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Before it was "global warming"....


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They were scared of global cooling.


The first Earth Day was celebrated on April 22, 1970, amidst hysteria about the dangers of a new ice age. The media had been spreading warnings of a cooling period since the 1950s, but those alarms grew louder in the 1970s.

Three months before, on January 11, The Washington Post told readers to “get a good grip on your long johns, cold weather haters – the worst may be yet to come,” in an article titled “Colder Winters Held Dawn of New Ice Age.” The article quoted climatologist Reid Bryson, who said “there’s no relief in sight” about the cooling trend.

Journalists took the threat of another ice age seriously. Fortune magazine actually won a “Science Writing Award” from the American Institute of Physics for its own analysis of the danger. “As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists have concluded that it is very bad news indeed,” Fortune announced in February 1974.

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My how primitive we all seem. Complaining about something we have ZERO control over. So self important that we think we "know"everything and have an answer for everything.


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Actually - Global warming causes a ice age.

It the polar Ice Caps start melting, then the cool water will shut down the gulf stream, which is what keeps most of America warm.


There is no doubt that there is global warming. The only question is it normal and part of a cycle, or caused my humans. The question of does it exist is reguarded as fact.


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Actually - Global warming causes a ice age.

It the polar Ice Caps start melting, then the cool water will shut down the gulf stream, which is what keeps most of America warm.


There is no doubt that there is global warming. The only question is it normal and part of a cycle, or caused my humans. The question of does it exist is reguarded as fact.


SO what cames first global warming or global cooling. Or is all this talk a crock of political bull****?

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I apologize up front because I am sure this is reported somewhere in the tailgate, but how long before the world may reach unbearable temperatures ?

Personally I am a fan of more technologies to keep the atmosphere cleaner (among other reasons like gas, etc), but I am not afraid of global warning as an imminent threat to my livelihood.

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This is the best foundation for an arguement. Ever.

Get caught cheating on girlfriend? Using this logic, here is your way out:

Sweetie, before I "cheated" I was faithful.


Science and reason need to pick a method and stop improving upon them!!!! GAWWWW!!!

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Third coldest April on record.

And in Europe we had the warmest April on record. At one point, it was hotter in London than Bermuda. :doh:

I don't care....I think the human race is destined to destroy itself. We're certainly becoming dumber as we go on. I think another species deserves to inherit this planet.

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I remember that stuff :laugh:

Good find. :)

I support low-impact ecological practices as an ideal, especailly at the local level, and caring about what kind of impact we have on even the global environment. I support striving to minimize negative effects, even giving it a fairly high priority as a matter of principle and pragmatism. But while respecting the sicence on the concerned side, I am still of the mind that we overestimate out significance in most every way, planet-wise, including this one of global warming or global freezing being seriously influenced over the long-term (geologically speaking) by human factors.

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I know for a fact global warming is happening and is caused by humans.

When I was 14 (so 20 years ago...1986) I read an article in the Sunday Times that basically describes what is happening now. I remember the article vividly for two reasons. 1 it seemed absurd to me. 2 it was shocking.

The climate in Britain has changed so much, it isn't even funny. London used to be one of the rainiest places in the world..you could never go out without your "brolley" (umbrella). It even used to rain most days in the summer. Now it hardly ever rains at all...

Anyway, if this (global warming) is all just a random and natural event, how did the guy who wrote the article in 1986 (way before the first effects of climate change were ever felt)...what are the probabilities he would guess a natural event which hadn't occured in at least the last 5,000 years, would happen in the next 20?

I find that proof enough.

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I support low-impact ecological practices as an ideal, especailly at the local level, and caring about what kind of impact we have on even the global environment. I support striving to minimize negative effects, even giving it a fairly high priority as a matter of principle and pragmatism. But while respecting the sicence on the concerned side, I am still of the mind that we overestimate out significance in most every way, planet-wise, including this one of global warming or global freezing being seriously influenced over the long-term (geologically speaking) by human factors.

What? Are you fir it or agin' it? Spit it out, boy!

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The climate in Britain has changed so much, it isn't even funny. London used to be one of the rainiest places in the world..you could never go out without your "brolley" (umbrella). It even used to rain most days in the summer. Now it hardly ever rains at all...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't global warming suppose to bring more rain not less?

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Just like with the politicians, we are debating a topic most of us know very little about. Some will be swayed by the "leaders" they trust the most instead of in depth study of the topic.

The argument that climate change or global warming is not happening is foolish. There are plenty of facts and statistics to show that it is. Study it, I shouldn't have to give a link, but NOAA is probably the best source. If you don't trust those numbers then keep studying. The more you study the more you will find the Earth is warming.

But, like previously mentioned, is it cyclical? Or does man bare a responsibilty in this? Whatever your belief, just do us all a favor and study the topic before you make claims.

BTW, it is a cyclical occurrence that we are experiencing. I am convinced that all this politicization of this topic is a way for those lefties with an agenda to combat the oil industry and rob them of all their money. We will soon be taxed as bad as the Europeans for gas. Don't be surprised if by the year 2010 we will be paying $8-$10 a gallon, not because prices were driven up by OPEC, but because the government will be run by a Democratic President and Congress who think we should be punished for driving any vehicle we want.:laugh:

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There's where I'm coming from schurm. I only had one 2nd year college geological sciences course, about 8 years ago, to add to my existing and continuing knowledge (such as it), but I loved that class. One of the primary messages I left with was how huge and complex geograhapical and climatic world-shaping forces are, and how man is one of many factors of unproven scope--"humbling" was the key word.

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