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Last letter from doomed Al Qaida chief: 'We are so desperate for your help'


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What's the matter lunatic, angry I didn't direct that post at you? I certainly could have being that you're another wingnut running around consumed by hatred for all things left of you.

You are really earning a reputation of attacking people for stating their opinions. The odd thing is that you are not even part of the thread and you jump in and start throwing insults. I'm sure I'm not the only one noticing a trend here. What about this 'good news" article has made you so angry?

P.S. Nice Post Hokie

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You are really earning a reputation of attacking people for stating their opinions. The odd thing is that you are not even part of the thread and you jump in and start throwing insults. I'm sure I'm not the only one noticing a trend here. What about this 'good news" article has made you so angry?

P.S. Nice Post Hokie

The guy curses at me and you complain about my insults in response? Can't say I'm surprised, pretending to take a fair position while obviously slanting is your schtick. Though I have to say, being told that I'm "earning a reputation" by someone who exposed their bias in just a handful of posts is funny.

If you want to know why I came into the thread why not just read my post? I was annoyed with what I consider to be a corruption of the word patriotism. It's no longer about love of country, it's used more frequently to communicate love of right wing america, not simply america.

If you disagree feel free to try something new and make an argument to the contrary.

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Al-Qaida Confirms Tunisian's Death in Iraq

Monday, October 1, 2007(10-01) 14:44 PDT CAIRO, Egypt (AP) --

An umbrella group for al-Qaida in Iraq has confirmed the death of a senior leader, a Tunisian linked to the kidnapping and killings of U.S. soldiers last year, according to a statement posted Monday. Abu Osama al-Tunisi was killed in a U.S. airstrike south of Baghdad, the U.S. Central Command reported last week. On Monday, the Islamic State of Iraq, an al-Qaida front group, called al-Tunisi a martyr. It praised him for performing jihad, or holy war, "with his tongue and teeth" and credited him with participating in the battles of Fallujah, storming the Abu Ghraib prison and creating a "triangle of death" south of Baghdad. The authenticity of the statement, posted on a militant Web site, could not be independently verified by The Associated Press.


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Everyone in the civilized world is glad when someone from Al Qaeda dies. That goes without saying. This does not justify the war or us having 160,000 troops there, or getting 4,000 plus Americans killed, over 20,000 wounded, and 1.5 trillion dollars.

I thought it was only 1.2 trillion dollars that Me and my kids will have to pay off?

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Everyone in the civilized world is glad when someone from Al Qaeda dies. That goes without saying. This does not justify the war or us having 160,000 troops there, or getting 4,000 plus Americans killed, over 20,000 wounded, and 1.5 trillion dollars.

So let me get this straight. You want to destroy Al Qaeda............without U.S. armed forces and without spending a dime? Man, you should run for president!!


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Make me sick that you guys use "patriot" when you mean good right winger. I don't doubt for a second that if there were a take over of power similar to what happened in Chile, with the goal of sweeping all the left leaning players into oblivion, that you'd be behind it 100%. If I'm wrong then it's your fault for communicating such open hostility.

I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

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I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

That's not true. AFC is a member of the armed forces and is serving his country. While I disargee with him strongly on politics he deserves all the credit and thanks for his service. He's not a chickenhawk and shouldn't be confused with one.

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Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

So once again, lemme get this straight............

We'd be more patriotic if we trashed the mission, trashed the president, trashed the troops as baby-killers, exposed covert government strategies in fighting this war on the front pages, and in general, obstruct the troops and Commander-in-Chief at every turn for political gain??

Ahh, I see, the LIBERALS sitting at home talking smack about Americans who support the war/troops/mission are the "real patriots."


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I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

THe same can be said of sniveling, whining leftist hippies, who can't even rejoice that an enemy of the country has gone to see allah because of the "Every man's death diminishes me" crap. These are the same losers who have never lifted one finger to serve their country in any capacity, who certainly would never, ever lower themselves to the level of enlisted "surf", and yet seem ot have the biggest mouths about the war.

Gee, I wonder why it is that you never hardly hear any whining about the war from those that are getting shot at and who are farthest from their loved ones?

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I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

Actually theres alot of Republicans/Conservatives on this board that are veterans. But you got it

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I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

first of all, there are plenty of great posters on here from both sides of the aisle that post while on duty. don't be so quick to judge based on nothing. there are others in the reserves or who are retired.

now i do not really support the war nowadays, nor do i really constitute a base-thinking republican type, but the term pube really offends me. practice a little PC and lay off the term, neo-cons suck, but when you refer to republicans in general by 'pube' you are lumping me, a constitutionalist paleo-conservative, in with the likes of anne coulter and rush 'idiot' limbaugh under one offensive term. I do not like that at all. I am trying to help fight to return sense and responsibility to my party and we arent all nuts thank you.

oh and for even further arguments sake, I am 17, unwilling to enlist and am probably going to go to VMI (virginia military institute), comission as a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. and pay my country back for the freedom I enjoy, even if i have to serve a numnut cause or a numnut president because you never know when we may have to fight a real war. after that i plan to persue a career in the FBI or politics to help clean up washington.

I am a republican, not a pube

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I wouldn't worry too much about the pubes especially here...

Real patriots do something and all of these keyboard republ-cants are obviously still here while the war on terror goes on 3000 miles away. It would be different if they were dodging bullets while posting but they are sitting in their nice homes talking smack about liberals (while the war they support goes on).

These so called patriots supported this war right up to the second that Bush asked them or their kids to fight in it. They think they are doing their part by criticizing liberals everyday when they are only revealing themselves as the stay-at-home patriots they really are.

Just as it's easy to type on a keyboard how cowardly everyone else is. You want change, but do you really think a different brand of rhetoric and insults on a message board will bring it about?

Reality= we're in a war, and our soldiers are in harm's way.

fantasy= please bring them home, and I'll kick and scream until they are.

Reality- they're still there, and none of your kicking and screaming will change that.

If we must fight, it's best to fight to win.

Case in point. People have been crying for the fantasy for the entire duration of the war so far, and it hasn't changed any of the reality of troops in a foreign land facing an enemy. They're still there. And there have been billions of knock down drag out message board fights between the lefties and the righties since it began. And what has it changed?

What has all of your smug "If you don't fight you're a coward" BS changed?

A great many of us here have served. Another great many of us have children too young to serve, and want this war to be over before they may have to fight. Some of us here have close relatives serving in the war right now, and some of our friends from this very board are not here right now because they have gone off to serve.

No one actually wants war unless they're a complete idiot.

There are some hawks here who support the war because their party tells them too, True. There are some doves here who wouldn't even think of supporting it because their party tells them to. And there's those who support it because they believe that the world is too small to allow for islamic extremism to grow. There are those who insist Islamic extremism is not a threat.

And then there's those of us who realize that none of what we say matters, and at the end of the day our troops are STILL there and STILL fighting. And we support them for doing it. We support their efforts to kill and destroy the enemy so they can finish their mission and come the **** home.

THose guys don't care what we say here. They don't give a damn about all the idiotic bickering back and forth.

the right and wrong of the war, it's just esoteric BS at this point. Nothing but words. The reality is bullets are flying and bombs are exploding. History can't be changed, and the future is not OURS (meaning you and me and everyone on this board) to shape.

Fantasy- thinking that winning the war of words on a message board will change anything.

Reality - we seem to be taking out AQ in Iraq's chain of command. In terms of actually winning and ending the war, this is a positive step.

Can't we ever just realize that aspect?


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So once again, lemme get this straight............

We'd be more patriotic if we trashed the mission, trashed the president, trashed the troops as baby-killers, exposed covert government strategies in fighting this war on the front pages, and in general, obstruct the troops and Commander-in-Chief at every turn for political gain??

Ahh, I see, the LIBERALS sitting at home talking smack about Americans who support the war/troops/mission are the "real patriots."


You'd be more patriotic is you actually were patriots instead of well practiced republican loyalists. You see when this war began the whole country was behind it. People started to see problems though... republicans didn't want to send enough troops. This was keeping in line with their "win on the cheap" mentality they used to sell the war early on.

Democrats like Biden called them on it in 2005.

Sen. Joseph Biden Jr., appearing on ABC's "Good Morning America," disputed Bush's notion that sufficient troops are in place.

"I'm going to send him the phone numbers of the very generals and flag officers that I met on Memorial Day when I was in Iraq," the Delaware Democrat said. "There's not enough force on the ground now to mount a real counterinsurgency."

Biden argued, "The course that we are on now is not a course of success. He (Bush) has to get more folks involved. He has to stand up that army more quickly."


Where were you patriots then supporting the call for more troops? You were silent. You instead chose to support the party line and now even when faced with the truth that the party you regard as traitors was RIGHT you refuse to give credit where it's due.

Even though Bush and Rumsfeld were going on TV and telling us the Generals were getting everything they wanted, we know now this wasn't the case. This by the way also means they lied to the American people. They wanted this war won on the cheap.

In fact to those of us with a working memory the current state of things is somewhat ironic. Now the GOP wants more troops on the ground, they call it a surge. Now the GOP wants body armor and amored vehicles, back in 2005 it was an issue democrats were all up in arms about.

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US, Iraqi Civilian Deaths Fall Sharply


Oct 1, 10:20 AM (ET)By STEVEN R. HURST BAGHDAD (AP) - Deaths among American forces and Iraqi civilians fell dramatically last month to their lowest levels in more than a year, according to figures compiled by the U.S. military, the Iraqi government and The Associated Press. The decline signaled a U.S. success in bringing down violence in Baghdad and surrounding regions since Washington completed its infusion of 30,000 more troops on June 15. A total of 64 American forces died in September - the lowest monthly toll since July 2006. The decline in Iraqi civilian deaths was even more dramatic, falling from 1,975 in August to 922 last month, a decline of 53.3 percent. The breakdown in September was 844 civilians and 78 police and Iraqi soldiers, according to Iraq's ministries of Health, Interior and Defense. In August, AP figures showed 1,809 civilians and 155 police and Iraqi soldiers were killed in sectarian violence. The civilian death toll has not been so low since June 2006, when 847 Iraqis died. "There is no silver bullet or one thing that equates as a reason to the drop in Iraqi and Coalition casualties and deaths," said Col. Steven Boylan, spokesman for U.S. commander Gen. David Petraeus. But he credited increased U.S. troop strength, saying that has allowed American forces to step up operations against al-Qaida in Iraq.

In violence Monday, a suicide car bomber detonated his explosives just outside the gates of Mosul University, killing an agriculture professor, said police spokesman Abdul Karim al-Jbouri said. Less than an hour later, police found a second bomb in an empty car nearby and safely detonated it. Over the weekend, U.S. and Iraqi forces killed more than 60 insurgent and militia fighters in intense battles, with most of the casualties believed to have been al-Qaida militants, officials said. U.S. aircraft killed more than 20 al-Qaida in Iraq fighters who opened fire on an American air patrol northwest of Baghdad, the U.S. command said Sunday. The firefight between U.S. aircraft and the insurgent fighters occurred Saturday after the aircraft observed about 25 people carrying AK-47 assault rifles - one brandishing a rocket-propelled grenade - into a palm grove, the military said. "Shortly after spotting the men, the aircraft were fired upon by the insurgent fighters," it said. The command said more than 20 of the group were killed and four vehicles were destroyed. No Iraqi civilians or U.S. soldiers were hurt. Iraq's Defense Ministry said in an e-mail Sunday that Iraqi soldiers had killed 44 "terrorists" over the past 24 hours. The operations were centered in Salahuddin and Diyala provinces and around the city of Kirkuk, where the ministry said its soldiers had killed 40 and arrested eight. It said 52 fighters were arrested altogether. The ministry did not further identify those killed, but use of the word "terrorists" normally indicates al-Qaida. The U.S. Embassy, meanwhile, joined a broad swath of Iraqi politicians - both Shiite and Sunni - in criticizing a nonbinding U.S. Senate resolution seen here as a recipe for splitting the country along sectarian and ethnic lines. The Senate resolution, adopted last week, proposed reshaping Iraq according to three sectarian or ethnic territories. It calls for a limited central government with the bulk of power going to the country's Shiite, Sunni or Kurdish regions, envisioning a power-sharing agreement similar to the one that ended the 1990s war in Bosnia. Senator Joseph Biden, a Democratic presidential candidate, was a prime sponsor. In a highly unusual, unsigned statement, the U.S. Embassy said resolution would seriously hamper Iraq's future stability: "Our goal in Iraq remains the same: a united, democratic, federal Iraq that can govern, defend, and sustain itself."

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Just like your typical leftists to blather on about how they are so tough against the terrorists- yet never want to actually fight them.

If everyone is glad when we kill Al Qaeda fighters- why shouldn't we be killing more of them then?!

Nice logic there Einstein- you admit that there IS Al Qaeda in Iraq, and that they should be killed. And that everyone in the world knows they should be killed. Yet at the same time we should retreat, stop killing Al Qaeda in Iraq, and allow a bloodbath and mass war to break out all over the Middle East. Brilliant!! :applause:

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Tribal Members Join Effort To Assist U.S., Iraqi Forces

30,000 Volunteers to Serve With Police and Military Units


By Ann Scott Tyson Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, September 30, 2007; A23

More than 30,000 tribal members in Iraq have come forward to work with U.S. and Iraqi forces over the past six months, a phenomenon that is spreading beyond Anbar province to Baghdad and other regions of the country, according to U.S. commanders.The Iraqi government, at the urging of U.S. authorities, this month ordered Iraqi army and police units to integrate the volunteers into their operations. "That is huge. This gives them the approval that we are looking for," said Brig. Gen. John F. Campbell, deputy commander of the U.S. military in Baghdad.However, questions remain over whether alliances with fractious tribal sheiks will hold, whether they can improve security in mixed-sectarian areas such as Diyala province and Baghdad, and whether they will promote stability and national reconciliation or spur Iraq's fragmentation by proliferating armed groups.Al-Qaeda-affiliated Sunni insurgents in Iraq have launched a campaign to assassinate tribal leaders cooperating with U.S. forces, most recently using a suicide bomber on Monday to kill sheiks and officials at a reconciliation gathering of Shiite and Sunni tribal elders in Baqubah, the capital of Diyala province.Earlier U.S. military efforts to engage Iraqi tribes have been hampered by limited knowledge of the tribal leadership, territory and degree of influence, military experts said."This is certainly something we should ride for all it's worth but recognize that, eventually, centrifugal tendencies will reassert themselves," said Army Reserve Lt. Col. Michael Eisenstadt, who has researched Iraqi tribes. "In the long run, it will be very labor-intensive to keep them together," he said, adding that the tribes could turn against U.S. forces.Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, has hailed the move by tribes to join with U.S. forces to protect their neighborhoods. He acknowledged that the tribal "awakening" that began a year ago in Anbar -- a western province that is 95 percent Sunni -- was politically driven and cannot happen everywhere but said the shift in allegiances is spreading.In Baghdad, more than 8,000 primarily Sunni tribe members have volunteered so far in districts such as Mansour and Abu Ghraib and are undergoing the vetting process to become Iraqi police, Campbell said. About 1,500 hired as police in Abu Ghraib completed training in the past two weeks, said Maj. Gen Joseph F. Fil Jr., the commander for Baghdad.South of Baghdad in central Iraq, more than 14,000 have come forward in recent months to provide local security, including about 12,000 Sunni and 2,000 Shiite residents, said Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, the U.S. commander for the area. That marks an increase over the nearly 10,000 who had volunteered as of August, Lynch said.The U.S. military effort to enlist tribes is driven in part by a need for more manpower to help secure areas cleared by U.S. and Iraqi troops so that they do not revert to insurgent or militia control. In Baghdad, where U.S. and Iraqi forces are working to disrupt or expel insurgents from 46 percent of 474 neighborhoods, Fil said he hopes grass-roots security forces will be "a catalyst" for change.Maj. Gen. Benjamin R. Mixon, the U.S. commander for northern Iraq, said the tribes offer leverage that cannot be ignored. "We don't have enough forces to secure every single little village," Mixon said in an interview. "If we can get a good majority of the sheiks to work with us . . . this shrinks the area where the enemy can operate."Yet Iraq's Shiite-led government has looked warily at the predominantly Sunni tribal forces, particularly as they emerge in mixed-sectarian areas near Baghdad. "The government has this fear that this will be an armed uprising," said Campbell, who said he spent weeks escorting the Iraqi commander for Baghdad, Lt. Gen. Aboud Qanbar, to areas where tribal forces are volunteering."Initially, he was skittish . . . but he was courageous and visionary enough to support it," Campbell said. The result was the Iraqi government order, issued the first week of September by the National Reconciliation Committee to the ministries of Defense and Interior and other entities directing commanders to work with volunteers.U.S. commanders hope that placing predominantly Sunni tribal forces on government payrolls as police or soldiers will also foster long-run reconciliation by providing Sunnis with jobs and tying them to the central government.A test will be the extent to which tribes and other volunteers can help pacify mixed-sect areas such as Diyala, where fighting escalated over the past year. Diyala, which lies between Baghdad and Iran, has about 25 major tribes, including six that are a mix of Sunni and Shiite.U.S. and Iraqi military operations have cut violence in Diyala in recent weeks, military data show. About 3,500 residents from tribes and other groups have volunteered for local security forces, and a recent agreement among 68 tribal leaders has helped quell fighting among Sunni and Shiite villages, according to Col. David W. Sutherland, a U.S. brigade commander in Diyala.

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Tribal Members Join Effort To Assist U.S., Iraqi Forces

30,000 Volunteers to Serve With Police and Military Units


By Ann Scott Tyson Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, September 30, 2007; A23

More than 30,000 tribal members in Iraq have come forward to work with U.S. and Iraqi forces over the past six months, a phenomenon that is spreading beyond Anbar province to Baghdad and other regions of the country, according to U.S. commanders.....

Careful there, Airman. If you win, you're going to piss a lot of people off.


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Don't buy into that myth, Bang. It's total bull.

I believe that for you it is bull. But for many it is the truth that they refuse to face about themselves. How else do you explain it when people climb all over themselves to post any bad news and trivialize anything good.

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