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Should be Gibbs last year


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I havent seen anything posted, I quess everybody is scared to bring it up. But it is time for Joe to go. He should have left after last season but its too late now. I am thinking this will be his last year, but I dont know if Gibbs will retire next year, he might not know that the team needs to move in a different direction. So would we be forced to wait another year or would Snyder be forced to do the dirty deed?

what kind of "direction" would you suggest?

this is really vague and really lame. gibbs is going to finish out his contract, and has said numerous times that he wants to be here till the skins are winning again.

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My :2cents: GUESS would be, as long as he sees JC and the D progressing, and getting us to the playoffs.... he's back for next year. If not (and JG decides NOT to return), Snyder gives GW his million and finds someone else.

Joe Gibbs is HC here for as long as he wants to be. Period.

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If Gibbs leaves it will because he's fed up with Snyder and Vinny doing whatever they can to create their dream of a "FA petting zoo" rather than a SB team. Don't get me wrong, Gibbs led us to our first playoff win in years, but I'd rather see him go then be a puppet for an idiot owner who can't make any good decisions for the team.

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^ agreed , and anyone who thinks gibbs should be fired or retire needs to lay off the old drug regiment. imean seriously u want bill cowher or the freakin tuna , give either of those guys the same amount of time as gibbs and youll be calling for there head next! PATIENCE learn it! we cant win the SB every year, while i agree once in a while would be nice i mainly want my team to be competetive. and gibbs has def made them more competetive than anyone else since his original departure.:puke:

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^ gibbs has def made them more competetive than anyone else since his original departure.:puke:

No, not really.

Norval once won the NFCE, unlike Gibbs 2.0.

Norv also got us to the second round of the playoffs just like Gibbs.

The only difference b/t Gibbs 2.0 and Norv is that pock neck was allowed five dismal seasons b/f he actually stumbled into the playoffs.

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