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Tiny dog saves baby from rattlesnake


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MASONVILLE, Colo. - Zoey is a Chihuahua, but when a rattlesnake lunged at her owners' 1-year-old grandson, she was a real bulldog.

Booker West was splashing his hands in a birdbath in his grandparents' northern Colorado back yard when the snake slithered up to the toddler, rattled and struck. Five-pound Zoey jumped in the way and took the bites.

"She got in between Booker and the snake, and that's when I heard her yipe," said Monty Long, the boy's grandfather.

The dog required treatment and for a time it appeared she might not survive. Now she prances about.

"These little bitty dogs, they just don't really get credit," Booker's grandma Denise Long told the Loveland Daily Reporter-Herald.


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Good dog. Lousy article. There seem to be some details missing. Snakes don't generally attack like they described in the article. They usually rattle as a warning if you're getting too close and strike in self-defense. They don't normally seek out large animals and bite them for no reason. Unless it thought the kid could be food, but even a 1-year old seems too big for a rattler to think it could swallow.

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More than likely what actually happened was the boy went over to the bird bath to play and the snake was already there. The dog went over with the boy where he saw the snake and began to pester it. The snake eventually had enough and struck the dog. Mom then heard the yelp, turned and saw the snake slithering away from her 1 year old and figured the dog must have jumped in front of the bite like a secret service agent jumping in front of gunfire and saved the little boys life. Suuure.

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More than likely what actually happened was the boy went over to the bird bath to play and the snake was already there. The dog went over with the boy where he saw the snake and began to pester it. The snake eventually had enough and struck the dog. Mom then heard the yelp, turned and saw the snake slithering away from her 1 year old and figured the dog must have jumped in front of the bite like a secret service agent jumping in front of gunfire and saved the little boys life. Suuure.

sounds more believable. now if this story involved a boarder collie...

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Rattlesnakes scare me to death... in general all the deadly ones do. There have been reports of more rattlesnakes in my area due to the weather, but I've yet to see one. I don't go out on many nature hikes along the hills though.

It could be they are getting more aggressive? There was a report that a man was bit by one as he slept in a park near me.... I do agree this article doesn't jive with a rattlesnake MO.

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