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Decided to buy a Macbook Pro


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I finally decided to buy a Macbook Pro. I'm getting the 15.4 inch model with a 2.4 ghz processor, 2 gigs of memory and a 160 GB hard drive.

I'm just tired of **** going wrong on my dell, my latest problem is that the damn thing wakes itself up from hibernation mode and drains my battery.

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i am going to be switching over to Macs as well next time i buy a computer.

I have a custom built pc which runs very well, but my PC laptop is just garbage, constant crashes.... several letter keys, including some vowels don't work anymore... and the battery literally lasts for like 15 minutes... but most importantly I am just getting tired of using Windows.

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CONGRATS DUDE! Getting a MBP almost made up for my stupid decision to buy an Alienware laptop last year. They are by far the best laptops I've ever had, plus since you can now load up Vista on a separate partition or via parallels, there really is no downside.

I'll never go without a Macbook Pro again.

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i am going to be switching over to Macs as well next time i buy a computer.

I have a custom built pc which runs very well, but my PC laptop is just garbage, constant crashes.... several letter keys, including some vowels don't work anymore... and the battery literally lasts for like 15 minutes... but most importantly I am just getting tired of using Windows.

Weren't you giving me a ton of **** a year ago about the superiority of PCs?

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I finally decided to buy a Macbook Pro. I'm getting the 15.4 inch model with a 2.4 ghz processor, 2 gigs of memory and a 160 GB hard drive.

I'm just tired of **** going wrong on my dell, my latest problem is that the damn thing wakes itself up from hibernation mode and drains my battery.

So how much is that going to run you?

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So how much is that going to run you?

The computer is $2500, the 3 year warranty is $250, plus I'm getting an 80 gig iPod for $150 (the computer has a $200 rebate for iPod's), plus a free printer. So its gonna cost me around $2900. I'm gonna buy it in DE so I can save the sales tax. Then in October I'm gonna buy Leopard.

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Well...I have a ?. It has nothing to do w/Macbook Pro but it is computer related and I didn't want to get flamed for starting a thread that could easily have fit into this one.

My desktop crashed last nite(so obviously I'm @ work now posting this), and I have another computer that I will be setting up tonite when I get home so that I won't lose time online(Hate when that happens:cool: ). I'm not a computer guru but I'm not totally ignorant either(at least I hope not:silly: ). I want to keep my other system in hopes that it will eventually become the back up or for others who know LESS than me to use if they come over(like neices and nephews who are really clueless b/c their parents are too cheap to invest in PC's). My dilemma is..this is an older PC. The last upgrade I did was about 7-8 years ago(I upgraded to a 30g HD..that's how long ago it's been:laugh: ). It was running XP and it's been running great but I could tell ol girl was about to go..so I copied all my pics that I didn't want to lose. Anyway..my ? is...is that system worth salvaging? I could get a 160G HD for around $90(Maxtor brand). The cosmetics on the system are pretty good...no real bumps & bruises..it's actually pretty clean. The message I woke up to was something along these lines..."Primary HD failure..please insert system disk and press enter". I don't have the system disk b/c the guy who built it for me loaded his copy of XP pro when he upgraded it for me. This guy no longer works on PC's so I'm trying to go it alone. So...any advice would be appreciated. I know there are some PC gurus among us b/c I've read plenty of the threads. Some were way over my head...but I could follow most. I'm not afraid to open the case;) and poke around if need be. I just want to know if it's worth my while to salvage. I think it is...but a friend of mine told me it would be cheaper just to invest in a new system. I don't know...but I don't think so.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

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The computer is $2500, the 3 year warranty is $250, plus I'm getting an 80 gig iPod for $150 (the computer has a $200 rebate for iPod's), plus a free printer. So its gonna cost me around $2900. I'm gonna buy it in DE so I can save the sales tax. Then in October I'm gonna buy Leopard.

I'm assuming you're in school, so you should be able to snag the Apple Educational discount (10-15%).

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The computer is $2500, the 3 year warranty is $250, plus I'm getting an 80 gig iPod for $150 (the computer has a $200 rebate for iPod's), plus a free printer. So its gonna cost me around $2900. I'm gonna buy it in DE so I can save the sales tax. Then in October I'm gonna buy Leopard.

If I get a new notebook I'm sticking to PCs. Free alternatives FTW. My bro was running OSX on his PC and it didn't make him want to switch. Mac boys what is he doing wrong? I thought whenever someone uses OSX they just get it and instantly want to switch.

That's the price with the educational discount


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That's the price with the educational discount

The "middle" Macbook Pro in the apple store seems to match the specs you gave, and that sells for $2499 without a discount, $2200-2300 with discount (varies between schools). Are you adding something to that to get to a $2499 price with discount?

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The "middle" Macbook Pro in the apple store seems to match the specs you gave, and that sells for $2499 without a discount, $2200-2300 with discount (varies between schools). Are you adding something to that to get to a $2499 price with discount?

Im upgrading the HD to 160 GB's at 7200 RPM's. Plus the $2500 I quoted was only an estimate. I'm not sure of the exact price of the computer I built.

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Im upgrading the HD to 160 GB's at 7200 RPM's. Plus the $2500 I quoted was only an estimate. I'm not sure of the exact price of the computer I built.

Gotcha. It's a good laptop, and the battery should last a bit longer with the latest rev, which uses LED backlighting for the screen. You'll dig it.

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Gotcha. It's a good laptop, and the battery should last a bit longer with the latest rev, which uses LED backlighting for the screen. You'll dig it.

I hope so, a buddy of mine has one and he raves about it. He has the last gen with the 2.16 ghz and only 1 gig of memory and he says its extremely fast, so mine should be great.

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I could get a 160G HD for around $90(Maxtor brand). The cosmetics on the system are pretty good...no real bumps & bruises..it's actually pretty clean. The message I woke up to was something along these lines..."Primary HD failure..please insert system disk and press enter". I don't have the system disk b/c the guy who built it for me loaded his copy of XP pro when he upgraded it for me. This guy no longer works on PC's so I'm trying to go it alone. So...any advice would be appreciated. I know there are some PC gurus among us b/c I've read plenty of the threads. Some were way over my head...but I could follow most. I'm not afraid to open the case;) and poke around if need be. I just want to know if it's worth my while to salvage. I think it is...but a friend of mine told me it would be cheaper just to invest in a new system. I don't know...but I don't think so.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

It sounds like your only problem is that your HD finally died, which they all do after a while. I'd say replace it and hope it works. Then, when something else fails you can take the HD out and put it in your new system and have the extra storage in your new system.

Even so, this is a bit of a hassle and there's always a chance that you might run into compatibility problems with a machine that old (though I doubt it). Plus, you'll need to pay for a copy of your OS so you need to factor that into the equation.

Were I you, I'd check out the Dell outlet store and look for the best deal you can get there.

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It sounds like your only problem is that your HD finally died, which they all do after a while. I'd say replace it and hope it works. Then, when something else fails you can take the HD out and put it in your new system and have the extra storage in your new system.

Even so, this is a bit of a hassle and there's always a chance that you might run into compatibility problems with a machine that old (though I doubt it). Plus, you'll need to pay for a copy of your OS so you need to factor that into the equation.

Were I you, I'd check out the Dell outlet store and look for the best deal you can get there.

Thanks...I thought I had posted too long a post and was being ignored b/c it was too wordy. Thanks for your answers. At least I know I'm not totally computer ignorant. Thanks for the link as well. I'll check it out.

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