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Question about playoffs/Eagles


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I will root for my conference when the team representing it is not a HATED rival. Basically I'm talking about the Cowboys first and the Eagles next. I would NEVER pull for either of them in the Super Bowl.

Otherwise it just depend on the teams. Got tired of seeing SF win and found myself rooting against them in their last couple of Super Bowls.

It would be hard to pull for the Bucs unless they were playing the Ravens or something.

Or the Rams ... I loved last year's finish.

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Legendz, hate to say it, but I'd have to root against the Eagles and the playoffs and SB. I became a fan of the Redskins and other Washington sports teams before I moved up to the Philadelphia area when I was 9. So, basically, because I was somewhat of an outsider with respect to my sports allegiances up there, I developed a distaste for the Philly sports teams that still lingers, even though I'm back in DC now. I think my feeling is similar to that of a lot of people who come to the DC area from other parts of the country to work. They have their hometown allegiances, and soon tire of the overexposure the Redskins receive in the media here, and come to detest the Skins. Unlike cities like Philadelphia, this town is dominated by one team.

The shame about it is that there's nobody on the present Eagles team to dislike, from Andy Reid to Donovan McNabb to Duce Staley, not to mention all of the ex-Skins the Eagles have acquired. What irks me to no end are the Philly fans who still hold Buddy Ryan in such reverence, and consider the "Body Bag" game against the Skins in 1990 one of the great moments in Eagles history, while conveniently forgetting that the Redskins got payback in a big way later that year in the playoffs, and thus gave then Eagles owner Norman Braman the excuse he needed to fire Ryan. Even earlier this year a Philadelphia Daily News columnist wrote a piece favorably comparing Buddy's style to what the author perceived as an aloof Reid. And, according to a friend of mine who's an Eagles fan, there were plenty of callers to WIP soon there after who said they agreed with the column. Sad.

In any event, although I won't cheer for the Iggles, gotta admit that they've done a helluva job the past three years. Certainly it would be nice to see a team that has gradually progressed upward to win it as teams used to do, instead of seeing these teams come out of nowhere as we have in recent years. If the Eagles take care of business in the rest of the regular season and maintain HFA, its going to be very difficult to beat them at the Vet. Good luck!

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I would root against the Eagles.

I think the only time I have ever rooted for a rival was the Giants over the Ravens. I just hated the Ravens more.

The NFC will be an interesting playoff this year. Whoever gets homefield will have a HUGE advantage. Id be scared of both N.O. and ATL if the game is indoors. And of course nobody beats Green Bay in Lambeau. Truly. Nobody has ever beaten them there in the playoffs....ever.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I would root against the Eagles.

I think the only time I have ever rooted for a rival was the Giants over the Ravens. I just hated the Ravens more.

The NFC will be an interesting playoff this year. Whoever gets homefield will have a HUGE advantage. Id be scared of both N.O. and ATL if the game is indoors. And of course nobody beats Green Bay in Lambeau. Truly. Nobody has ever beaten them there in the playoffs....ever.

I don't want to go to N.O or ATL either-especially ATL. A little known fact btw is that the Eagles DID defeat GB in Lambeau, when there was just an NFL Championship, no AFC and NFC. Laurent- McNabb may be back by the Giants game, he will definetly be back by the playoffs. hail- I was never a big Ryan advocate. For the most part, WIP is trash too, the only reason I tune in occasionally is because they talk about Philly sports. I think homefield will play a huge factor in the NFC this year. The reason that I posed this question was I remembered two years ago I felt torn about the Giants-Ravens S.B., but since I have many Giant friends who constantly bragged about the GMen, I found myself rooting for Balt.

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It depends on who they are playing. I don't despise the Eagles, although they honestly have the most obnoxious fans to visit FedEx and that makes it hard to pull for them. There are many AFC teams that I like, because I like their coach, like Cowher in Pittsburgh. Ask me again if and when it happens.

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On the one hand I'd probably root for them. I have a lot of respect for the coach and the players and heck, I rooted for the Giants in 00. But Eagle fans are (generally) bad enough as it is now I'd hate to have to deal with them when they actually had some semblance of a reason to be so obnoxious.

Nah. I've been rooting against Philly for quite some time now. With the Cowboys and Ravens out of it I'll root for anyone else in the league against the Eagles.

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Originally posted by Eagles_Legendz

A little known fact btw is that the Eagles DID defeat GB in Lambeau, when there was just an NFL Championship, no AFC and NFC.

EL, the Eagles beat the Packers and Lombardi in 1960, but it was at Franklin Field, not Lambeau. They remain the only team to ever beat Vince Lombardi in a championship game.

HFA is critical. Right now, all the tie breakers and schedules are favorable to the Eagles. Further injury or let downs will cost them.

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I respect the Pack but if they are out of it I have to go with the NFC East to make it to the SuperBowl.

Can't stand Tampon Bay, the Saints, The Whiners or Rams so that leave the fairweather Falcon fans too.

But since there is a great chance that ND jr will be wearing Silver and Black with his mom on SuperBowl Sunday :cry: does it really matter?

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After the numerous arsehole Eagles fans that have come here to Extremeskins, as well as those who have been jerkoffs at FedEx, there is no way I could ever pull for the Iggs to win the SB. Quite honestly, I want Philly to suffer an eternity without another Championship, Cubs-style. Sorry.

I usually like to see teams win who have never won it before. I would LOVE a SB of San Diego vs New Orleans. Then, I would have to pull for N.O. because they are NFC, and I'd really hate for Marty to win a SB right after leaving us.

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It would be a tough call. On one hand, I hate the Eagles and their fans, only natural being a Redskins fan.

On the other hand, I hate most of the other contendors like the Bucs and 49ers, and I also get sick of hearing people talk about how bad our division is (Not that it isn't bad, I just would like to see some respect re-earned for the NFC East).

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Originally posted by luckydevi

I almost hate the eagles as much as I hate the Cowboys. The reason for that is your fans

Such a reaction is only natural for divisional teams in a storied, combative division. NFC North is the same.

You can certainly turn the situation around. I used to somewhat follow the Redskins when I lived in northern Delaware. Eagles were still #1 to me, but I had no problems at all when the 'skins won their first super bowl.

When I moved to N. Va. after college and saw Redskins' fans in their natural environment, the 'skins became my most reviled team. The reason: the fans. Gibbs was great, JKC was fun to watch, the team was talented. But I experienced Redskins fans as you've experienced Eagles fans: extremely obnoxious.

Ultimately, hating one teams fans' or another makes no sense, as the word hate doesn't really apply. We're rivals, but we are all still Americans and in the end it's only a game. A fun diversion.

Any smack-talking Eagles fans you find here or on other boards are mostly having fun and will certainly eat crow if the Birds lose. Personally, I don't see any sense in smack talking, especially on another team's MB and will never engage in it. Homerism aside, this MB is an excellent place to talk intelligent football/Redskins with fairly knowledgeable rival fans. That's why I hang around.

And please don't bring up booing Santa Claus or McNabb, throwing batteries, etc. Every team has its bunch of low-lifes, Redskins included. Philly just has a few more. :D

Go Skins! Beat the Giants!

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Unless it's Dallas, I always pull for the NFC in the Superbowl, so, yes I would pull for the Eagles, though not wholeheartedly.

I have admitted on a number of occasions, I wish our front office would take a lesson from you guys on locking up players long term. I'm still pulling for the Packers to win another, just because I really admire Favre and Mike Sherman. I can't pull for the Falcons until Dan Reeves goes, and I will NEVER pull for Oakland:puke:

Interesting factoid: When the AFC wins the Superbowl, the Stockmarket nearly always finishes lower at the end of the year; when the NFC wins, the market finishes the year higher.

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