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Do you Blame Hip Hop?


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I see on TV all the time that Hip Hop music is blamed for a lot of everyday problems and I wanted to see what your take is on it?

I know that a lot of ppl blame Hip Hop for a lot of things and I wanted to see both sides of the story.

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Someone will always bring up that some type of music is responsible for some type of incident. Suicide Solution made some commit suicide. Didn't someone sue Iron Maiden for a Number Of The Beast incident?? Heavy metal was the "in thing" back then and now hip-hop & rap have replaced it as the main cause for some incidents. Who knows??? Maybe country music or jazz will be the next cause for something.

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The only thing I blame Hip-hop/Rap for is being the worst role model of any music (not saying other songs from other genres aren't worse, but in general it is the case) for children. But ultimately it is the childs decision for what they do in the end and not music.

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yea a lot of ppl try to down hip hop and say that all rappers and artist under Hip Hop are a bad influence. I dont think thats true. a lot of ppl dont realize what these artist do behind closed doors. most of them have their of charities and donations money to help. This is prob my a lot of music artist are taking all the good acting jobs because they have tricked a lot of ppl into believing everything they say in their music lol.

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I see on TV all the time that Hip Hop music is blamed for a lot of everyday problems and I wanted to see what your take is on it?

I know that a lot of ppl blame Hip Hop for a lot of things and I wanted to see both sides of the story.

Personally, I think the popularity of Hip Hop music is a symptom rather than the actual problem. The problem is a total lack of morals and values in major parts of American society. The people without the morals and values are listening to the music that talks about that lifestyle much more than the music is creating the lack of morals and values.

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I don't think hip hop has done anything wrong. Granted, a lot of themes in the songs are somewhat suggestive (i.e. drugs, murder, lack of respect for womennnnn etccc). Then again...I listen to black and death metal where they talk about stuff just as bad. However, I think that music, especially mainstream music, influences the way people function or behave. If I see a dude with a t-shirt that looks like a bed shirt and jeans hanging past his arse, I automatically assume he listens to rap/hip-hop. 99% of the time I am right. In addition to dressing in clothes for a 400lb man, these hip hoppers speak like they are illiterate and uneducated. I personally don't understand how people let the "scene" of the music influence their lives. You have all these emo kids that listen to awful "hardcore" music and they look like they want to die. I mean, some things are harmless when it comes to being influenced by the music scene of your choice but some things just make people look completely ridiculous and I wonder how they let themselves do that.

Edit: I really think if anyone is to blame it is the artists themselves because they are supposed to be role models. Music is music...its expression. Is Britney Spears supposed to be a role model for my 6 and 8 year old sisters? I hope not. I think the point here is that the people are responsible for every day problems, not the music.

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yea a lot of ppl try to down hip hop and say that all rappers and artist under Hip Hop are a bad influence. I dont think thats true. a lot of ppl dont realize what these artist do behind closed doors. most of them have their of charities and donations money to help. This is prob my a lot of music artist are taking all the good acting jobs because they have tricked a lot of ppl into believing everything they say in their music lol.

Charities and donations mean nothing as far as being an influence, as the biggest influence will be what the people see, and for most part hip-hop and rap have a negative influence. I'm not really a fan of the genre, but I tend to enjoy the uplifting and postive influenced songs more than the others.

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The form of music is not the problem it is the message being protrayed.

It all boils down to the parents. If parents allow the messages from the music to teach their child their morals... The children will act it out some worse than others.

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No music or movies causes children to do things. I listened to all the "worst" metal bands in the late 70's and 80's as a kid, and as much as many may have wished it, never killed myself or others.

If a child will follow what they hear, then they shouldn't be allowed to listen to hip hop or metal or whatever. These are the kids that use to ride the little buses when I was a kid.

As Chris Rock said in his concert Bigger and Blacker, "whatever happened to being crazy?"

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The only thing I blame Hip-hop/Rap for is being the worst role model of any music for children. But ultimately it is the childs decision for what they do in the end and not music.

Now I cant go as far as saying that they are bad role models but I respect your opinion. Now give it there are always a few bad apples and that’s a given in every type of music.

The media has always tried to bring down hip hop mainly because its “easy news” and that’s what every1 expect them to say. But what about Puff Daddy and his role in the election. JayZ with his hand in the computer industry and his brand or computer that were more affordable for less fortunate ppl. You have LL Cool who works to trying to cure aids in Africa? This is just a fragment of what’s going on. There are a lot of things that go on in the “ hip hop world” that ppl don't want to talk about because to be honest “ Good news is bad news for ratings”

What do you think?

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The problem can't be narrowed down as neatly as saying "hip hop" is to blame. However, can anyone tell me that they reason young people feel so pressured to have sex at the very start of their teens has nothing to do with pop culture? I think it's hard to keep a straight face when denying that TV, magazines, and music all focused on sex non-stop has not effect on young people.

Our society is decidedly over sexed and is drowning in violence. Hiphop is often entertaining but the lyrics are disturbing. They promote a vile culture where murder is viewed as understandable over something as pathetic as a perceived lack of respect. Women in rap music are described as absolute trash to be used for enjoyment then tossed asside.

That's just one of the sources of this crap though. Where can a kid watch a show in which marriage is shown positively these days? It's always a miserable picture that is painted while those sleeping around and living shallow lives are viewed as wonderful and successful. Where do we see the greatest message, that violence is almost never the answer, any more? On ineffective government sponsored ads...

yes old people used to complain about Elvis but lets be honest, we aren't wided eyed here over swinging hips... Just because your great grand dad had similar concerns doesn't make todays invalid.

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I dont blame hip hop. I blame the owners of these big media companies that give out big money to artists. So the artist can brianwash weak minded people into thinking violance, ice and drug dealing is the way of life. Its all a big trap to brianwash people into destroying their lives. NUFF SAID!!!!!!

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The problem can't be narrowed down as neatly as saying "hip hop" is to blame. However, can anyone tell me that they reason young people feel so pressured to have sex at the very start of their teens has nothing to do with pop culture? I think it's hard to keep a straight face when denying that TV, magazines, and music all focused on sex non-stop has not effect on young people.

Our society is decidedly over sexed and is drowning in violence. Hiphop is often entertaining but the lyrics are disturbing. They promote a vile culture where murder is viewed as understandable over something as pathetic as a perceived lack of respect. Women in rap music are described as absolute trash to be used for enjoyment then tossed asside.

That's just one of the sources of this crap though. Where can a kid watch a show in which marriage is shown positively these days? It's always a miserable picture that is painted while those sleeping around and living shallow lives are viewed as wonderful and successful. Where do we see the greatest message, that violence is almost never the answer, any more? On ineffective government sponsored ads...

yes old people used to complain about Elvis but lets be honest, we aren't wided eyed here over swinging hips... Just because your great grand dad had similar concerns doesn't make todays invalid.

Music is the direct reflection of society. The only reason people are blaming hip hop is because it is now mainstream. Back when it was just some kids on the block rapping about the same stuff no one paid it any attention. Now because it is mainstream it is the problem.

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I don't think hip hop has done anything wrong. Granted, a lot of themes in the songs are somewhat suggestive (i.e. drugs, murder, lack of respect for womennnnn etccc). Then again...I listen to black and death metal where they talk about stuff just as bad. However, I think that music, especially mainstream music, influences the way people function or behave. If I see a dude with a t-shirt that looks like a bed shirt and jeans hanging past his arse, I automatically assume he listens to rap/hip-hop. 99% of the time I am right. In addition to dressing in clothes for a 400lb man, these hip hoppers speak like they are illiterate and uneducated. I personally don't understand how people let the "scene" of the music influence their lives. You have all these emo kids that listen to awful "hardcore" music and they look like they want to die. I mean, some things are harmless when it comes to being influenced by the music scene of your choice but some things just make people look completely ridiculous and I wonder how they let themselves do that.

Edit: I really think if anyone is to blame it is the artists themselves because they are supposed to be role models. Music is music...its expression. Is Britney Spears supposed to be a role model for my 6 and 8 year old sisters? I hope not. I think the point here is that the people are responsible for every day problems, not the music.

I respect ur opinion but I really cant agree with it. I personally dont look at a person and judge them by what they have on (not saying that you do) but I do know some ppl who might do that. Baggy clothes is a trend just like those little bands that ppl used to have on their arm like 6 years ago that had different meanings. Jut think about the Rock and grunge ppl and the gothic kids. ALL of them have big clothes on. Think of the skate borders who listing to alternative music. Hip Hop did start it its just something that came about.

Now when it comes to the lyrics said in the music you got to listen to the entire song or even an entire CD all songs are not like that and a lot of times there is a msg in the song that you have to search for. I think we can all say JayZ is an intelligent man. He said in a few interviews that he needed to “dumb his lyrics up because what he was saying was 10 years ahead of time” meaning you had to listen to his music 5 or 6 times because there were so many msgs in his lyrics.

Rappers are not telling ppl to go out and kill, some1 they are talking about the struggles and what they have experience the reason ppl listen to those songs is because of the reality and the fact that they can relate to what has happened to them. It’s almost the same thing you see on the New everyday except they are telling you the entire story and with real emotions.

Now when it comes to the way some of these ppl may talk. Most of them are from the south you cant understand a lot of the things they are saying and they have to have some smarts because they are making 6 figures plus a year lol. Now, yes there are many ppl in the industry that don't have book smarts but that’s because they were brought up in poverty stricken areas so they had to use their god given talents to make ends meet.

When it comes to playing a good role model it all comes down to what’s being show on TV and really looking into what these ppl have done. TV wont show you the good things. There was a segment on VH1 july 1st about this. It might come on again today.

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Personally, I think the popularity of Hip Hop music is a symptom rather than the actual problem. The problem is a total lack of morals and values in major parts of American society. The people without the morals and values are listening to the music that talks about that lifestyle much more than the music is creating the lack of morals and values.


If people didn't buy it, they would find something to talk about that DID sell tons of records.


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Charities and donations mean nothing as far as being an influence, as the biggest influence will be what the people see, and for most part hip-hop and rap have a negative influence. I'm not really a fan of the genre, but I tend to enjoy the uplifting and postive influenced songs more than the others.

So are you saying that ppl should not do Charities and donations? Does this not influence a person when they see their favorite hip hop artist come to their school and say here is $100K to help your school get you into college or when 5 or 6 of them go to a school with 100 trees to be planted? what if they didnt do that at all?

the year Puff Daddy helped with getting kids out to Vote was one of the biggest voting outcomes what about that?

again if you listen to just about every one of their interviews when they get to speak for themself they don't say " go out and kill" the say "stop the violence, stay in school get off the streets"

I respect your opinion because you may not follow hip hop like many of us do but there is a lot more to it then what you may see on TV because what they want you to see. try looking at the networks that acualy deal with music everyday to get the truth because fox 5 wont tell you the truth but MTV, BET will.

whats the difference from a Hollywood movie and Hip hop music?

answer: The Money.

more money more problems. you see more killing violence racism on movies.

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Music is the direct reflection of society. The only reason people are blaming hip hop is because it is now mainstream. Back when it was just some kids on the block rapping about the same stuff no one paid it any attention. Now because it is mainstream it is the problem.

I'm sorry but are you telling me it's a problem that I object with rap lyrics? It's not a problem because it's mainstream, it's a problem because the message is disgusting. In fact I'd argue that you have it ass backwards. If Jesse Jackson went on stage and talked about how ho's don't matter and it's all about money, even if you have to hook your entire community on drugs to get it he'd lose his hearing from all the insults hurled in his direction.

but.. if you add a beat to it and have someone deliver the same message to music, well now suddenly it's just a reflection of society.

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Music is the direct reflection of society. The only reason people are blaming hip hop is because it is now mainstream. Back when it was just some kids on the block rapping about the same stuff no one paid it any attention. Now because it is mainstream it is the problem.

Thats was up that is one of the big reasons. More money more prob

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