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Redskins Summer Plans


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I did a long thread before FA on the cap and possible moves (most of which came to pass). So I thought I would throw out what I think could happen this summer with the cap and possible moves.

Needs = Vet off Guard (maybe), DE, and now a WR.

Cap = currently 5.1 mil under and we will get a 2.2 mil cap credit on June 1st from David Pattens release for a total of 7.3 mil under the cap.

Moves that probably will happen.

-Cut/Retire Collins. - Saves 1.250 mil off the cap

-Replace him with Bramlet/Palmer/ or the UDFA, whoever is the best or shows the most promise. Time for the 3rd QB to be a development slot again.

-If we find a new DE, I can see Daniels or wynn going. More likely Daniels as wynn is more versatile and he did just redo his contract and he is in his last year. Saves 1.9 mil if Daniels goes

So we could be 10.4 mil under the cap if those two moves are made.

Now we need to

-sign Landry. Expect around a 2 mil cap hit for that.

-Resign/ extend Cooley, expect no more then 2 mil for him this year.

-Sign a DE, expect no more then 3 mil for that this year.

-Find another WR, expect no more then 2 mil for that. KJ come on down. Coach Joe he is exactly what this offense needs.

-Bramlet as my favorite to replace collins. Not sure of his cap number.

So on the high side we could resonably expect to spend 9 mil and still have a injury pool of 1.4 mil.

We could do this move also (would be a fan favorite). Thanks for the info PCinOZ.

If we make Brunell a post June 1 cut, we save just over $2.0m in 2007. He will count $3.113m in dead cap next year but considering his cap hit next year is in excess of $6.5m we would save around $3.4m in 2008.

So cutting MB would save us another 2 mil and we could sign Tim Rattay as our vet backup (hey he can still throw the ball) for about a mil. Saving another mil on the cap to give us

a injury pool of around 2 mil.

Summer is done and lets play some football.

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both Daniels and Wynn will stay, even though I would like one to go. I guess Daniels is more expendable.

Brunell stays, that part is not in question. I kinda do hope they cut Collins and keep Bramlet or Palmer.

Also, it'd be foolish to sign a DE and WR to moderate contract levels now. It'd be smarter to bring in a young big WR to groom. DE, unless the right deal/player comes along, I kinda feel we should just pass for now.

The only salary moves we should do besides signing our rookies is extending Cooley and maybe re-working Taylor. Other than that, we should not have too many moves.

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both Daniels and Wynn will stay, even though I would like one to go. I guess Daniels is more expendable.

Brunell stays, that part is not in question. I kinda do hope they cut Collins and keep Bramlet or Palmer.

Also, it'd be foolish to sign a DE and WR to moderate contract levels now. It'd be smarter to bring in a young big WR to groom. DE, unless the right deal/player comes along, I kinda feel we should just pass for now.

The only salary moves we should do besides signing our rookies is extending Cooley and maybe re-working Taylor. Other than that, we should not have too many moves.

I would be nice to see mb leave, I know it won't happen but it is possible. Just putting it out there. If we do pick up a DE someone has to leave. I think we will get someone over the course of the summer. We need another WR, I just hope we find a big possession type wr.

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-sign Landry. Expect around a 2 mil cap hit for that.

-Resign/ extend Cooley, expect no more then 2 mil for him this year.

-Sign a DE, expect no more then 3 mil for that this year.

-Find another WR, expect no more then 2 mil for that. KJ come on down. Coach Joe he is exactly what this offense needs.

-Bramlet as my favorite to replace collins. Not sure of his cap number.

If we make Brunell a post June 1 cut, we save just over $2.0m in 2007. He will count $3.113m in dead cap next year but considering his cap hit next year is in excess of $6.5m we would save around $3.4m in 2008.

So cutting MB would save us another 2 mil and we could sign Tim Rattay as our vet backup (hey he can still throw the ball) for about a mil. Saving another mil on the cap to give us

Cooley has to be priority number one...I assume that's why it's at the top of your list.

How about extending Taylor as priority number 2?

As for cutting Brunell...bad idea...Saunders' system is complicated and Tim Rattay will not be a viable backup if JC goes down because he will have absolutely no grasp on the system at any point through the season.

Brunell is done as a starter yes but his experience with our system right now makes him a very valuable backup.

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I would be nice to see mb leave, I know it won't happen but it is possible.
Crazy as it may sound, what about Trent Green? Could possibly cut MB and TC. Green is better than both and knows Saunders system.

I know.....pipe dreams!:cloud9:

Bramlet isn't bad at #3. Palmer is no more than a practice squader!

Just putting it out there. If we do pick up a DE someone has to leave. .
Daniels would probably be the odd man out!
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They need to get Cooley an extension, hands down.

As for Daniels/Wynn... if we can find a decent, younger DE after the Jun1 cuts and not overpay for him I could see either going.

At this stage w/ WR, same thing as DE. See what's available after the summer cuts, and don't overpay.

The big thing is w/ MB. I am not sure how Collins would perform as apposed to MB, but he is much cheaper and is known for helping in the development of young QBs. I would not suggest cutting both, as we do need some veteran leadership as well as a backup that has had some time to absorb Al's 700 page playbook.

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Good analysis D-Day, but I definitely disagree with a couple things.

First, we will not and should not sign Keyshawn. Don't be fooled; he's still a headcase. His drama-filled tenure at Tampa Bay wasn't that long ago. We don't need or want him. Gibbs has already said as much.

Brunell - no way Gibbs cuts Brunell. Collins yes. I beleive the third QB will be Palmer. Bramlet?? Eh. Maybe we put Palmer on the Practice Squad, but then he could be picked up by someone else. I don't know the rules, but if Bramlett can be put on the Squad, then I think that's where he'll go. No one would be interested in him.

EDIT: But what I think the Redskins should do is make their cuts, keep significantly under the salary cap, then do everything they can to keep Cooley and Sean Taylor on the team. It's about time this team takes care of its own.



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They need to get Cooley an extension but they wont...not now...so concede that.

We arent cutting Wynn or Daniels.....for some reason they are loved around Redskins Park and will be in the OD roster (barring injury).

We arent going to put any more money into a 4th WR....we just arent.

We do need to sign Landry though so that will happen of course.

I do agree that Collins is a goner before training camp begins.

I dont think we will sign a DE that is good enough to earn 3 mil a year or close to it.

If we didnt make a play for TO then we wont make a play for Meshawn...Meshawn is the poor mans TO. His antics arent welcomed here. I think he will sign on in Denver personally.

Our roster is pretty much set...like it or leave it....it is what it is. Collins will be gone by July 4th.

Thats the way i see it :)

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They need to get Cooley an extension but they wont...not now...so concede that.

They have been in talks before and said they will wait until the summer. So it is possible and I think probable.

We arent cutting Wynn or Daniels.....for some reason they are loved around Redskins Park and will be in the OD roster (barring injury).

So if we pick up a De we will carry 5 DE's on the roster, what other position do we go short on. We already can guess we will carry extra DB's and RB's for Special teams, I hope we don't see daniels or wynn of KO coverage.

We arent going to put any more money into a 4th WR....we just arent.

Too bad we need a possession receiver of KJ abilities or type, not saying we have to sign him but we need a possession receiver.

We do need to sign Landry though so that will happen of course.

I do agree that Collins is a goner before training camp begins.

I dont think we will sign a DE that is good enough to earn 3 mil a year or close to it.

Preemptive Guesstimation to stop the "WE can't afford that" or "there is a thing called a salary cap" posts that I was bombarded with last time. Those salary cap figures are high end. If we don't sign a DE then we actually come out on top cap wise because we only save 1.9 mil by cutting daniels and I alloted 3 mil for a new defensive end.

If we didnt make a play for TO then we wont make a play for Meshawn...Meshawn is the poor mans TO. His antics arent welcomed here. I think he will sign on in Denver personally.

Quite possibly correct. Just throwin out a name

Our roster is pretty much set...like it or leave it....it is what it is. Collins will be gone by July 4th.

I think more changes are in the works

Thats the way i see it :)

Thanks for the good feedback:cheers:

Responses in Bold.

There has been rumblings of the FO looking around for a DE and it is possible that a couple may be cap casualties. It is my thinking that we will address the position and if we do someone is going to have to go to make room for him. If we don't then we keep daniels and have more cap room as I suspect a new DE will cost more then the 1.9 mil Daniels would save in a cut.

I think we need another WR and Gibbs did seem disappointed (from what I read) in the injury to guy in camp yesterday, so if they don't see Espy as NFL material then a new WR is in the need. I think KJ is the exact type of player we need (possession type WR that will go over the middle, plays hard, and blocks very well) and since he hasn't had any problems for a few years (that I have heard about) I would hope we will give him a look. I also doubt it but I can hope.

I would also wait at least one more year before redoing ST's contract as he has what 4 years left on it.

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My Top Three Priorities:

-Re-sign/Extend Cooley.

-Re-sign/Extend Taylor.

-Dont overpay for a FA.

IMO, a Possession Receiver is a luxury that we can afford (yes I said can) provided the right one comes along. We dont need a tall headcase simply because he is tall.

Same with the DE. If we can find a good one, get him. But dont pick up a DE simply because there is a DE on the market.

And I would like to see Palmer or Bramlet chillin on the sideline getting used to clipboard duty.

edit: If we dont have the cap room, I agree that we can wait on re-signing Taylor, seeing how he is here for a while. But if we can afford it, I wouldnt object.

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Didn't I read that the UDFA receiver from UVa is well over 6'? The new tight end is 6'7" What does anyone know about the UVa kid? My understanding is that he was pretty good before his injury last year.

And by all means re-sign Cooley AND Taylor.

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Good post. Except you ignored the elephant in the room. What happens with Shawn Springs?

Read my sig, I hope he stays.

Here is my argument on that.

1. Our D is multiple times better when he is in, then when he is not.

2. If we only get 8 -10 games out of him,then that is 8 -10 games we can cover for another CB injury or just be better on D all around.

3. That is 8 -10 games that we have a better chance of winning and him being in with the extra advantage he gives the D might be the difference between the playoffs and not being in the playoffs.

4. THIS IS THE BIGGIE, we get the advantage of SS for how many plays he plays and it is the same (cap wise) to cut or keep him on the team. Unless of course we make him a june 1st cut which would make the dead cap hit next year a cool 5 mil -which would be the same amount to cut him outright next year.

So considering he has very low trade value (that we know of) then I would just assume keep him this year. If nothing else as insurance because without him we are a pulled hammy from a repeat of last season. I see no benefit in cutting him this year. Besides we can always restructure his contract if we need the space desperately, he is only refusing a paycut. Which I hope I showed above we shouldn't need to restructure anymore contracts.

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The cap space talk about Brunell is wrong. He renegotiated his contract and is costing us about the same as your average backup QB, I believe.

nope that is his new contract details. He was initially making over 5 mil in salary this year alone. he went down to 1.5 in salary with 500k bonus due this summer.

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I think JG said that we will try Wade at LG and the two younger OGs behind him will compete so I don't see a move here. If we get a DE, I don't think Wynn or Daniels will be let go and I think they will consider rotating DEs or at least use the DE addition as a situational 3rd down type guy.

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We won't get anymore Guards- We have Wade, Pucillo, Lefutu, Whitley and we signed Fabini as backup Tackle.

Brunell won't be cut. I believe his salary comes off the books next year.

I think they'll look for a DE, only at the right price.

We won't go for a possession receiver. We have a 6-8 TE in Ecker and a 6-7 TE in Hilton. My guess is we carry 4 TEs. Cooley, Ecker, Hilton and Yoder. Edwards is the odd man out.

Cooley will get extended by the end of the season like Betts did.

Taylor won't get an extention unless his agent cries. He's tied up for a few more years, but if he has a pro-bowl season, the FO will reward him.

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We won't get anymore Guards- We have Wade, Pucillo, Lefutu, Whitley and we signed Fabini as backup Tackle.

Brunell won't be cut. I believe his salary comes off the books next year.

I think they'll look for a DE, only at the right price.

We won't go for a possession receiver. We have a 6-8 TE in Ecker and a 6-7 TE in Hilton. My guess is we carry 4 TEs. Cooley, Ecker, Hilton and Yoder. Edwards is the odd man out.

Cooley will get extended by the end of the season like Betts did.

Taylor won't get an extention unless his agent cries. He's tied up for a few more years, but if he has a pro-bowl season, the FO will reward him.

MB's salary does not come off the books next year. Here is the remaining contract numbers.

08 = 5 mil salary + 1.516 SB for a 6.516 cap number

09 = 5 mil salary + 1.515 sb for a 6.515 cap number

10 = 5 mil salary + .083 sb for a 5.083 cap number

What was reported by JLC is that it is essentially a one year deal this year, and it is as we can cut him out right next year for a dead cap amount of 3.1 mil and a overall cap savings of 1.9 mil.

does no one see the part of my original post where I stated

"-If we find a new DE, I can see Daniels or wynn going. More likely Daniels as wynn is more versatile and he did just redo his contract and he is in his last year. Saves 1.9 mil if Daniels goes"


"We could do this move also (would be a fan favorite). Thanks for the info PCinOZ."

I am agreeing with you guys that MB probably will not be cut. Daniels and Wynn will probably both not be on the roster if we find a DE in a trade or June 1st Cuts. The MB thing especially is to show that we can cut him if he is not totally healed.

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It amazes me that MB's cap figures are that high... but I believe you 100%. I remember seeing something very similar to that. So I'm not questioning the accuracy of your numbers... just questioning why we're paying him this much!

I do not believe we'll cut Daniels or Wynn. Wynn counts next to nothing against the cap as his contract was restructured (you indicated this). And I believe that when Daniels is healthy, he can still be very productive. He'll start the season 100%... and his cap figure is only $1.8 million. You suggested the Skins cut him and sign a guy that will count $3 million against the cap. I don't think anyone the Skins could sign for a $3 million cap hit would be $1.2 million better than Daniels. Of course, that's just my opinion.

I agree with nearly everything else that D-Day wrote... very good analysis and reasoning!

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It amazes me that MB's cap figures are that high... but I believe you 100%. I remember seeing something very similar to that. So I'm not questioning the accuracy of your numbers... just questioning why we're paying him this much!

I do not believe we'll cut Daniels or Wynn. Wynn counts next to nothing against the cap as his contract was restructured (you indicated this). And I believe that when Daniels is healthy, he can still be very productive. He'll start the season 100%... and his cap figure is only $1.8 million. You suggested the Skins cut him and sign a guy that will count $3 million against the cap. I don't think anyone the Skins could sign for a $3 million cap hit would be $1.2 million better than Daniels. Of course, that's just my opinion.

I agree with nearly everything else that D-Day wrote... very good analysis and reasoning!

Actually Daniels cap number is 3.2 mil but if we cut him he will save us 1.9 mil this year.

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