Sometimes its tough to be a fan. Sometimes you got to suck it up. Losing like we did last week and going into Cowboy land, how about some support? How about cheering for someone when all seems lost. That is what fans do. They do not ask what they get out of the deal. Fans give selflessly, thats what makes a fan.

Or are the redskins not worth your support in a trying time?

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This team is trying to snow us again and quite frankly I am not getting sucked in again this year. First of all, our defense got thoroughly exposed up in New England. Bill Belichik ate Greg Williams' lunch dominating this so called great defense of ours. The lowly Jets rolled up 334 yards of total offense and quite frankly we only won that game because we finally got some production from CP and it was about time since he hadn't had a 100 yard game in his last 12 outings...give me a break. About time you start earning that money CP!!

As for yesterday, McNabb/Westbrook had their way with us. Despite their 3-5 record, they have dominated us and the division for the last five years so they still have a nucleus of guys that still know what to do to win games. Good teams do that and then there are bad teams that do all the things that bad teams do to lose games and that is the Redskins.

This defense has been shelled three weeks in a row and there is nothing championship about it. Daryl Johnston was giving all of these props to Gibbs during the broadcast for "opening up the Offense"...why? Gibbs was just starting to do what the rest of the NFL does after 4 1/2 years? Please.

We have no chance in Dallas this week, and I know the diehards will get their panties in a wad over that remark, but at this point I really don't care much. I am a fan of 26 years so I have stuck with this team, so for those of you who know nothing about Redskins football other than being a fan when Gibbs came back and only knowing the "glory years" ala NFL Films, keep your comments to yourself. Snyder continues to allow this joke of a system to continue. Insanity=doing the same things over and over(no GM, over paying for bust free agents, over paying for coaches whose Ego is bigger than life itself, sorry ass game plans, etc. etc.) and expecting different results.....2004:6-10.....2005:10-6(no super bowl appearance)...2006:5-11....2007:5-4......26-31 overall and 5 games under .500 with a payroll to the moon.........yeah, I will be cheering. I have to. I have 26 years vested in this team. However, Joe, Al, Danny, Gregg, and Buges.....you won't snow me again. I have seen this number before....for 4 and a half years now....and counting.

I just want to know what specific actions you will take to avoid being 'snowed'. I have also felt quite 'snowed over' by this team for the past 15 yrs. and would love to figure out how to keep it from happening anymore.

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Not saying I'm better...not saying that all. I'm just putting my boundaries up for fans who don't know any better because they haven't been around as long....Gibbs I was totally dominant and took no prisoners. If you don't agree with me than read Boswell today...he will put a nice little bow on things for you as to what I am talking about and what a bunch of Redskins fans on this board are feeling today.

Gibbs I was not so dominant. He won 3 super bowls in 11 years. That's roughly 1 every 4, not often enough to be considered a dynasty, split by a couple Giants SBs and capped by a few Dallas SBs. OUR OWN DIVISION was more dominant than us in that era. Gibbs I was great, don't get me wrong, but time has caused us to elevate it to something mythological when it wasn't.

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Guest sith lord
Find a new team. Gibbs is more redskin than all of you. How do you outcoach injury? (o I forgot that injury is not an excuse....except for 31 other teams).

Why not channel your anger into what our team really needs.....right side Offensive Linemen and Impact D Linemen.? Why not ask who blew their coverage (hint right side of line) down at the 1-2 yd line. Who let the sacks come in at the end of the game?

Sometimes its tough to be a fan. Sometimes you got to suck it up. Losing like we did last week and going into Cowboy land, how about some support? How about cheering for someone when all seems lost. That is what fans do. They do not ask what they get out of the deal. Fans give selflessly, thats what makes a fan.

Or are the redskins not worth your support in a trying time?

Oh please. This team has been stinking out loud for a long time now. When does it end? Also, injuries didn't cost us this game, Gibbs did. He must resign after the season. No if, ands or buts. He'll always be a HOF coach, but the game HAS passed him by.

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Find a new team. Gibbs is more redskin than all of you. How do you outcoach injury? (o I forgot that injury is not an excuse....except for 31 other teams).

Why not channel your anger into what our team really needs.....right side Offensive Linemen and Impact D Linemen.? Why not ask who blew their coverage (hint right side of line) down at the 1-2 yd line. Who let the sacks come in at the end of the game?

Sometimes its tough to be a fan. Sometimes you got to suck it up. Losing like we did last week and going into Cowboy land, how about some support? How about cheering for someone when all seems lost. That is what fans do. They do not ask what they get out of the deal. Fans give selflessly, thats what makes a fan.

Or are the redskins not worth your support in a trying time?

Although you are slightly correct that we have a ton of injuries, it is GIBBS and his crew that traded away ALL of our draft pics for busts, and bums. This team always continues to stock up on players that are on the verge of being cut or bums, and we trade the whole world for them. I dont need to mention that we traded pics for brunell, llyod, duckett, portis, etc. If we had those draft pics which were MOSTLY 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rounders we could have some damn good depth on this team to overcome injuries.

Yea sometimes its tough being a fan, but its tougher being a fan for a team that dominates for 2 quarters of almost every game and then loses in the last 2 minutes of the game. If this team was good, we would put away the bad teams!! We just NEVER do that! We havent dont that since, well Gibbs 1.0

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