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John From Cincinnatti


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I thought last nights episode was pretty good. I think it is pretty clear now that John from Cincinnati is Jesus. Why he picked this lot as his flock will be interesting to find out. Oh by the way, what the hell else are you going to watch on Sunday's at 9 during the summer slump?

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Bumped because I followed this series all season long waiting for some explanation or even a clue as to what they were trying to do. But after watching the finale this evening I will finally admit this series SUCKED and I won't waste another second on it after this post.

Sometimes HBO really blows!!!!! I guess you gotta take the good with the bad sometimes.

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I'm giving it one more watch before I bail. I was just curious how many times they could fit in the F-bomb!! Sounded like a 8th grader wrote the script with how much profanity was in it.

Ever been to Imperial Beach? That's exactly what the people are like there.

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I have never tuned in so faithfully to a show that I hated so much. :(

Every week I look for something that will keep me interested. Every week I am disappointed. Yet I always tune in again the following week. WTF?

I can't stand the characters, the story is vague and slow-moving, the acting is sub-par, and any interest I have in where HBO is going with this is only shown to be a tease when the next week, no answers are given.

Why am I torturing myself like this?

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That finale didn't do much in the way of explaining for me. John's true nature will have to remain a mystery. He is obviously either supernatural or extraterrestrial (though how could you tell the difference :-)

I think its all supposed to be some grand allegory that the most of the "peons" won't "get"

Either that or its a bunch of nonsense with no overarching literary/philosophical/metaphysical meaning whatosoever.

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I guess I have lower expectations.

'John' is clearly a Jesus-figure. I mean, they just surfed in from Heaven man.

I think the show is very interesting, from the opening credits/music, to the end. I won't confess to know whats going on, but the show is about redemption guys. All of the characters are lost souls - every damn one of them. Each is finding redemption in some way.

I think the show has a charm some of you are missing. Its not a black and white exercise. You have to watch closely to find the meaning.

I don't know Butchie instead.

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Ha ha, it's been cancelled already.

I laughed out loud after reading this part of the obit:

"John" never clicked with viewers despite a strong marketing campaign and such well-known leads as Rebecca De Mornay and Bruce Greenwood.

Yeah, Bruce Greenwood is a real household name. Give me a freaking break!

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I guess I have lower expectations.

'John' is clearly a Jesus-figure. I mean, they just surfed in from Heaven man.

I think the show is very interesting, from the opening credits/music, to the end. I won't confess to know whats going on, but the show is about redemption guys. All of the characters are lost souls - every damn one of them. Each is finding redemption in some way.

I think the show has a charm some of you are missing. Its not a black and white exercise. You have to watch closely to find the meaning.

I don't know Butchie instead.

I agree with your assessment of the intro music. I did enjoy that tune. I think you are correct to say each character is a lost soul trying to find their way. I agree that there is a messsage that many will need to look for in these characters and their struggles.

But what infuriates me is the way HBO has been continually stringing their viewers along w/ these series. All week long the promotions for the season finale were telling us that all would be revealed. Can you honestly say they answered the questions that were raised all season long?

You can draw a conclusion that he is Jesus like character, but there is lil evidence to support it. He was vague and aloof. In his return Jesus will be forthcoming and specific, don't you think?

His behavior and ability lean more toward some other supernatural being, alien or ghost. He was not specific about his intentions.

When all was said and done we were left wondering what the hell was that 10 hours of nonsense all about. For once, I would like to see one of these series give a conclusion. I am not saying I want them to dictate an easily understood stroyline, I like the idea of something different, but a season finale should give SOME conclusion.

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The wave has crashed for "John From Cincinnati."

A day after the first-season finale of "John," HBO on Monday canceled the dark surfing drama but is staying in business with the show's co-creator, David Milch.

Milch, who also created the critically praised HBO drama "Deadwood," is in a process of extending his existing development deal with the premium cable network that runs through August 2008. He already is working on several new projects.

Labeled by critics as "strange," "weird" and "unlikable," "John" never clicked with viewers despite a strong marketing campaign and such well-known leads as Rebecca De Mornay and Bruce Greenwood.

For the few devoted fans of the show, which Milch created with "surf noir" author Kem Nunn, the mysterious final line in the season finale -- John saying, "Mother of God, Cass-Kai" over a shot of Kai (Keala Kennelly) surfing -- will remain just that, a mystery.

Meanwhile, HBO is yet to make a decision on the fate of its other freshman series that debuted this summer, the comedy "Flight of the Conchords."

It's been a rough summer for HBO, while basic cable networks have launched a slew of hit new scripted series -- USA Network's "Burn Notice," Lifetime's "Army Wives" and TNT's "Saving Grace," all renewed for a second season.

HBO's upcoming series include the drama "In Treatment," the comedy "12 Miles of Bad Road" and "True Blood," the recently picked-up vampire drama by "Six Feet Under" creator Alan Ball.

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