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M-1 of Dead Prez vs Fox News (Its Beautiful!!!!!)

Thinking Skins

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Ok, if it isn't, than explain why that is what we hear and see as the norm??

Every person who is black and stands up against that thought pattern gets crucified. Bill cosby is one. Who is promoting this ideology?? And if blacks do not agree, why is it the prevaling mind set today?? If you answer blacks do not agree than that seems to point to how weak a race blacks are because why would they allow that to dominate a culture if they didn't agree with it?? If you answer they do agree, than it only proves my point.

I will just personally say, that evey black friend or colleage I know feels the way I commented on, that blacks have a pass because of oppresion and the past with whites. They coined the slang terms, so they get to exclusively use them.


The media conglomerates that own the radio and TV stations, how many of them are own by African Americans??? Do you honestly think that if Bill Cosby, Jason Whitlock, or Oprah were a head of a media conglomrate, that they would let these images that you see on TV that are negative go on? NO.

This notion that hip hop is responsible of the problems in the black community is ignorant. To say hip hop is repsonsible for hate speech, degrading women, and violence, then you have to say they caused it. And the last time i read a history book, you are not gonna see hip hop in there as the cause of these problems. Hip hop is a symptom of a bigger problem. Unfortunately people are either A) too blind to see a bigger problem, or B) see the problem, but don't want to do anything about it because it will interfere with how much money they can make off of it.

H. Rap Brown said back in the 60s that "Violence is American as apple pie". And there was no such thing has hip hop back then. So how in the hell can hip hop be the cause of the problems in the black community?

It is the prevailing mind set because that is all that people seem to think black peopel can do, rap and play basketball or football or be a criminal, when that is all that is shown of us. I bet that if we have more positive rappers getting millions of dollars put behind them, instead of the millions of dollars put behind the rappers who have more "potent" language, then the kids wouls see some positive, instead of being fed the same crap all the time.

Tell me why these media congrlomerates won't promote more positive in hip hop, when it is clearly out there? Why haven't the real issues in the black community (drugs, teenage pregnancy, AIDs) been addressed by all of these people ready to take down hip hop? Why doesn't a Mos Def, and Talib Kweli, a Common get more air time for the positive messages they put out there??? Why is it that hip hop is only mentioned when something negative happens???

One more thing, if Italians don't have to worry about Tony Soprano representing them, and Jewish people don't have to worry about Larry David representing them, then black people should not have to worry about the negative images promoted by these media conglmerates to represent us either.

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The media conglomerates that own the radio and TV stations, how many of them are own by African Americans??? Do you honestly think that if Bill Cosby, Jason Whitlock, or Oprah were a head of a media conglomrate, that they would let these images that you see on TV that are negative go on? NO.

This notion that hip hop is responsible of the problems in the black community is ignorant. To say hip hop is repsonsible for hate speech, degrading women, and violence, then you have to say they caused it. And the last time i read a history book, you are not gonna see hip hop in there as the cause of these problems. Hip hop is a symptom of a bigger problem. Unfortunately people are either A) too blind to see a bigger problem, or B) see the problem, but don't want to do anything about it because it will interfere with how much money they can make off of it.

H. Rap Brown said back in the 60s that "Violence is American as apple pie". And there was no such thing has hip hop back then. So how in the hell can hip hop be the cause of the problems in the black community?

It is the prevailing mind set because that is all that people seem to think black peopel can do, rap and play basketball or football or be a criminal, when that is all that is shown of us. I bet that if we have more positive rappers getting millions of dollars put behind them, instead of the millions of dollars put behind the rappers who have more "potent" language, then the kids wouls see some positive, instead of being fed the same crap all the time.

Tell me why these media congrlomerates won't promote more positive in hip hop, when it is clearly out there? Why haven't the real issues in the black community (drugs, teenage pregnancy, AIDs) been addressed by all of these people ready to take down hip hop? Why doesn't a Mos Def, and Talib Kweli, a Common get more air time for the positive messages they put out there??? Why is it that hip hop is only mentioned when something negative happens???

One more thing, if Italians don't have to worry about Tony Soprano representing them, and Jewish people don't have to worry about Larry David representing them, then black people should not have to worry about the negative images promoted by these media conglmerates to represent us either.

Good post.

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No its not. Dead Prez isnt anti-white, they are anti-government. Ive seen them live, and the entire crowd was damner all white, and all of them knew every word to them Dead Prez songs. If you haven't listened to any of their albums, you shouldnt speak on what you dont know about.

yeah.... i have no clue... it's subtle but it's there

Know Your Enemy

cameras everywhere to protect us from one another

or is it the undercover, disguised as big brother

and even freedom of speech is limited

mad leaders done spoke up, and look at what these crackas did


Uh, one thing bout music, when it hit you feel no pain

White folks say it controls your brain

I know better than that, thats game and we ready for that

Two soldiers head of the pack, matter of fact who got the gat?

And where my army at?

Uh, who shot biggie smalls?

If we dont get them, they gonna get us all

Im down for runnin up on them crackers in they city hall

We ride for yall, all my dogs stay real

We Need A Revolution

(Black Power) We need a revolution, (Army G's)

We need a revolution, (Army G's)

Dem Crazy

Everywhere the white man go he bring misery

All throughout history, look it up

Everything them bald heads touch they **** it up

Every government he set up, it be corrupt

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I may be a few hundred pages late to say this but...

Don Imus was on a public radio station. Public radio is like fox news.

That M-1 guy is with a record company owned by NBC. Records that people pay to listen to. These records are like HBO.

You say "**** off Rosie O'Donnell, you ugly *****" on fox news on the air and you will probably be fired.

Say that on an HBO program, there isn't a problem.

Rap records are not open to the public as a free thing. You pay money to buy the CD (unless you has downloading skillz) Imus is open to anyone who owns a radio. The relationship is different.

Whether or not the comments should be viewed so harshly is a side show to the fact that the guy at fox news WAS comparing two different things...just I don't think it had anything to do with white master oppressors or whatever...where the hell did that come from?

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Uh huh. good and dumb. Why didn't he bring up how the series the Black Donnely's potrays the Irish?

Sorry can't go along with this

I have never heard of the show. But I am sure that they don't represent all Irish people.

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Don't start bringing the Irish into this. They get what they deserve. Bunch of drunks. Maybe if they could work half as hard as they fight, they could get somewhere.:D

OH now there's generalized BIGOTTED statement. THat has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this board..

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Don't start bringing the Irish into this. They get what they deserve. Bunch of drunks. Maybe if they could work half as hard as they fight, they could get somewhere.:D

OH now there's generalized BIGOTTED statement. THat has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this board.. :mad:

And yea, I AM Irish

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You are so ignorant. All I have to say is al sharpton and jesse jackson and the rasict things they have said now and in the past and they aren't without jobs?? Keane west and the Bush comment on National TV, he's still working. Spike Lee and he still has a job. The radio program Air 1. you should hear the hateful remarks that came out of that place and they were taken off the air for that?? I could go on, but I think I've made my point.

The prevailing thought in the black community is that they are allowed because of oppression! past and present!

I see this comment often when ever the subject of race comes up but never see an actual quote that would prove AL,Jesse or Spike are racsist. I am a believer that racsist come in all colors. Do you mind looking up some evidence to support this claim? I dont always agree with their tactics but I have never heard any one of those guys spout anything racsist...BTW acknowledging that racsism exsist is not racsist...Pointing out racsism in any given situation is not racsism. Saying you love or are proud of the fact that you are Black,White or other doesnt make you a racsist unless you couple that with hate or derogatory statements for the other races.:2cents:

Who's next after the rappers...Scorcese? Tarantino? The Sopranos Be careful censorship is a slippery slope.

In conclusion I have ?s.

If a woman waits outside your Hotel room, Sleeps with several of your entourage for a sip of champagne what would you call her?

If you want a relationship (BTW alot of rappers are married with children themselves and stay married longer than most I've seen in the entertainment industry) and find out that once again you were being used for your status or money. What do you call her?

I'm not justifying their language but when telling a STORY sometimes you call a spade a spade.

I have teenagers and I listen to rap still at almost 42years (75% Christian Hip-Hop) and use the oppurtunity to teach my kids about the history of Hip-Hop and dont allow gangta rap to be played in my home.

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I have never heard of the show. But I am sure that they don't represent all Irish people.

And you never will Black Donnellys was canceled... too bad I liked the show. It showed how easy it is to get caught up in the madness around you for the sake of family and friends. I dont believe they represented all Irish but I do believe TV doesnt accurately portray anyone on it. There are alot more middle class white and black families than are being portrayed. The majority of Whites are portrayed as a Dr or an attorney there are alot of Whites that need help all over this country but the picture is painted that minorities are the ones depleting the resources. By sheer #s alone there are more poor Whites than Blacks. Everybody better sit down and figure out how to come together as Americans and realize that we all have common enemies.

1 Corinthians 15:39:

39 Similarly there are different kinds of flesh—one kind for humans, another for animals, another for birds, and another for fish.

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OH now there's generalized BIGOTTED statement. THat has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on this board..
It was a joke. It was meant to be stupid, thats why it's funny (to me anyway). I'm a little irish. I work hard. Although I do like to drink and fight.:D
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