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What is your favorite nickname for the cowboys?

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[edit] :laugh: Didn't edit it as much as I had hoped. No need to get myself in trouble now...

I just call them the Cowboys or Dallas (most of the time), I just do with with an ugly look on my face.

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cowpukes sounds something like a 3rd grader would say. i despise when people use that name. it actually makes US look stupid.

brokebacks is about the only good one.

I agree. I hate all of the stupid names that people on here call our NFC East opponents and "pukes" is one of the worst. Other names that make us sound like a bunch of dumb kids are: the Midgets, the Gnats, the G strings, the Iggles, the Fecals, the cowpies, the cowturds, etc.

I may say Cowgirls once in a while just to piss off my friend who is a die-hard Cowboys fan, but it's just annoying when people constantly use lame nicknames when talking about our division rivals.

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I don't like the brokeback or homo names. Seems like too easy a joke and frankly, IMHO, a bit tasteless.

I like Cowturds, although I don't personally use a nickname for them.

I prefer to think thoughts of ill-will while I say their name..

Like maybe they'll all get their least favorite sandwich in their school lunches!...

And I won't trade with them!!.... Ever!!

Evil, pure evil.



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