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Question on girls #2

boston skins fan

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In all fairness though, you are 17 and he is 24. He should know what to do by now.

Hopefully you have already called her. But certainly you should try to hit her up a day or two before she comes back, maybe you can make some plans to hang out.

You text this girl and you are setting yourself up to fail in the long run.

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man, i always get the age shut down... i'll be eighteen in a couple weeks, does that make it better? lol a large portion of the people i hang out with are 22 or 23. i'm not a little bubble gum chewing school girl. haha, oh well. i guess i'll have to deal for a few more years. good luck on getting the girl though, dude. just be confident. honestly, that's really really important.

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I am kicking myself now. I get girls numbers at bars but never call them (its a confidence thing). I actually got one that i liked but lets say i kinda blacked out and 2 weeks later i scrolled down my phone and saw her name. Needless to say it was too late and well deleted her number. :( .

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I am kicking myself now. I get girls numbers at bars but never call them (its a confidence thing). I actually got one that i liked but lets say i kinda blacked out and 2 weeks later i scrolled down my phone and saw her name. Needless to say it was too late and well deleted her number. :( .

Why didnt you call ?

And no, it wasnt too late.

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Call her,give her something to play with on her trip.

Wow... anyone else read it like that?

BTW, I agree with the other people... Call her before the trip and ask if she wants to come over and watch you be on ES for 5 hours....

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When I was 19 ish, I as at a bar downtown one evening. I had been working with my Brother in law putting in carpet tile at the World Bank. We stopped in for a few drinks close to midnight. I'm in dirty jeans, work boots and a dirty teeshirt. This really nice looking, well dressed, gal comes and asks me to dance. We dance a few and she has to leave. While talking I find out she's a lobbyist on the hill. Did I say she was cute? So as I walk her out to her new Beemer the valet attendant pulls up, she hands me her number. I was still in college, and was way intimidated for some reason. I didn't call her. I've always reretted that. Not because I wish things would be different for me now. I would'nt go back in time and change a thing. I have a beautiful and woderful wife who is my soul mate. But because I let fear cause me to let an opportunity pass me by.

So, always call if you have any interest in the other person.

As a side note. What is it about woman that drive them to dirty construction looking guys. Several times, we were out after work and I was approached by women. That never happened when I actually cleaned up and went out. :)

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I am kicking myself now. I get girls numbers at bars but never call them (its a confidence thing). I actually got one that i liked but lets say i kinda blacked out and 2 weeks later i scrolled down my phone and saw her name. Needless to say it was too late and well deleted her number. :( .

Just have your butler or personal assistant call her.

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I feel like actual girls never post in these threads. haha, well, here goes. call her just to remind her you're there. it's true, she'll like that. but then wait a while before calling her again, or let her call you. i'm not gonna lie, i always fall harder for the guys who play hard to get. just a little insight. i don't know if it'll help, but good luck. :-)

this reminds me of a drunk conversation i had last night with my friend about his roomate who had taken this girl to dinner last night and been all pressed about calling her and was alone last night in the apartment angry he got none..my friend said something like treat them like water theyll slide right off your body treat them like mud i dont remember the rest of it i was drunk haha but you get my point

in my few time going out to adams morgan georgetown etc..(leaving the college park scene finally) haha i have def noticed that chicks are sooo gassed and you really need to act like you dont give a crap about them..about this girl though definately call but its about not sounding too pressed something quick like hey just calling to say have a good flight or something along those lines

edit: in the words of the guy from the 40 year old virgin.."stop putting the ***** on a pedestal" haha

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Find some totally obscure fact about the state of Michigan and call her and tell her about it...even use a little bit of a "dorky" approach...

She'll be impressed that you thought enough about her to find out what ever it is you found out and it'll warm her heart.

Google it.

This is what you do.

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I don't know if ya called her yet or not, but I'de let her get out there for a day or two. If she doesn't have a bunch of other friends home for vacation, she'll be bored as hell. She might be excited to talk to you. I'de wait until she goes though.

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I don't know if ya called her yet or not, but I'de let her get out there for a day or two. If she doesn't have a bunch of other friends home for vacation, she'll be bored as hell. She might be excited to talk to you. I'de wait until she goes though.

What if he has a quick conversation, something light and funny so it'll give her something to think about while on the trip. If she gets bored on the trip, she might call him back

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I'de just wait until she IS bored. It should help him get a little more time on the phone and he won't have to rush so much. If he calls her and has to have a fast rushed conversation, he runs a chance of looking like the desperate creepy type, IMO.

I like the texting idea as well. Something like "havin lots a fun with the folks?"


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