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New House Indecency Bill Introduced


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New House Indecency Bill Introduced

September 19, 2007

The "Protecting Children From Indecent Programming Act" has been introduced into the House of Representatives, the latest legislation aimed at fighting indecency. The bill would require the FCC to take action against a broadcaster for any single offending word or image.

The act is co-sponsored by Reps. Chip Pickering (R-MS), Jim Matheson (D-UT), Mike McIntyre (D-NC) and Joseph Pitts (R-PA). A similar bill with the same name was introduced to the Senate by Sen. John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) back in July.

"As the father of five sons, I have a vested interest in what broadcasters present over the public airwaves. We do not want our children to grow up with the mindset that certain behavior and language is ok," Pickering said in a statement. "I speak for our families in Mississippi, as well as across the country - we deserve a peace of mind when watching television with our family and expect a level of decency in our programming."

"There is no reason to allow broadcast networks a free pass as long as ‘not too much’ profanity makes it on the airwaves. We passed legislation to keep profanity from the airwaves because parents do not want their children to see any profane images or hear any indecent language. Families should have a reasonable expectation to believe television broadcast over public airwaves will not contain indecent material, not even once," added Pitts.

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This needs to be killed before it ever gets to the floor.

Why? There are some people out here who still believe there should be standards of morality and values that should be strictly enforced. If there are more of us than there are of you folks who believe that every conceivable bit of expression is protected by the First Amendment why shouldn't we be able to protect and enforce those standards?

Think about that while you're running between crowded theater's screaming "FIRE!!!"

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No, but I'd rather that than censorship. And think unintended consequences (what about if it slips out; and maybe movies couldn't be aired). Bad idea.
Unintended consequences is the only reason I would be against it.

For instance, it could be applied to religious or political programming.

As far as movies, it never stopped them before. That's what dubbing is for.

Do you think cracking down on profanity and stuff is censorship?

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Why? There are some people out here who still believe there should be standards of morality and values that should be strictly enforced. If there are more of us than there are of you folks who believe that every conceivable bit of expression is protected by the First Amendment why shouldn't we be able to protect and enforce those standards?

Think about that while you're running between crowded theater's screaming "FIRE!!!"

You can enforce the standards in your household as you see fit. When you make laws to enforce your standards on my household I have issues. :2cents:

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You can enforce the standards in your household as you see fit. When you make laws to enforce your standards on my household I have issues. :2cents:

Unfortunately that doesn't work because I'm not always on my property and I have no interest in having to deal with the garbage you allow the members of your household to get away with when we're in a public place. Until we have a solid, rigidly enforced standard on what is acceptable in PUBLIC, this doesn't work.

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Great - give the FCC more of a free hand to pick and choose what broadcasters to punish. Sheesh.

Actually I'd like to see the FCC not have any choice. Any station or broadcaster that sends inappropriate material out on the airwaves should be shut down and have their license permanently revoked. No excuses. No second chances.

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You can enforce the standards in your household as you see fit. When you make laws to enforce your standards on my household I have issues. :2cents:

Don't force your morals and beliefs on me just because you are a lazy parent. Jeeze people, take some fricken responsibililty.

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Unfortunately that doesn't work because I'm not always on my property and I have no interest in having to deal with the garbage you allow the members of your household to get away with when we're in a public place. Until we have a solid, rigidly enforced standard on what is acceptable in PUBLIC, this doesn't work.

Pretty big jump to infer that because I am not for censorship I allow things you would find offensive to go on by members of my household in private or public.

When I was in Elementary school over 30 years ago I heard the words, I was also taught not to use them. It's a parenting failure that leads to what your inferring, it's not the fault of TV content.

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I don't have a problem with cuss words, sex or violence on TV. To each their own. As long as the programming guide gives me some indication as to what the content is then I can avoid it or keep my children from it as I see fit.
Bingo. A problem w/ MSF's suggestion is who decides "inappropriate"? I find Bush's press conferences inappropriate.
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I don't have a problem with cuss words, sex or violence on TV. To each their own. As long as the programming guide gives me some indication as to what the content is then I can avoid it or keep my children from it as I see fit.
I used to think that too. But I've had too many times where I have been just flipping through channels, which I thought were clean (TNT comes to mind) and somebody drops the S word or GD and my kids are sitting there and say "what does that mean?"

Also, what if your children change the channel when you get up to go to the bathroom. Had that happen too. I was watching history channel and my kid changed the station to some movie channel that was unedited (I hate it, it comes with the expanded basic cable) and it was Commando with Arnold dropping the F bomb.

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