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Top 10 Beat 'Em Up Video Games.


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Probably my favorite genre growing up.


Spoilers coming up:










10. Batman Returns (SNES)

9. Golden Axe

8. Battletoads

7. Streets of Rage 2

6. River City Ransom

5. Guardian Heros (Saturn)

4. Final Fight

3. Double Dragon

2. The Simpsons

1. Turtles in Time

My favorite would be #7...Streets of Rage 2 was and always will be one of my favorite games ever. In my opinion it's the best game on the list. Double Dragon 2 was definitly better than Double Dragon. Both were great. Battletoads WAS incredibly hard and I never had the Game Genie for NES. I thought Ninja Turtles would be #1, but not Turtles in Time. How about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game?

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That list is worthless without X-Men. Who in their right mind wouldn't put a game that had 6 co-op players in their top 10?


Can't see the list from work :( But I find it hard to believe that game is not on the list. Possibly because it never got a home port? Even if they ported it over today and it was $20 I'd buy it.

Anbody willing to take the time to type out the list? I don't wanna wait until I get home :silly:

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TMNT was an awesome game, battletoads frustrated the hell out of me even with my buddies game genie. Final fight was another great game, a little to easy though. I think Gauntlet should count, Double Dragon is just a classic and I agree X-men the arcade game kicked major ass.

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double dragon 2>double dragon. are mortal combat and street fighter not considered "beat em up" games?

"Beat Em Up" is defined as a side-scrolling fighting game where you go through multipule enemies every level. Both of the games you mention are simply called "fighting games". When it's only 1 on 1.

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Double Dragon was huge in its day.

But this list is crap without:




Bad Dudes is a good call, but I think it was a little too ridiculous to put in the 10 best ever. Enemies were just flying all over the place. Kind of disjointed. Loved the music and the look...just a little all over the place. It's one game that brings me back, though. :) Nice mention.

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Probably my favorite genre growing up.


Spoilers coming up:










10. Batman Returns (SNES)

9. Golden Axe

8. Battletoads

7. Streets of Rage 2

6. River City Ransom

5. Guardian Heros (Saturn)

4. Final Fight

3. Double Dragon

2. The Simpsons

1. Turtles in Time

My favorite would be #7...Streets of Rage 2 was and always will be one of my favorite games ever. In my opinion it's the best game on the list. Double Dragon 2 was definitly better than Double Dragon. Both were great. Battletoads WAS incredibly hard and I never had the Game Genie for NES. I thought Ninja Turtles would be #1, but not Turtles in Time. How about the regular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game?

Thanks for the list. :D

I would of taken Streets of Rage 2 higher, definitely X-men should of been on the list. Aliens vs Predator should of been also, as someone already mentioned. Not sure if I would place The Simpsons that high. Double Dragon 2 is def better than the original, as well as Golden Axe 2 over the first.

My top 5 Would be...

1. X-men

2. Streets of Rage 2

3. Turtles in Time

4. Final Fight 3

5. The Simpsons

With Golden Axe 2 coming in a close number 6

I'd really have to sit down and round out the rest though.

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1. Streets of Rage II (best music in a video game, ever!)

2. Double Dragon II (they had the hurricane kick before street fighter)

3. River City Ransom (best dialogue in a video game, ever!)

4. Ninja Gaiden II (tied for best boss characters in a video game, ever!)

5. Shinobi (tied for best boss characters in a video game, ever!)

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