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Dan Snyder, the pioneer


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Snyder has really made his impact on the NFL...

!st...he's raised the pay of all HC when he offered the unheard of $ 5 miilion per year to Spurrier..which is now the norm with some like Holmgren now up to $ 8 million and Cowher possibly becoming the first $ 10 million coach

2nd...he raised the pay of top assistant coaches by offering Marvin Lewis over $ 1 million..now the league is spending money to biuld "all-pro" coaching staffs with the Redskins leading by hiring ex-HC like Williams and Saunders and paying them more than some HC.

3rd...the Redskins set the standard on how to win FA by going after them hard and offering huge contracts and getting them to visit us first and not letting them leave without signing....the league has caught up and has taken this to the extreme as witnessed by the unrealistic contracts being dished out just to get a player before someone else.

clues to the next step seems to be abandoning this FA approach in the future and let the opposition pay thru their noses for mediocre FA while the Redskins turn back to the draft. A recent post and article satated that the Redskins will be cleaning house after this years draft and rebuilding their FO and scout team..

since FA is now broken because teams are overpaying for talent...I think the Redskins will revert back to using the draft more extensively instead of just plugging in multiple FA every year...

the best method seems to be buiding thru the draft and using the FA to just fill in some key positions because the FA approach is hit-or-miss the same as unproven rookies...as we found out last year with our 4 expensive acquisitions.

so while the rest of the league gets itself in major cap trouble 2008...the Redskins will hopefully have top notch scouts that can unearth top talent for all seven picks next year (if we still have them).

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You are complimenting Snyder for facilitating the most colossally idiotic management of a franchise that, in less than a decade, has turned a once-proud franchise into a joke?

He is an idiot. He has been a laughing stock of the league and has actually harmed the franchise and the league by his feckless gaming of the salary cap. That he gets compliments from fans of this team blows my mind.

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This master plan revolved around getting a Superstar QB. Snyder was naive at first and getting Jeff George and then gave Spurrier his chance at a franchise qb with Ramsey. He gave Gibbs his chance with JC and we will be finally cashing in and returning to glory

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LOOK one of these days the right combination of free agents will nab us a superbowl

I'd rather have Snyder as an owner and look forward to free agnecy and the next year then the Eagles crying we over spend and they never won a superbowl.

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LOOK one of these days the right combination of free agents will nab us a superbowl

You do realize, don't you, that this is not a fact or a given. It perfectly possible--if not probable--that building through FA could mean we never when a Super Bowl again.

There are many franchises who have never won a Super Bowl. We aren't going to win one unless we manage our team like a Super Bowl team. Right now we are managed by morons. Until that changes, its possible we never get to a Super Bowl again.

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I especially the part where he made everyone think that FA was the way to go by pissing away our future and losing a lot. That was a masterstroke there! Everyone was so jealous!

Dude grow up please. When we made the playoffs in 05 were you saying this?

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Inflation of head coaching salaries is to be expected. Now talent opinions aside (who makes a good coach), you have to pay a premium for the "best". Naturally the "best" in 2002 costs more than the "best" of '04.

Innovation. There is no salary cap on assistant coaches. If your generals are better than an opponents generals, all things being equal, you should win. Hell this seems like a good idea in an age of parody on the field. Or so the theory goes.

This guy wants to win. Noone spends this kind of money on a privately owned business to fail. If he wasnt interested in winning he could get the same results with a hell of a lot less investment.

People bashed Gibbs for bringing in booth review specialists to radio down and advise on the red flag challenge. While ridiculed in the media other teams have adopted this approach. While those outside the nfl laughed, those inside the nfl adopted. A similar league wide approach to snyders ideas are now coming into view because of the huge new cap space from the recent cba extention.

Now before someone accuses me of being a snyder apoligist, I personally detest the guy. He buys name brand business' nearing bankruptcy, uses his expertise (marketing) to drive up the price, and shills this frankenshat off onto 3rd party shmucks. Hardly honorable.

But you cannot question the guys desire to win for the washington redskins.

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You do realize, don't you, that this is not a fact or a given. It perfectly possible--if not probable--that building through FA could mean we never when a Super Bowl again.

There are many franchises who have never won a Super Bowl. We aren't going to win one unless we manage our team like a Super Bowl team. Right now we are managed by morons. Until that changes, its possible we never get to a Super Bowl again.

You also realize that since Snyder has owned the team they have been to the playoffs 2 out of 6 years. He brought back Joe Gibbs and has tried to win by bringing in any player he could. There were no playoff appearances after Gibbs left. So while he may have made mistakes at least he tries to do anything to win and is the opposite of a bidwell. You seem to be such a fan of other organizations why not switch.

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Dude grow up please. When we made the playoffs in 05 were you saying this?

In the last 15 years, we've made the playoffs twice (1999 and 2005). I'm sorry. No one is jealous of us in the league or trying to emulate us.

Making the playoffs in 2005 doesn't excuse the utter incompetence those managing this franchise has shown.

This is about trophies, not playoff appearances.

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clues to the next step seems to be abandoning this FA approach in the future and let the opposition pay thru their noses for mediocre FA while the Redskins turn back to the draft. A recent post and article satated that the Redskins will be cleaning house after this years draft and rebuilding their FO and scout team..

since FA is now broken because teams are overpaying for talent...I think the Redskins will revert back to using the draft more extensively instead of just plugging in multiple FA every year...

the best method seems to be buiding thru the draft and using the FA to just fill in some key positions because the FA approach is hit-or-miss the same as unproven rookies...as we found out last year with our 4 expensive acquisitions.

I really hope not. I've always had a large amount of respect for Dan Snyder during his time as owner of the Washington Redskins. He lost an amount of that respect last year when he voted to approve the new CBA, but if we truly revery to a Draft-based player acquisition philosophy over a Free Agent-based one, I will lose ALL respect for the entire franchise. They will also lose my entire fandom and support.

You do realize, don't you, that this is not a fact or a given. It perfectly possible--if not probable--that building through FA could mean we never when a Super Bowl again.

Better to go 0-16 every year trying to build a GREAT team through Free Agency than to go 19-0 and win the Super Bowl every year by building a mediocre team through the draft (ie.. the New England Patriots).

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United States of America

April 19, 1775 to November 7, 2006

A Victim of her own Beliefs


The "United States of America" did not exist on April 19, 1775. The Declaration of Independence used the term united States of America. But the Declaration did not establish a country. It did not officially become the "United States of America" until November 15, 1777 when the Articles of Confederation was signed. Although, as a technical matter, that "United States of America" died on Sept. 17, 1787 when the Constitution superseded it. So, as a technical matter, *this* "United States of America was born on 9.17.1787.

As to the second part, I was down this weekend at the National Archives and saw the Constitution. So it is still around. As such, the "United States of America" has not died or ended.

Hope that assuages some concerns you may be having.

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