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Rocky Mcintosh's expected role in 2007


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With Fletcher in the middle, Lemar Marshall can move back to the weakside, where he played well in 2005. Marshall, a former safety in college, has cover skills. He also has enough speed to come off the edge. His long arms make him an effective pass rusher even if he doesn't get sacks. This also means the team does not have to worry whether Rocky McIntosh will be ready to start on the weakside. Marshall is ready to start there, and McIntosh can continue to work as a special teams performer.


With a season under his belt, I would usually expect and 2nd round linebacker to be prepared to start in his sophomore effort. While I am all about putting the best players on the field, I didnt expect to here that Rocky will be a special teams performer. Any insight on Rocky's development or your expectations for him? I have been expecting great things from this kid, after all we traded up a couple spots make sure we got him. :helmet:

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I thought one of the reasons Dale Lindsay was let go was because he wouldn't start Rocky? :whoknows:

I'm not worried about it though, the best player will start and I expect they will rotate to keep fresh. Maybe Rocky can do another one of those running on to the field at the last minute tackles again this year :laugh:

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Sounds like something that will be settled in camp. I'd love to see Rocky out there, only if he is ready, and I'm sorry but I still trust that GWill has much better knowledge of that than people on a message board. If he's not ready, and to work him in and not have to depend on him makes L.Marshall a great safety net who also provides depth at WLB, and MLB if needed.

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There will probably be a postition battle in training camp that will answer the question of who is going to play there. Either way, as of right now we look good at WLB and MLB.

As much as I would like to see McIntosh starting, either way Marshall/McIntosh and Fletcher starting are an instant improvement over Holdman and Marshall respectively

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Rocky is making big time plays on special teams - he attacks the ball / ball carrier and has a great closing burst ala Sean Taylor. He may be behind the curve but I would have to think he will get a fair shot at winning the starting spot from Lemar this preseason.

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Anyone else coming to the realization that Rocky was the second choice? D'Quell was probably to be the MLB. Rocky was a pick after Vinny was stuck with his thumb up his tushy. Good player, but not the guy you traded up for.

haha, rocky is bigger than d'qwell jackson, so why would they want that guy at middle? hes also in a 3-4. rocky comes from the U where the skins loooove picking players from, so i doubt rocky was some sort of backup plan pick.

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Rotation...they'll rotate Lemar and Rocky and Marcus and maybe London. Rocky will play, he might not start unless he beats out Lemar for the job, hopefully this will motivate him and push him to work harder to get into the starting lineup.

We have DEPTH now and too many good linebackers isn't a problem...

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Lemar and Rocky will platoon in and out.

I'm still not sold on Fletcher. During his press conference, standing next to Gibbs, Joe was bigger than him!.. That said I like our options at linebacker alot more this year. I'm a big fan of Marshall. Why? I'm not really sure. He had a good year in '05 and still can play. Hopefully Washington will show up 100% from off season surgery.

If Fletcher stays healthy and Rocky continues to improve we'll be alright at LB.

53,98,59,and 52 is better than 53,98,52,and 57

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With a season under his belt, I would usually expect and 2nd round linebacker to be prepared to start in his sophomore effort. While I am all about putting the best players on the field, I didnt expect to here that Rocky will be a special teams performer. Any insight on Rocky's development or your expectations for him? I have been expecting great things from this kid, after all we traded up a couple spots make sure we got him. :helmet:

I expect him to start as well...

I will be very dissapointed if we traded up for him and he is still sitting his second year.

Now, if he comes out on passing downs for Marshall, I don't have a problem with that. I could see that as a viable situation. I believe Marshall is a good cover LB (probably because he was a safety in college).


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There will probably be a postition battle in training camp that will answer the question of who is going to play there. Either way, as of right now we look good at WLB and MLB.

Not to mention solid depth. Whoever wins the WLB job, we've got a capable backup in case Rocky/Marshall go down.

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haha, rocky is bigger than d'qwell jackson, so why would they want that guy at middle? hes also in a 3-4. rocky comes from the U where the skins loooove picking players from, so i doubt rocky was some sort of backup plan pick.

Usually, when a team trades up, they have the pick ready within like 30 seconds when their turn comes up.

The skins took like 5 minutes.

I'm pretty sure the team got scooped.

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A good solid Middle Linebacker makes all the diff, We are going to see MW excell next year to a pro bowl, Rocky and Lemar will have a huge improvement because of that. With smoot back the blitz is back, which will lead to sacks, and turnovers.

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