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Some are butt men, some are breast men, I'm a nose guy.


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I will step up and be that man


I'm right there with you brother.

I mean, I'm a "face" guy first and foremost. I don't care how smokin' the body is.... if I'm not attracted to the face I'm just not interested at all.

If the facr is attractive... then the next thing I'm look at is booty :) Boobs are probably last on my list.

I don't usually save pics on my computer... but I think the 2nd girl from the left is the complete package. She's gorgeous... just something about her. The breasts just put her over the top.

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Feet are important, too. For me when a woman takes good care of her feet, typically means she takes good care of her junk;).

What if she has a great nose, and down there looks like "sleeve of wizard"?

Yeah..I'm a leg and foot man myself.Surprised no one else has said it yet.:)

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Diehard, how do you know she has a nice backside ?

From that angle it looks average at best.

You claim to be a man that loves booty, but your pic represents something else. Especially compared to her friends.

Her chest is huge though. And she is certainly a cutie.

For me it's face, booty, and then legs.

Although bad booty, or bad face kills it. Everyone has seen an almost butterface, and although they arent hot they arent busted either. My buddy hooked up with one this weekend.

I can always buy her new frontside orbs.

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Diehard, how do you know she has a nice backside ?

From that angle it looks average at best.

Dude, I said I liked booty. I didn't say it had to be the best booty... as long as it's not horribly fat booty :)

That chick is tight :) Good tone, good everything. You don't have to actually see her butt to know it's gonna be good :)

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I'm definitely a butt man but can understand where Sunstone is coming from. A nose can definitely hurt a woman's attractiveness. As I was reading the post Terri Hatcher immediately came to mind as someone that drops down quite a bit because of her nose.

Couldn't possibly be because of her anorexic figure ?

No back, no front, no legs, nada.

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What? Are you saying you don't like the "bloodshot, I've been up all night smoking and drinking, and getting some protein" looking eyes?


When women have really clear, white eyes, it is simply more attractive. And makes their eyes more pronounced so any color can be attractive. When they have the types that you describe its certainly knocks points off.

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