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Some are butt men, some are breast men, I'm a nose guy.


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Anyone else like me out there that isn't a bood or butt guy or anything like that. It's the way they move and the expressions they make. It's the whole thing in motion. Some women just have that hard to explain spark that makes them so damn attractive!

Ghost has it right about it's about proportion but some women have the shape but lack the spark. Others aren't perfect but have that extra something.

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I'm surprised that anyone had to actually step up. I mean, damn... the total package definitely matters but this right here is the deal-breaker:


and just for a little variety...


Here's what the upper half of Keyra looks like. She is smokin.


And the BOTTOM half........



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Wait, who dat, don't just post a photo and then talk in pronouns, nelmsy.
:applause: She is soooo freakin hot!!! OMG Who is that???

Have you guys not been online in the last six months? As has been previously mentioned, Allison Stokke. That picture is fairly kind to her, she isn't as hot in some others, but she's still really attractive.

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Have you guys not been online in the last six months? As has been previously mentioned, Allison Stokke. That picture is fairly kind to her, she isn't as hot in some others, but she's still really attractive.

Honestly, man, I still think she should still be kinda off-limits. Yeah, she looks good but she got the attention while still in high school and clearly didn't want it... there are plenty of chicks out there who look just as good and actually don't mind all the stalkers.

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I was walking around Iowa's campus today (First day of school) on my way to an interview and I can't believe how much I like white girls compared to how I used to feel on the subject.

Thing is, the proportion of pretty good looking girls seemed higher today than when I would walk around U-Dub's campus on most days. Living in a college town is sweet since the amount of 'other women' (old, family-ed up, etc) is lower. When I went to a place in Seattle, could be filled with whatever. Here, there's a VERY strong chance youthier women are out and about.

What I will say, to continue on the subject is that I notice there are a number of very nice looking women who have 'dead eyes.' I have as much confidence that they will steal my soul and my testicles as I do that deep within they keep alive the sacred fire of love, compassion or humanity. I'm not saying all are actually psychopaths or are cold but some women lack the warmth in their eyes and I kind of lose interest in anything significant with them (note: I didn't say their eyes turned me gay, so I'm still hittin, hypothetically speaking.)

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Or I fail miserably, take the ugliest girl in the club home, take her pants off, and it doesn't matter because it's like every other chick (for the most part. There are exceptions.)

Not even close, virgin boy. :silly:

Actually I'm a good christian boy so I have no idea.

I don't know how I got the information that some are tight and some loose, and how some work it and some you have to check their pulse to see if they are still alive.

Maybe I read it in the bible, under the book Songs of Solomon. :D

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Candace Kroslak.

This looks so much like an excoworker that I was very tempted to get hooked up with.

The chemistry between us was so thick, we could talk about anything and it would just flow so well.

There was just one little teeny tiny problem.........she's engaged.

But the guy is a blue collar beer drinking type of guy.

And looking at her, she is anything but a blue collar beer drinking chick.

I remember the first time I saw him, he is just a plain looking guy.She is way out of his league.

I wondered how those two hooked up until I heard he had a wild side up until recently when he got busted on drug selling charges.

One day we were talking when I grabbed her left hand and felt her fat diamond ring.

She said "It doesn't look as big as it use to."

That was her way of saying "Look, take this ring off of my finger and give it back to him, and take me."

I knew exactly what it meant, but I did nothing.

A part of me felt bad for the guy, I mean he would just die if he lost her.

She was the one that bailed him out of jail and helped him with all his bills and now he's hurt and she is taking care of everything.

Another part of me said I should have gone for it because they aren't going to make it as a couple.

Things cooled off between us after that one moment.

It all happened so fast.

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^^^^^ Simply another ES guy with no game.

GO FOR IT. The friend zone is for losers.

I agree with the second part and I can't totally disagree with the first part but I recognize that first line as having been typed to me and I kind of resented it. I'm no game-laying machine but I'm hardly incompetent. I just went through a rough patch psychologically, because while I can like a girl I generally DIDNT get too wrapped up in that initial flirtation.

Looking back at that situation (which was rendered moot by my job dislocation) my game was fine, I just doubted things for a bit then DID get a real 'hunch' that something was up. It was doomed but I could have held it together better for that inevitable unleashing of that doom. But I PUT myself in a good situation with her based on my efforts.

So, booooooooooooo! :laugh: :silly:

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