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Adam Shefter:Betts for Bly

Genghis Khan

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dude i mean if we are just talking about player for player maybe... but if you think about salary cap... we wont find any as good as Betts for Portis' backup anywhere near the money we are paying Betts... For the money that we need to pay Bly we could have just easily have gotten Clements by paying Clements the same money while he was a FA. If we REALLY REALLY need to get a great CB... we should just wait until next year and pay up for one thats in FA instead of trading Betts away THEN paying the same money.

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This would be an interesting deal, we could keep springs, bly, smoot, and cr plus keep our 6th for a stud DE. Our d would be deep at all positions and very good. If we could get our 3rd back (so we can replace Betts) I would do this in a heartbeat. We would also still have our #6 to trade to another team on D day.

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"Adam Schefter has always been a false rumor mongerer with respect to the Raiders and anti-Raider based upon his relationship with Denver and Mike Shanahan. No decisions have been made relative to the 2007 Oakland Raiders nor will they be made for some time. Adam Schefter could not have gotten his information from a reliable source because there is only one reliable source and he doesn't trust Adam."

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This would be an interesting deal, we could keep springs, bly, smoot, and cr plus keep our 6th for a stud DE. Our d would be deep at all positions and very good. If we could get our 3rd back (so we can replace Betts) I would do this in a heartbeat. We would also still have our #6 to trade to another team on D day.

Now which one of those guys do you honestly think would be happy being the 3rd or 4th corner? If Bly comes here then say bye bye to Springs.

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Cosign, F-him, Betts is ours, and if they want him, they better send Bly along with and at least a high second round draft pick.

In all seriousness, it's not been reported on this way but Thomas Jones just was traded for what amounted to a third rounder if you use the pick value calculcator to evaluate the Bears' trade-up in the 2nd round. We're dreaming if we think we're going to get Bly and a pick for Betts. It's a buyer's market for RB's right now (but oddly enough, not for LG's! :laugh: ).

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THEIR second round.... ;)

Betts would be a pro bowler in Denver.

Seriously, I wouldn't make that move.

What makes you think that Betts would be a pro-bowler anywhere?

He's had one good year and one year that he's been healthy all 16 games.

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