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Ron Paul raises $1,000,000 in 6 days. $5 mil in Q3


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whos to say that the same people don't give to both? Don't forget, those things you mentioned are often financed through taxes.

im not saying they don't. IMO its just a waste of money to finance someone's canidancy. They should be able to afford it themselves.

im not picking on anyone, just like all the money going to the war is a waste, there are many wastes of money, i was just pointing it out w/o starting a whole new thread rant about it.

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The Libertarian movement is not about 2008, it's about 2016/2020/2024. Liberty people are trying to capture youth (people like me) who agree with the things that they are saying.

Recently I listened to a radio show called "Free Talk Live" via podcast... and I think I'll continue listening because just about most of what they are saying resonates with me. I've also heard a few Dan Carlin's "Commen Sense" podcast, and that also resonated with me. I'd be interested in similar PodCast recommendations.

I've found that Ingraham/O'Reilly/Rush all parrot the same arguments over and over again... and I'm sure it's not that different on the left side. I think as us younger generation see how much both parties of the govt screw us (especially on SOCIAL SECURITY) we'll be more inclined to vote for Ron Paul or like-minded candidate.

Before listening to a recent FTL podcast I wasn't aware of the Automated Targeting System. Just what I want... the government keeping a massive database of my travel history, who I traveled with, where I'm sitting, if I showed up or not, what hotel I stayed in, yadda yadda. It's not hard to see the light... now I hope there is more of a movement towards libertarian ideas in our government... but I don't see Dems and Pubbies pushing as hard for the youth...

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The Libertarian movement is not about 2008, it's about 2016/2020/2024. Liberty people are trying to capture youth (people like me) who agree with the things that they are saying.

Recently I listened to a radio show called "Free Talk Live" via podcast... and I think I'll continue listening because just about most of what they are saying resonates with me. I've also heard a few Dan Carlin's "Commen Sense" podcast, and that also resonated with me. I'd be interested in similar PodCast recommendations.

I've found that Ingraham/O'Reilly/Rush all parrot the same arguments over and over again... and I'm sure it's not that different on the left side. I think as us younger generation see how much both parties of the govt screw us (especially on SOCIAL SECURITY) we'll be more inclined to vote for Ron Paul or like-minded candidate.

Before listening to a recent FTL podcast I wasn't aware of the Automated Targeting System. Just what I want... the government keeping a massive database of my travel history, who I traveled with, where I'm sitting, if I showed up or not, what hotel I stayed in, yadda yadda. It's not hard to see the light... now I hope there is more of a movement towards libertarian ideas in our government... but I don't see Dems and Pubbies pushing as hard for the youth...

that goes along with the new V-CHIPS added with every new passport right? I really don't like where the government is going these days, with both parties in power, one that ignores its principles and one that preaches pure evil. its funny though that none of you will be able to figure out which party belongs to which description. wake up people they've become ONE party really and we are pandering to their game.
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Ron Paul is against the merger with Canada and mexico and he is also against the Real Id Act that within the next 2-3 years is gonna trigger the RFID chip. If you are scratching your head right now ask yourself this: Will you get a chip placed in your hand that tracks everything you do, everywhere you go and everyone you are with? If you don't , you won't be able to buy or sell. Along with this the UN is looking to make it a criminal act to hire you or allow you to enter ANY federal building or travel ( EVEN in your own car ) If this sounds familiar at all, that's because it's all in YOUR Bible.

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Ummm...Ron Paul?

I think you misunderstood my question. I apologize for not asking it clearly.

Who do you feel has any chance at all of the GOP nomination and why (specifics beyond flawed polling numbers like Gallup, et al.)

Factors to include could be real votes from real people in straw, financials, etc.

You know, actual barometers of real support.

again, I think that many of the candidates would qualify under certain metrics, Ron Paul included.

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what a waste of money. Can you imagine if the people who give money to the canidates gave it to fight real stuff like Darfur and aids in africa or even poverty in our own country how much better the world would be.

For the most part people are gonna vote republican/democrat/green party. Going to each state and saying the same things to different crowds is a waste of time and money.

He is a republican candidate so that makes sense.

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Please explain??

He said it was a waste of money, I stated Ron Paul is a Republican which is one of the parties he listed.

Translation: Ron Paul is not running in a separate independent/libertarian/whatever party, therefore it is not a waste of money according to the OP's logic.

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He passed Edwards (who was also running a similar challenge) this morning. I think he's at $830K now with over 24 hrs left. It will be a stretch to hit $1M, but this is amazing none-the-less. Recall that the original goal was blown away already. Even the hatefull media from both right and left will have to notice numbers like that from a supposed "2nd tier" candidate.

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Hurray America, you do love freedom! $1,027,680.42 at 1:21 AM Sept. 30th! I'll be damned, he did it!

edit: I dontated 10 of my hard earned dollars, which is in itself a big conrtibution for me cause i make only $130 a week

Hey, Thanks for your contribution! Don't ever belittle your efforts! It's more than money you sent. You sent a message of your desire for honest liberty that old media and the "annointed" cannot ignore. :cheers:

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