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Ron Paul raises $1,000,000 in 6 days. $5 mil in Q3


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The final tally of the 7 day challenge is $1.2M, online only donations.

This is amazing!

Cant wait to hear his Cash on Hand figures and cant wait to hear the actual second tier (yes, I said it, Ron Paul is officially Top Tier now) figures along with their drop out of the race announcements!

Who will drop out next? My bet is Brownback, Hunter and maybe Tancredo. I think the Hucks is in it til the Primaries.

Ron Paul is in it for the long haul (Hey I rhymed!)

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Ron Paul is against the merger with Canada and mexico and he is also against the Real Id Act that within the next 2-3 years is gonna trigger the RFID chip. If you are scratching your head right now ask yourself this: Will you get a chip placed in your hand that tracks everything you do, everywhere you go and everyone you are with? If you don't , you won't be able to buy or sell. Along with this the UN is looking to make it a criminal act to hire you or allow you to enter ANY federal building or travel ( EVEN in your own car ) If this sounds familiar at all, that's because it's all in YOUR Bible.

Then going against it is sacrilegious. You should volunteer to get chipped first so the end of time can come sooner. Easter bunny believers for mandatory RFID chips!

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Impressive. But I still dont think his campaign can handle something like a Clinton machine. But, we will see.

He just needs to get the Republican votes right now. If he wins on the Republican side then it will be a different game when he faces off against whoever wins the Democratic side.

I have always described myself to be leaning more toward Democrats but I really do like this Ron Paul guy.

He does have some views that might not be popular with some but I think if Ron Paul gets elected it will be restore some checks and balances to the country.

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He does have some views that might not be popular with some but I think if Ron Paul gets elected it will be restore some checks and balances to the country.

And that's what this R3/\O7ution is all about!!

If you feel everything is fine and dandy with America, fine. If you don't, give this guy a serious look and vote!

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I love Ron Paul! I was ready to give up on the Republican party for abandoning it's core beliefs of small government, less spending, etc.. but Ron Paul gave me hope that change is on the horizon. Fox news pundits such as Hannity and other Neo Con blabber mouths still refuse to take notice of the Ron Paul revolution while at the same time confessing themselves to be "Regan" Republicans. Republicans aren't satisfied with the front runners right now, (Rudy, Romney, McCain). It's only a matter of time before the main stream media is forced to recognize the revolution and jump on the bandwagon but for some reason the elites aren't letting it happen. Go Ron Go!

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I love Ron Paul! I was ready to give up on the Republican party for abandoning it's core beliefs of small government, less spending, etc.. but Ron Paul gave me hope that change is on the horizon. Fox news pundits such as Hannity and other Neo Con blabber mouths still refuse to take notice of the Ron Paul revolution while at the same time confessing themselves to be "Regan" Republicans. Republicans aren't satisfied with the front runners right now, (Rudy, Romney, McCain). It's only a matter of time before the main stream media is forced to recognize the revolution and jump on the bandwagon but for some reason the elites aren't letting it happen. Go Ron Go!

Won't happen. The media is owned by the industrial war complex. Research it yourself.

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Just curious, what will it take for you to admit that he actually does have a chance. Saying he has a chance and saying he's a lock to win are two completely different things.

How about Decisive Victories in two or three Primaries and some mainline Republican Party support (for starters)

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While I am glad to see his ideas being embraced and explored,and I wish ya'll the best :cheers: ...but I fear reality will intrude all too soon.

I understand the realities of the system and his chances (by the way his odds are now 6-1 and 4-1 to get the nod). I am inspired for a POTUS candidate for the first time in my young life and it is empowering.

Can you imagine a legitimate POTUS doing things for the good of the whole Republic? I can. I just wish people would explain what they don't like about him instead of just calling him a radical or a loon. All I know is that if the media is censoring him when they keep us blinded with Britney all day every day, he must be on to something.

I want a change so I'm doing my part to get one. It may not happen, but at least I can say I did my part.

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How about Decisive Victories in two or three Primaries and some mainline Republican Party support (for starters)
idk, id consider myself fairly mainstream republican and i support him. i used to think he was crazy before i actually looked into what he stood for:laugh:
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idk, id consider myself fairly mainstream republican and i support him. i used to think he was crazy before i actually looked into what he stood for:laugh:

Nothing personal, but I should have been more specific when talking about support from the Mainstream Republicans.... I meant the PARTY. I'm talking about the big ticket donors that are necessary to carry out a Presidential campaign, the big name groups like the NRA that are necessary to bring in the mainstream voters, the big name party officials who are necessary to bring in the donors, and things like that.

Basically, until he become mainstream enough that he has some hope of carrying the BASE of the Republican Party rather than just the fringe, I'm not going to consider him a viable candidate.

Now note, considering him a viable candidate still doesn't mean I'd vote for him. I've given up on the idea of finding a candidate I can vote for in the 2008 Presidential Election.

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Nothing personal, but I should have been more specific when talking about support from the Mainstream Republicans.... I meant the PARTY. I'm talking about the big ticket donors that are necessary to carry out a Presidential campaign, the big name groups like the NRA that are necessary to bring in the mainstream voters, the big name party officials who are necessary to bring in the donors, and things like that.

Thats exactly why we the people need to get him elected.

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