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Happy July 6th Birthday's.. The Few, The Proud, The Ignored.


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I just wanted to wish everyone on ES who shares this wonderful day, July 6th as the day of their birth, a very Happy Birthday!

I do know that Jumbo, ZoED (who is kicking ass to protect us), Daviddsims, as well as myself are celebrating a Birthday today. There are only a select few who get to share a great day like today, and we are very proud of this occasion as everyone usually is on their birthday. Well, except Grandpop Jumbo--You old fart! :silly: :laugh: Don't worry, the day would not have gone unnoticed for too long. :silly:

So, to my friends on ES.. :finger: Thanks for nothing! :cry:


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There are too many July 6th birthdays.

Three people in my office alone (out of 120).

Plus it's my brothers birthday.

So stop thinking you're so important. If I see a "Happy August 17th birthday" thread I'm going to hold you personally responsible.

Oh yeah, happy birthday.....

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There are too many July 6th birthdays.

Three people in my office alone (out of 120).

Plus it's my brothers birthday.

So stop thinking you're so important. If I see a "Happy August 17th birthday" thread I'm going to hold you personally responsible.

Oh yeah, happy birthday.....

Damn dude, You almost sounded like a douche. :silly:

Thanks for the well wishes though..

A very happy birthday to three of my favorite people around here. Enjoy it guys, and drink one for me! :cheers:

I will drink one for everyone on ES. So, what is that? 65k+? I better get started. :silly:

Thanks, Jason. :cheers:

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Ha! My good friends just had their baby this morning. :)

Stealing my day. :mad:


Happy Birthday!

Thank you, Can Dance. :)

I wanted to see how close to the douche line I could get.

Apparently pretty close.......

All in good fun kid, us Jersey folk have to stick together.

Haha. I have met you before--At the last ES Tailgate this year, Giants. I also know when someone is joking or atleast not entirely serious. Hence why I didn't blow up. :silly:

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I just hobbled over from my oxygen tent and saw this. Thanks PG and back atcha. Now I think of you on my birthday. Great. :rolleyes:


Later, I'm having some friends help me into my moto-rific getabout chair so I can rev down to the arts and crafts park and leer at the lady shoppers in the outdoor organic market. On a good day I can soak three bibs with "mmm...yummy mommy" drool before I'm taken away by security. :cool:

Then I'll call HH to bail me out.

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Happy Birthday now shut the **** up.:D


Eventually. :silly:

I just hobbled over from my oxygen tent and saw this. Thanks PG and back atcha. Now I think of you on my birthday. Great. :rolleyes:


Later, I'm having some friends help me into my moto-rific getabout chair so I can rev down to the arts and crafts park and leer at the lady shoppers in the outdoor organic market. On a good day I can soak three bibs with "mmm...yummy mommy" drool before I'm taken away by security. :cool:

Then I'll call HH to bail me out.


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