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What would you like to see done with the Retro Jerseys


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With the 70th Anniversary Season coming to an end and the return to the Normal Red Home Jerseys with the white and gold stripes and the Indian Head on the helmet, what would you like to see be done with the Retro-Style Jersey?

Become our new uniforms with a matching white jersey to go with it.

Be used as our alternate or 3rd jersey like many NFL Clubs are doing now.


Retired and never to be worn again.

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Originally posted by Steve Y

I'd like to see a white version of the retro look. I think they have a possibility to look really good. I like the burgundy retro and I'd like to see them stick around, atleast in an alternate 3rd jersey for extra special games.

I agree with the white retro idea. They wore white retro uniforms in camp and looked pretty decent. They can add a little more and make it look really good.

Ideally, I'd like to keep the retro jerseys and pants and tweak and the old Indian head helmet to match a little a better and make these our regular uniforms.

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The retros are painful to look at. I mean freakin' hideous.

It was my understanding that because of our deal with Reebok, we have to go back to the normal unis anyway. Thank God.

In all honesty, this is a season that I'd rather forget. We need to start with a fresh slate.

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Wasn't it Lombardi who gave us the "R" on the side of the helmet that eventually led to the current design(which is yuck)? Nothing against Lombardi but that was the most pitful design in the history of design! The current "retro" should be adopted fulltime. They are the most unique uniforms in the league, design and colorwise. Now if it would gain the Redskins some continueity, both coaching and playingwise, we'd be cookin'!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Leave the Eagle fan alone, Bufford. I'd love to be were they are sitting right now. I think we're going to see a rematch of the Superbowl 15. Hopefully, history will continue to repeat itself and we'll win a Superbowl again two years later.

Lombardi did not bring us the R helmet, BTW.



On the uniforms.

Don't like the retro's too much. The helmet will always be my favorite Skins helmet but everything else is too 'busy'. I wish we'd had actually lifted the whole uniform - solid pants and jersey - so it was a real retro uniform, not a Snyder marketing opportunity.

I hope we go back to home whites, regardless of what we decide to do.

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