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What could we get for Brunell? (merged X 2--more atlanta speculation)

Major Harris

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Can I be the first to Nominate Ham Sandwich?

Seriously though. I'd just prefer he stay. I'd rather have a QB in there as a back-up who knows the system and understand that his role is to ONLY throw the ball to Betts,Portis,Sellers or Rock. He can throw to Moss also, but only if its a WR screen.

Edit: Major. It's funny you had to qualify your question with: IF vinny was smart. We all know at this juncture he is not.

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if vinny is smart, he'd get an 8th rounder for him. or try to upgrade the scout team center.

My immediate thought was that we couldn't get jack for him. I think an 8th round pick would be about right, especially since the draft only has 7 rounds.

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as bad as brunell was last year i still think we need him. i would rather have a back up that knows the system and has experience in the nfl than someone like bramlet or palmer who hasn't played a down of nfl football yet. brunell may be getting old but if campbell went down i would much rather have him in there to help us out.

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just to clarify, i'm in no way advocating trading brunell. i think he's a good back up. but when he's mentioned as a trade option, you have to think...really?

if the falcons could coax jamaal anderson out of retirement, maybe we could get him for brunell?

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obviously losing vick will hurt, but harrington can handle the job.

it might actually be good for the falcons to have some time away from vick, they can actually see if its vick who sucks at throwing, or the receivers who suck at catching, because their receiving corp drops passes and is just weak overall, despite their 1st round picks.

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obviously losing vick will hurt, but harrington can handle the job.

it might actually be good for the falcons to have some time away from vick, they can actually see if its vick who sucks at throwing, or the receivers who suck at catching, because their receiving corp drops passes and is just weak overall, despite their 1st round picks.

what happens when :gasp: they realize it's both?

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what happens when :gasp: they realize it's both?

as much as i hate michael vicks style of playing, hes a huge threat and a great asset to that team. hes probably the most dangerous player in football (yes even more dangerous than LT) because you never know what hes gonna do. he can hand the ball off, take it deep, or run it himself. hes like an entire offense in one guy, and hes fast as lightening.

so you have to wonder, how potent could that offense be with some real receiving threats? or does vick just suck at reading/throwing and the receivers suffer due to his play?

with harrington behind center, some of those questions might be answered. and truthfully, i feel bad for harrington. he needs one more shot. he shows flashes of very good play sometimes, he just makes too many mental mistakes.

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