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I am glad he's gone... "66"


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What's up family....

This is just an opinion piece... but please be honest with yourselves...

#66 is finally gone and I don't miss him at all... I do feel bad for Samuels b/c he's the one who got him in shape last year to land this large contract. Samuels took the young man under his wing & showed him the way... Don't forget BUGEL input neither...

No i am not mad that # 66 is making more money that I will ever will... However there isn't any real loyalty in sports or to a team & of course we all know it's just BUSINESS... AND YES, "I GOT FEED MY FAMILY" thing is getting tired... !!

But man to man... loyalty to a true friend & teamate win's out every time...:applause:

From a Fan's point of view... I couldn't stand when he would jump off sides or hold in every critical moment of his career here in Washington.

But i am not a hater... I wish him and his family & career the best....

But from a Fan's point of view... I am glad he's gone...."66"

Check out the sig... The curse is now over....:D

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I kind of always though DD was a false start-holding machine as well. He definitely improved last year, as opposed to years past (year 1 and 2 were horrendous), but it was still a little higher than I thought it should be.

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Let me put it this way.

If I'm the Redskins, I'm not paying Dock the kind of money Buffalo did. Not even close.

And if I'm Dock ... I'm a Bill today.

This one's a no-fault divorce.

Yeah BUT....it's the Skins fault for letting him go into his contract year without an extension....assuming that they really wanted to keep him....

The team needs to stop letting players go into contract years without extensions unless they are prepared to let them go....

If they don't do something about it soon, Cooley is going to go into a contract year without a deal....

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Yeah BUT....it's the Skins fault for letting him go into his contract year without an extension....assuming that they really wanted to keep him....

The team needs to stop letting players go into contract years without extensions unless they are prepared to let them go....

If they don't do something about it soon, Cooley is going to go into a contract year without a deal....


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Yeah BUT....it's the Skins fault for letting him go into his contract year without an extension....assuming that they really wanted to keep him....

The team needs to stop letting players go into contract years without extensions unless they are prepared to let them go....

If they don't do something about it soon, Cooley is going to go into a contract year without a deal....

Lets be honest, what did Dock ever really do before 2006?

And the last half of 2006 to that

He was an above average guard, at best, in his first 3 seasons. What was the hurry to extend him?

You cannot compare him and Cooley

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Yeah BUT....it's the Skins fault for letting him go into his contract year without an extension....assuming that they really wanted to keep him....

The team needs to stop letting players go into contract years without extensions unless they are prepared to let them go....

If they don't do something about it soon, Cooley is going to go into a contract year without a deal....

Comparing Dock to Cooley is like comparing apple and oranges.

Cooley was good 2 years ago

Cooley was better last year

Cooley will be even better next year.

Can you say the same about Dock, he seems to have played harder in his contract year than any other.

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If the reports are correct, 12 million over 3 years versus 49 for 7 isn't even close. Good for Dock and good for the Redskins for realizing where the market was going. I'd say the Redskins knew what they were doing with this one.

However, it doesn't make sense to rip a guy (IMHO) for taking the money. I wish him the best. I'm not glad he's gone, I'm GLAD that he got paid. Isn't that what life's about? :)

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However, it doesn't make sense to rip a guy (IMHO) for taking the money. I wish him the best. I'm not glad he's gone, I'm GLAD that he got paid. Isn't that what life's about? :)

Nobody is ripping the guy at all for taking the money. Good for him

He just isn't worth it at all

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Yeah BUT....it's the Skins fault for letting him go into his contract year without an extension....assuming that they really wanted to keep him....

The team needs to stop letting players go into contract years without extensions unless they are prepared to let them go....

If they don't do something about it soon, Cooley is going to go into a contract year without a deal....

Dont you realize or read that they tried. What it came down to is Docks agent read the market perfectly and knew he was going to see big $$$. We cant afford to pay Dock like that, he was in my opinion our 4th best linemen. Behind Samuels, Thomas, and Jansen. Would have loved him to stay, take less money, like Betts. But thats not how it worked out, and I dont see it as the Skins fault :2cents:

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You my friend hit it right on the head with your comment it is a business amen !!. That is all football is now a business it's not about loyality like it was in the old days when players played the game for the love of the game.

I am not mad at him either he has to do what he feel is right for him and his family even though I do not think he is worth what he is getting in Buffalo. There is still a void to fill here now since Dock has left for greener grass.

I wish him the best I really do.

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Lets be honest, what did Dock ever really do before 2006?

And the last half of 2006 to that

He was an above average guard, at best, in his first 3 seasons. What was the hurry to extend him?

You cannot compare him and Cooley

If he was an average/above average player a year ago, we should have been able to extend his contract fairly cheaply then. Now it's going to cost us a mint to get an average to above average guy to replace him.

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we would be fools if we don't re-sign Cooley right now. Sure he isn't the most athletic type TE out there, but he certainly has excelled with us thus far.

To the poster who talked about other players not restructuring to keep Dockery, that was still too much money than the front office felt. Also, despite the overall contract length, we could have backloaded the salary and paid him around 3.5 million this year, pretty reasonable cap hit.

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I dont understand why they the Bills offered Dock so much money. If he was that great dont they think the skins would have offered him more money to keep him. Im not saying this to knock on the man but out of the 5 starters we have on the o-line, he was the worst of the bunch (not terrible but not great, just ok). He never made it to the pro bowl he was not close to Huthinsons level and they offer him that much money? The other guys on the o-line have to be thinking wtf. Why did I restructure and if he made this much money shouldnt I make the same, if not more?

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