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GOP "Frontrunners" ditching CNN/YouTube debate?


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It seems that most have not agreed to participate yet. Hopefully they do. I thought the venue was better this time compared to other debates. I like the use of You Tube as a new election media option.

But Don't Ask Him on YouTube...

Four days after the Democratic debate in Charleston, S.C,. more than 400 questions directed to the GOP presidential field have been uploaded on YouTube -- targeted at Republicans scheduled to get their turn at videopopulism on Sept. 17.

But so far, only Sen. John McCain (Ariz.) and Rep. Ron Paul (Tex.) have agreed to participate in the debate, co-hosted by Republican Party of Florida in St. Petersburg.

"Aside from those two candidates, we haven't heard from anyone else," said Sam Feist of CNN, who's co-sponsoring the debate with the popular videosharing site.

Rudolph Giuliani and Mitt Romney, both with dozens of videos on their YouTube channels, have not signed up. Neither have the rest of the Republican candidates, including Rep. Tom Tancredo (Colo.), whose "Tancredo Takes" on his YouTube channel draw hundreds of views. Sources familiar with the Guiliani campaign said he's unlikely to participate. Kevin Madden, Romney's spokesman, said the former Massachusetts governor has seven debate invitations covering a span of 11 days in September.

"We haven't committed to any of them yet," Madden said.

In an interview Wednesday with the Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader, Romney said he's not a fan of the CNN/YouTube format. Referring to the video of a snowman asking the Democratic candidates about global warming, Romney quipped, "I think the presidency ought to be held at a higher level than having to answer questions from a snowman."

The Sept. 17 Republican debate was announced last Friday by YouTube, CNN and Florida Gov. Charlie Crist ® , who called Monday's Democratic showdown "the people's debate." An informal "save the date" reminder was sent about a month ago to the candidates, CNN's Feist said, and individual campaigns were called shortly after Friday's announcement. Formal invitations arrived at campaigns yesterday. YouTubers can upload videos until Sept. 16.

Erin Neaves, 25-year-old mother of three, uploaded this question: "You hear a lot about supporting the troops from the Republicans, and we're not getting any kind of support from the government ..... We are getting more than 15-month deployments. We are getting cut out of our bonuses. ..... How will you support the troops?" She's a Democract and her husband serves in the U.S. military.

John King, a paramedic student at Cincinnati State, has a direct question for Giuliani about his business, Giuliani Partners. "I'm not saying that's wrong to make money off your image, but why are you keeping it such a secret -- the clients, how much they paid you, what kind of work you did for them?" asks the 24-year-old Republican.

Patrick Ruffini, former eCampaign director at the Republican National Committee who served as online adviser to Giuliani for a few months earlier this year, said it would "very problematic" if the Republican candidates declined. "What's worse -- questions from the public, many of whom are supporters, or questions from the media, who many Republicans believed are biased? This is YouTube. That's not something they'd want to snub," Ruffini said.

So far YouTube, CNN and Florida's Republican Party are staying optimistic.

"We're very hopeful that all the campaigns will get on board," said Steve Grove, head of news and politics at YouTube.

Added state Republican spokeswoman Erin VanSickle: "It's an important debate in an important battleground state that just moved its primary to Jan. 29th. In other words, we have every confidence that they will attend. They can't afford not to."

--Jose Antonio Vargas


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I didn't see the Democrat one when it happened, but from what I've seen, read and heard after the fact, I'm surprised that there are even TWO Republican candidates out there who have agreed to this farce. Over 400 videos with questions submitted so far. I'd bet less than 25 of them have any business even being considered for the debate. Then again I don't expect a debate to include people in wrestling masks, animated cartoon characters, or voiceovers to cute animal videos. I'd suggest all of that crap should just be thrown out from the start. The idea is sound until you start allowing that garbage to trivialize the importance of the debate. Just my thoughts from the edge of the Abyss.

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The youtube questions are much harder to dodge then the crap softballs you get from journalists that have no interest in burning bridges with a person that could very well be the next President. I was even thinking of submitting a few targetted ones for the good ol' party.

The last debate was the best format I've seen thus far, maybe best ever. It was the first debate that wasn't boring as hell.

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The youtube questions are much harder to dodge then the crap softballs you get from journalists that have no interest in burning bridges with a person that could very well be the next President. I was even thinking of submitting a few targetted ones for the good ol' party.

The last debate was the best format I've seen thus far, maybe best ever. It was the first debate that wasn't boring as hell.

Debates are supposed to be INFORMATIVE, not FUN Destino. I'm sorry but I just have a very difficult time taking a debate seriously when the questions are coming from snowmen, claymation models, and voiceovered animals.

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Is Mass Skins Fan a football fan or just someone who uses the boards to express his political views? The only time I see him post are about some sort of political or social issue.


During the offseason I spend very little time over in the Stadium. Even during the season I'm not over there anywhere near as much as I am in the Tailgate. Considering that my views on the Redskins, the NFL and sports in general are probably even more outside the box than my political and social views, I think you should be very happy about that...

For example, I've suggested Joe Gibbs should have been fired after each of the last two seasons. I've suggested that Jason Campbell is already a bust in my mind and that Clinton Portis is not the sort of back I prefer. I actively root AGAINST certain players on our roster and think the NFL is a socialist organization. I HATE the current CBA and think the salary cap is one of the worst things any sport has ever come up with.... Still sure you want to see more of me in the Stadium?

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Debates are supposed to be INFORMATIVE, not FUN Destino. I'm sorry but I just have a very difficult time taking a debate seriously when the questions are coming from snowmen, claymation models, and voiceovered animals.

It's not informative if it's not interesting Mass. The standard debate is some puss newguy asking questions that none of the candidates really answer. That's not informative, it doesn't show off the personality of the people involved, and it doesn't keep the interest of voters. The youtube style saw harder to dodge questions that were targetted and more specific then the usual, it also gave the cadidates a chance to act like people and flash their personality.

BTW - talking snowman? Why not point at a bald women suffering from cancer asking about healthcare, or a disabled man asking about stem cells? Everyone points out the few bad examples and ignores the far more powerful questions delivered by those with a real interest in the answer.

That's why the GOP is running from the format. Not so easy to say "hell no I'm not giving people healthcare!" when the person on screen is a dying american.

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It's not informative if it's not interesting Mass. The standard debate is some puss newguy asking questions that none of the candidates really answer. That's not informative, it doesn't show off the personality of the people involved, and it doesn't keep the interest of voters. The youtube style saw harder to dodge questions that were targetted and more specific then the usual, it also gave the cadidates a chance to act like people and flash their personality.

If you say so. I don't generally watch or listen to the debates because I don't find them useful. I can get pretty much everything I need to know about a candidate from a picture, their website, and their voting record. Accodingly, there's not a single Presidential candidate out there right now that I could vote for on either side of the aisle. If people are voting on a candidate's personality, I think maybe we've got even bigger issues than I thought.

BTW - talking snowman? Why not point at a bald women suffering from cancer asking about healthcare, or a disabled man asking about stem cells? Everyone points out the few bad examples and ignores the far more powerful questions delivered by those with a real interest in the answer.

How about because, as I said earlier I didn't see the debate and the videos that have gotten the most play afterwards are the absolutely moronic ones.

That's why the GOP is running from the format. Not so easy to say "hell no I'm not giving people healthcare!" when the person on screen is a dying american.

That depends. Personally, I'd give a whole lot or respect to the candidate who can look the camera in the face and say.. "NO SOCIAL WELFARE!!" regardless of who has asked the question. Then again I'm a cold hearted SOB, so that probably has something to do with it.

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Is Mass Skins Fan a football fan or just someone who uses the boards to express his political views? The only time I see him post are about some sort of political or social issue.

I don't think I have ever posted in the Stadium.

Except once because Pittman4two made me laugh like crazy.

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Republicans do not care about the 18-24 year olds...

Why should they? Haven't you heard.... if you're not a Liberal by 20 you have no heart (and if you are you have no brain). Why in hell would the Republicans even bother to court a segment of the vote that believes the exact opposite of what any true Republican does? Just like the NAACP debate... this would be an utter waste of time.

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During the offseason I spend very little time over in the Stadium. Even during the season I'm not over there anywhere near as much as I am in the Tailgate. Considering that my views on the Redskins, the NFL and sports in general are probably even more outside the box than my political and social views, I think you should be very happy about that...

For example, I've suggested Joe Gibbs should have been fired after each of the last two seasons. I've suggested that Jason Campbell is already a bust in my mind and that Clinton Portis is not the sort of back I prefer. I actively root AGAINST certain players on our roster and think the NFL is a socialist organization. I HATE the current CBA and think the salary cap is one of the worst things any sport has ever come up with.... Still sure you want to see more of me in the Stadium?

It was just a question. Although I'm not sure how you judge a qb to be a bust after only 7 games.

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It was just a question. Although I'm not sure how you judge a qb to be a bust after only 7 games.

A wise person once told me to never ask a question I didn't want and wasn't ready to hear the answer to.

Oh, and it's not 7 games... it's two years of experience (mostly on the bench) that allows me to make that call. But that's a discussion for a different time and place.

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To me, the GOP is making a huge mistake by alienating a huge chunk of the voting public if they do this. 18-34 yr olds are going to have more of a voice and role in the 2008 race and they tend to get their information from sources other than typical "old media". The CNN/You Tube debates and the use of social networking sites will have some influence this time and it's just foolish to pretend otherwise.

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To me, the GOP is making a huge mistake by alienating a huge chunk of the voting public if they do this. 18-34 yr olds are going to have more of a voice and role in the 2008 race and they tend to get their information from sources other than typical "old media". The CNN/You Tube debates and the use of social networking sites will have some influence this time and it's just foolish to pretend otherwise.

Does the YouTube demographic really extend to 34?

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