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Pressures QBs face in first full-time role


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By Pat Kirwan

NFL.com Senior Analyst


(July 5, 2007) -- The quarterback is the most important position in football and no one should disagree with the fact. There isn't a coach in this league who really believes a player can walk onto the field in his first year as the full-time starter and be totally prepared. There are always bumps in the road, issues that only experience can take care of and the supporting cast can damage a talented player faster than his own learning curve.

Looking strictly at the results, Rex Grossman had a good year.

Heck, Rex Grossman in his first season as a 16-game starter got his team to the Super Bowl. He threw more touchdowns than interceptions and completed 47 passes over 20 yards. Yet he hasn't been accepted or embraced by Chicago fans. This year, there could be 10 starting quarterbacks in the NFL who have never been full-time starters. But once they take the field, the honeymoon will be over. The real question is however, what's fair when it comes to evaluating a young inexperienced starting QB in his first attempt at being a 16-game starter?

Here's an example of how perception and reality can conflict, especially in a big market versus a smaller one. In their first 16-game season, Peyton Manning and younger brother Eli Manning both threw exactly the same number of passes (557) -- Peyton completed more, 336, compared to Eli's 294. But the younger Manning threw for more yards, more passes over 20 yards and had a much better touchdown to interception ratio than the elder sibling. Peyton Manning had 26 touchdowns to 28 interceptions and Eli Manning had 24 touchdowns to just 17 interceptions. Yet most Giants fans can't see a bright future for Eli. Big city fans want instant success and they define that as a Super Bowl ring. That's why some of the new 2007 starters are going to crumble under the pressure and expectations.

Will there be a Tom Brady in the group who can step on the field and produce a winning record, throw more touchdowns than interceptions, and win a Super Bowl? I doubt it. But then again my expectations for a successful first season include something more inline with the Drew Brees of 2002 when he led his team to an 8-8 record, threw 17 touchdowns to just 16 interceptions and completed 320 of 526 passes.

The great Brett Favre threw only 19 touchdowns to 24 interceptions his first year as a starter, but that small-town market gave him a chance to grow. Are Washington's Jason Campbell, Dallas' Tony Romo sits to pee, Arizona's Matt Leinart, or Denver's Jay Cutler going to get that kind of breathing room? We'll just have to wait and see.

Here's a list of potential/probable first time 16-game starters. When you think that Daunte Culpepper's first season produced 33 touchdowns/16 interceptions and a 62.7 percent completion rate and now he has very little chance of being a starter in 2007. Or Aaron Brooks with his 123 scoring passes to just 92 picks can't even find a team. and Jake Plummer being sick of playing football. You wonder how long these young signal-callers will last if they are just average in 2007.

Player Team Starts Att/Comp Percent Yards TD/INT

Jason Campbell Washington 7 110/207 53.1 1,297 10/6

Brodie Croyle Kansas City 0 3/7 42.9 23 0/2

Jay Cutler Denver 5 81/137 59.1 1,001 9/5

Tarvaris Jackson Minnesota 2 47/81 58 475 2/4

Matt Leinart Arizona 11 214/371 56.8 2,547 11/12

Matt Schaub Houston 2 84/161 52.2 1,033 6/6

Tony Romo sits to pee Dallas 10 220/337 65.3 2,903 19/13

Vince Young Tennessee 13 183/357 51.5 2,199 12/13

Brady Quinn Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0/0

Jamarcus Russell Oakland 0 0 0 0 0/0

Of course, Damon Huard may start in Kansas City, but he has never been a 16-game starter. Josh McCown has never done it before and could line up for the Raiders. And supposedly, Derek Anderson finished up the spring as the No. 1 in Cleveland and he's never been a full-time starter either. So NFL fans will be seeing something I can't remember happening before -- 30 percent of the starting quarterbacks will be as green as grass when September rolls around.

It's now time for a few projection awards.

The Rex Grossman Award for leading his team to the Super Bowl in his first 16-game season. I don't really like any of this year's candidates, but I will go with Tony Romo sits to pee. :laugh:

The Eli Manning Big City Pressure Award. This one goes to Jason Campbell, where it may be impossible for the talented young QB to meet expectations.

The Brett Favre throw more picks than touchdowns but get the fan base excited about the future award. This goes to Vince Young. Titans fans love their QB and will not turn on him.

The Kyle Boller go 9-7 in your first season and have a sense you are getting replaced soon anyway award. This goes to Brodie Croyle.

Finally, all I can say to the teams, coaches, media and fans is be happy if your young starter makes it through 16 starts. As talented as he is, Jaguars QB Byron Leftwich has never played a 16 game schedule. Be extremely pleased if your QB doesn't get sacked 76 times like David Carr did his first season. Settle for 35-40 sacks. If you are fortunate enough to have a guy who breaks even on the touchdown to interception ratio you should buy 2008 season tickets and buy the guy's jersey to wear to the games. What's an original 1995 Favre Packer jersey worth after he put up five more picks than scores. And of course, don't get ready to run the young man out of town if he looks average to you. Believe me, average is a sign of great things to come. On the other hand, if your young player happens to have a very good season, don't rush out and proclaim him a Pro Bowl QB. Just let him continue to develop.

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And of course, don't get ready to run the young man out of town if he looks average to you. Believe me, average is a sign of great things to come. On the other hand, if your young player happens to have a very good season, don't rush out and proclaim him a Pro Bowl QB. Just let him continue to develop.

ahem...COWBOYS FANS....ahem....

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ahem...COWBOYS FANS....ahem....

Carmel, NY: What up KC? Your QB metrics show that T.Romo sits to pee was very good in his decision making...Do you see this trend continuing and possibly moving upward with a year under his belt?

sn2.gif KC Joyner: (4:14 PM ET ) BJ, Romo sits to pee had pretty much phenomenal numbers across the board. I don't know if I expect an upward trend because they were so good, but even with a 10-20% dropoff in his metrics, Romo sits to pee would still be a top 10 quarterback.

Even if he slides like you all "hope" he does, he will still be good enough!

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Will be interesting to see, but I don't think he's nearly as good as everyone says...

did you have to waste 10 seconds to type that in response, we know...We know!!!!

:doh: you think anyone with a star on their helmet sux and is over rated.......i mean really, did you think that some of us here thought that somehow you of all people might think that Romo sits to pee is actually a decent QB! :doh:...come on Riggo, we know you better then that..............

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did you have to waste 10 seconds to type that in response, we know...We know!!!!

:doh: you think anyone with a star on their helmet sux and is over rated.......i mean really, did you think that some of us here thought that somehow you of all people might think that Romo sits to pee is actually a decent QB! :doh:...come on Riggo, we know you better then that..............

And youre two cents here was an earth-shattering revelation wasn't it? :doh:

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no, just wasting time and having fun watching you make a fool of yourself....its very Entertaining....

tell me the one again about the four new playmakers in Washington.....thats my favorite:D

Cool - glad you need a Redskins message board to feel better about yourself.

Meanwhile I laugh at the idea you actually believe Phillips is going to have more success then Parcells...

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Cool - glad you need a Redskins message board to feel better about yourself.

Meanwhile I laugh at the idea you actually believe Phillips is going to have more success then Parcells...

I am not sure i ever did say that or if i do feel that way...The Cowboys are a good team ONLY because of Bill Parcells at this point! He made then into a competitive team and a very strong young roster...If they did luck up an win a playoff game in 07. I am going to promise to be the first here to say "thanks to Parcells the Cowboys finally won a playoff game again!" i am not a Bill basher...I know what we were after 2002 coming off of 3 straight years of 5-11. He did a great job to get us where we are today. PERIOD!

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Your a puke fan TonyRomo and you cheer a team we refer to as the pukes. What do you expect when you come to this board? Of course every puke player sucks. I always find it funny that you have to point that out to skins fans. If you feel your puke team will be great go to a puke board and stop wasting our time.

And yes, Williams can't cover.

And yes, JC is better than Romo sits to pee.

And yes, your team with a new coaching staff will struggle.

And yes, Wade is not the long term answer.

If you can't accept that contact your nearest counselor and make an appointment.

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Your a puke fan TonyRomo and you cheer a team we refer to as the pukes. What do you expect when you come to this board? Of course every puke player sucks. I always find it funny that you have to point that out to skins fans. If you feel your puke team will be great go to a puke board and stop wasting our time.

And yes, Williams can't cover.

And yes, JC is better than Romo sits to pee.

And yes, your team with a new coaching staff will struggle.

And yes, Wade is not the long term answer.

If you can't accept that contact your nearest counselor and make an appointment.

Awesome post Fred...just awesome...

:applause: :notworthy

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God, I hate redskins fans. Just hate'm... Love to hate'em though...

This is the worst time of the year. What I like to call the dead time. I don't post much during this time because the off-season has been talked about and talked about and talked about. Training camp can't get here fast enough.

However, I decided to step in and make a comment because I thought TonyRomo had forgotten his place on this site. I like reading good posts by opposing fans, even puke fans, but this is still a skins board.

Both Bubba and TR sure like to stir the pot. The problem occurs when opposing fans let them get under their skin and have memory lapses as to where they are.

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Both Bubba and TR sure like to stir the pot. The problem occurs when opposing fans let them get under their skin and have memory lapses as to where they are.

Yes, it gets easy to forget where we are. I can admit to being guilty of this. You guys are experts at getting under our skin but that's your job.

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Yes, it gets easy to forget where we are. I can admit to being guilty of this. You guys are experts at getting under our skin but that's your job.

Well, I hate to tell you this, but you are a puke fan. If a cure existed I am sure we would provide it. :)

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