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Anyone else have a feeling Brunell will look great during camp and preseason?

Leonard Washington

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Sorry for the long title but I have the strangest feeling that Brunell will look better than ever during camp and preseason. I think he will look so good that the coaches will actually let him play with the first team during a game. Now this doesn't imply that Campbell will look terrible but every mistake he makes will be amplified to Brunell's all-star play.

I believe the coaches think Jason is the future but it will be hard for them to ignore a re-surging Brunell, especially if Jason experiences expected growing pains.

What are your thoughts if Brunell starts in 08, even if JC plays "ok" during camp and preseason?

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shut up...

Thats not very nice. What he was trying to say was NOT GOING TO HAPPEN! :D

FYI, Brunell is being kept out of OTAs and minicamps because of his surgery. So it is unlikely he will have a great offseason. I think his focus is to get rehab and get healhty again to make one more go as a backup before he calls it a career.

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Man, are you trying to get struck with lightning?

Getting the sarcasm off my chest, yes I want him to kick butt in the preseason. If he is the #1 backup I want him to be damn good.

Collins should retire replaced by Bramlet then put Palmer on th PC.

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I hope Brunell doesn't play much in preseason, I would much rather see Campbell get all the first team reps and then see what Bramlet and Palmer can do and hopefully outplay Collins for the number 3 spot.

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I'm not a hater of Brunell, or anyone wearing the Burgundy and Gold, but Brunell better look good this preseason. He should only see playing time against second and third stringers. I'm sure this will cause some people to yurn for Brunell, but this is now JC's team and he won't get pulled during the preseason.

All Redskins fans should hope that Brunell does look good so if JC does go down or struggles during the regular season, we have someone who can play.

I'm most interested to see how Jordan Palmer plays - to see if he has potential. If he plays well, I'm sure there will be some wanting him to play instead of JC and Brunell.



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What are your thoughts if Brunell starts in 08, even if JC plays "ok" during camp and preseason?

That cannot happen. I dont give a damn what Brunell does, he is on his last rope as a QB. If he were to play then right after he retired we would be right back at square 1. Thats call a tread water move. Besides, Campbell's upside far surpasses anything Brunell can do. We are a better team with Campbell and a bottom feeder with Brunell.

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Ramsey played really badly during 2005 preseason. If Jason plays like Ramsey did we have a problem and it doesn't have anything to do with Brunell. In case you haven't noticed, Ramsey doesn't appear to have what it takes to consistently start in this league. That's why the Jets just let him go. What happened in 2005 was Gibbs belatedly figured that out and made a change for the good of the team.

I think that there is an excellent chance Brunell will come back sharp in 2007. He will have another year in Saunders system and he should be feeling good again. He's very effective when he is healthy, but at his age he wears down quickly if he has to play every week. He'll be a great backup because he won't get beat up all the time.

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I would hope Campbell's backup would look good, it seems rare these days for a starting QB to make it through the season.


People need to stop fearmongering. You should hope your #2 QB looks brilliant, because odds are you'll need him at some point. None of that changes the fact that the team is entirely committed to Campbell as our QB of the present and future.

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id put money on us losing any game brunell starts. yes i know thats negative, but hes not a good QB anymore. can he control the game? sure. can he keep the ball? sure. but he doesnt convert 3rd downs, he cant find open receivers, and last year he was leaving the pocket CONSTANTLY because hes so immobile now that any hit he takes might be the last hit he ever takes. he cannot stretch the field anymore, hes coming off surgeries, and if i have to watch anymore screen passes i might vomit.

brunell = losing.

sorry, but its true.

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I still see JC starting but if we have a 1-4 type start I would not be surprised if we went with Mark the rest of the season. He was injured all of last year so he might have that zip back and Gibbs loves him :)

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Starting Brunell again would be beyond idiotic. Our coaches arent idiots. They arent going to have Campbell practicing with the first team all offseason just to take his job away. Brunell can look great, but he wont be playing with the first team and he wont start a game unless Campbell gets hurt. Take that to the bank.

EDITED to add: I'm not a Brunell hater. I dont think he automatically loses every game he starts for us. But starting him again would be a huge step backward, and would kill Jason's development. That much should be obvious.

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I still see JC starting but if we have a 1-4 type start I would not be surprised if we went with Mark the rest of the season. He was injured all of last year so he might have that zip back and Gibbs loves him :)

no way brunell gets in there. campbell is supposedly the future at QB, why pull him even if hes doing poorly? im so sick of brunell being the guy that gets to come in for the younger guy. brunell is done, lets stop having him play because all it does it stunt the development of others.

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I still see JC starting but if we have a 1-4 type start I would not be surprised if we went with Mark the rest of the season. He was injured all of last year so he might have that zip back and Gibbs loves him :)
But...why? Every snap JC takes is another opportunity for growth and experience. Every snap MB takes is another wasted investment of playing time better suited for a younger QB like Campbell or Palmer. I can't understand starting Brunell unless Jason's hurt or we're like 13-2 and have home field locked. There, take that negative town!:)
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But...why? Every snap JC takes is another opportunity for growth and experience. Every snap MB takes is another wasted investment of playing time better suited for a younger QB like Campbell or Palmer. I can't understand starting Brunell unless Jason's hurt or we're like 13-2 and have home field locked. There, take that negative town!:)

Joe wants to win this year (his last) he is not going to take any chances and if he is not happy with what he sees he will make the move. This season to me could end up being like the 87 season, hopefully :)

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