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Craigslist.org *Post 49 for the first working link*


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ROFL. That site is great for mindless entertainment. Read the women seeking men portion. Or if you are feeling sorry for yourself, read the men seeking women section. It can't really be THAT bad

I read one the other day (yes scanning CL for funny ads is a hobby of mine) that said "I've got a unique smile"

That's one thing I don't want a woman to have... I'd like her to have a nice smile or great smile, but not unique...

also read one that said something along the lines of "She's not too pretty in the face, but she's got a great body"

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She's a lying *****....

here's proof...

Her title:

i am seeking a partner that is passionate - 23

her first sentance:

Hello, I am a 25 year old single woman

apparantly it took her 2 years (or as little as one year and two days) for her to move from the title to the body...

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Here you go. Just gotta take her to the opra.


I'd hit that too.

Wow so that's what someone looks like .25 seconds after getting hit in the face with a brick....

Wait you mean gonorrhea isn't all the rage anymore? ****!!! :paranoid:

Still the fact that she's "over 6 foot tall" and 58 years old kinda turns me off too.

Beggars can't be choosers...

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