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Riggins Predicts the Skins 2007 Season


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I haven't read everyone's response to this post but I can tell you what I've learned over the past couple of years:

1). Any team can turn things around in one year. Look at the Bears last year. The Chargers the year before. Even the Steelers won a SB with Roethlisberger as their QB and they were a wild card team. Wasn't Ben a rookie or at best in his second year?

2). Joe Gibbs is a winner and has won at everything he's done. Many people choose to discount the ability of Gibbs. He is going to be very focused this year and I expect big things. Training camp this year is going to be very detailed and focused. You watch, players are going to be quoted about how things are different this year.

3). The Skins have talent and they have very smart coaches. I don't expect them to go belly up again like they did last year. As long as they stay in it early and can gain some momentum/cohesiveness, they could be very dangerous when it comes time for the playoffs. The NFC is still expected to be fairly even when it all shakes out. Who is going to be dominant in the NFC? The Eagles with McNabb coming off a knee injury? The Saints? Didn't we beat them in New Orleans last year? The Bears with Rex Grossman? They play in a cake division and build up wins because of their easy schedule. The Seahawks? Nah, they won't be unbeatable. The NFC is wide open again and everyone knows the Skins have as much talent as any team in the NFC. It all comes down to getting on the same page as a team. That's how the Steelers stole a SB two years ago. They came together as a wild card team and ran the table. Look for the Skins team that we had two years ago only with a much better offense.

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This season should indicate how brilliant of an offensive mind Al Saunders is. If he produces 75% of the expectations the fans and the league hyped him up to be, the Redskins WILL be a 10-6 playoff team this year and may win a playoff game. We need to do two things (presumably): put up points and eat clock. These are the things that will give a (percieved) weak defense confidence to make plays that teams are not expecting them to make when preparing for the skins.

Top five? In the NFC, maybe. In the league. Probably not.

Hail to the Redskins.

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<<<the Redskins will be one of the TOP FIVE TEAMS IN THE NFL this season>>>

Wishful thinking.....that is a little much.

Do you really feel the Redskins can be in the same category as New England, Indianapolis and San Diego...??

YES!!!! If you fail one exam does that mean you will fail again (only if you don't study hard again). The Skins are back to form and will be the team to beat in the Playoffs. Keep in mind we did beat the Saint in their house last year!!! So why they can't go all the way. Why can' t people just think postivily.

I never think negative. Always smile and be happy you will actually live longer!!!!

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I can't believe this wasn't posted yet. On the John Riggins Show, Riggo said he predicts the Redskins will be one of the TOP FIVE TEAMS IN THE NFL this season.

Can't link obviously. But I'm sure someone else heard this.

He also said he believes it will be Joe Gibbs last season, and that a major part of our success will be our defense.

I believe in Riggo and also his predictions. Like myself, coach Gibbs is becoming "long in the tooth" and at this "juncture" in your life your wishes become tasks because it's often difficult to abandon "old habits".

I really hope that the team will "rally around" coach Gibbs and make him proud. He has taken on a "monumental task" and in true Gibbs style he has performed admirably.

Coach Gibbs has turned over the "reins" to his son regarding his NASCAR affilitation, however I still feel as tho this segment in his life occupies a great deal of his psyche.

I really think that coach Gibbs has tremendously helped to restore "REDSKIN PRIDE" .

I will be amongst the first to say to coach Gibbs, Thank you for all that you have given to the Redskin community and their "avid fans.

Coach, your goal and mission was to "stop a sinking ship", THANKS TO YOU ! we are afloat, alive and kicking. :)

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Once again, I can appreciate the optimism and being hyped up for your team this season, but I dont see the team in a New England / San Diego category....I mean, seriously....they have to get out of the NFC basement first....that is a FAR stretch....plus, there is NO depth on the D-line....its shaky already and if there are injuries, they're cooked....I really like Portis/Betts/Moss/Cooley....but can Campbell deliver consistently IF the line blocks? In the D-backfield, the Skins are nice....but that backfield doesnt do much if they are tackling RBs 5-6 yds down the field....its all about up front for the Skins....and again...NO WAY they are even close to San Diego, N.E. or Indy....hell, they arent even that close to the Saints and Eagles!

what has san diego won that puts them with the patriots and the colts? please inform me

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Riggo bashes the team all the time on his show so it would surprise me to hear him speak positively about them. Gibbs is his guy and all but he has bashed Gibbs, to my surprise, A LOT over the past few seasons.

Its interesting to hear Riggo say good things now. He is a former player, former player under Gibbs and now is a media member with info on the daily goings-ons...i guess he just feels good about things.

Didnt Randle El say something similar a month or so ago about how he thought this team could make the SB? I will try and find the link...

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when's the last time the san diego chargers won the super bowl/ please inform me? b/c i'm curious how you keep putting them next to the colts and patriots/?

Maybe because they had the best record in the NFL last year...we're not talking about Super Bowl winners are we? We were referring to the Top 5 in the NFL....so, how can you argue against that?

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Dear Jim Brown, Walter Payton, and Barry Sanders,

First off, stop calling me. Secondly, you can be the best running back ever when you come back and score more touchdowns in one season than LT did. Right now, you're a tie at best. Even if LT goes down with an injury and is never the same, the season he had last year will forever put him in the same category as you guys. Seriously though, stop calling.



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<<<the Redskins will be one of the TOP FIVE TEAMS IN THE NFL this season>>>

Wishful thinking.....that is a little much.

Do you really feel the Redskins can be in the same category as New England, Indianapolis and San Diego...??

San Diego??? LMAO...their ship is about to sink with Turner at the helm!!! :laugh:

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Riggins isn't the type a guy thats going to go out and say something like this unless he had a very good felling about this team. :2cents:

One thing is for sure, he won't hesitate to knock the team, the man speaks his mind, no matter who is signing his pay check.

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