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Bills fans thoughts on Fletcher


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I think we are getting one great player, I joined the Buffalo Bills message board and wanted to share some of their fans thoughts on London Fletcher:

I feel that it's very necessary to thank Mr. Fletcher for his years of service to this organization, for never missing a game, for tackling so many darn people, and for being a cut above in terms of his leadership and character.

When we have players sprinkling nude dancers with bags of money, being involved in violent crime, partying on boats, roiding, and openly playing only for one's self, we have guys like London Fletcher. This guy is a real football player, folks.

So, Mr. Fletcher, if you should by chance run upon this thread -- thank you, from the bottom of my heart! You're a great player, a great person, and you're a true asset to the game of football, and you'll be remembered by the Buffalo Bills, and all our fans. You deserve the contract you're getting in Washington, and I wish you nothing but the best of luck as your career winds down - though I am sure your production won't!


Hey theres alotta guys who come and go year in and year out. Alotta players have stepped in and out of the tunnel to Ralph Wilson Stadium. London was a guy you know was bringing his all every game. Everything this guy lacked in height and speed he made up for 10 times more with his heart. If we had 22 LFB's on our team we'd be a superbowl team. This guy brought emotion and leadership, and me myself as an athlete my self i really look up to london and try to emulate and model my perserverance and dedication to the game the same as he would. This guy who was snubbed from the pro bowl on countless occasions, didnt yapp about it just kept on playing. A true blue collar guy who really fit this city. Thats why its so sad to see him go. This is the kinda guy that kids should look to as a role model , the kind of guy whos worth buying a poster or jersey of. This guy was my favorite player on the team.THANK YOU FOR THE HEART LONDON, ULL ALWAYS BE IN MINE.

Thank you London Fletcher.

You are a scholar and a gentlemen.

Best of luck for the future..

What I reALLy wanna kno is WHO IS GUNNA STEP UP AND BE THE HEART AND LEADER of our defense ? Sometimes these things go unsaid but he was the QB of the defense , he was here year in and out, we need someone to step up and keep the same fire that our defense had. I hope that flame doesent burn out.

London...you are a class act. Thanks for your unmatched leadership and outstanding work ethics.

Thank you for your leadership and performace during your time in Buffalo, you will be greatly missed.

hopefully Washington will provide you with your long overdue trip to the Pro Bowl.

Good Luck Fletch, you were always a class act and a Leader of Men on this team.

hey "trooks" what do you mean crowell will be better? fletcher was givin his heart to this team for like what 8 years, he was playing amazing football you can't just dump him like that he deserves respect. crowell is good but he'll never be as good as fletcher. NEVER

Can't be said enough... I'll be rooting for Fletch. His humility and work ethic may be just what Washington has been lacking.

Two things strike me about Fletch:

1. A true class act on and off the field

2. A guy who, despite not being the physical prototype, always gives his all and outperforms the workout warriors.

Quality player, Quality Individual

Enjoy D.C. Fletch

One Jersey that will still get worn with great regularity. One of my favorite players in the NFL.

Good luck London!

London you've always given me a reason to cheer even when we were out of it in December. I can't tell you how much your work ethic, drive, and desire was appreciated by me and the rest of the fans. I can only hope I live my life with as much heart as you play the game of football. Good luck in Washington, you will be truly missed.

Thank you Fletcher! I only wish you the best in Washington. Continue being a TD monster on defense for me! lol

I'll join any London Fletcher-Baker thread!

Talk about a role model. He's the kind of guy you want on your team. Just does his job with every once of energy and talent he has, every day.

I hopte he has five more great years and earns every nickel on his contract. The man deserves it.

Thanks for all you great play for the Bills, London!


That gives you a taste of what a player we are getting and how classy the Bills fans are, just my :2cents:

Here is the link, but unless you join you can't view the thread:


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Can't be said enough... I'll be rooting for Fletch. His humility and work ethic may be just what Washington has been lacking.

That one made me. :) :wavetowel :jump: :excited:

And I can't wait to see him :nutkick: the Cowboys!!!

:dallasuck :dallasuck :eaglesuck :eaglesuck :gaintsuck :gaintsuck

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Here a a link from the stats of the NFC Linebackers from the 06 season:


And here is Fletcher-Baker:

London Fletcher-Baker BUF 101 Tacks, 45 Ast, 146 Total , 2 Sacks , 4 Ints 1Int TD

If he puts up close to the same numbers I think he will make a name for himself. :)

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The reactions from Bills fans definetely change my reaction to his signing. I was originally indifferent about the move just because I did not think that LB was a huge need. But now that I see what Fletcher represents, besides being a good player on the field, I really like the acquisition.

Here's to Fletcher being a great addition for the Washington Redskins :cheers:

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he sounds like he will work out fine, but what do we call him? london fletcher? london baker? london fletcher-baker? LFB? or just plain old london?

He's been London Fletcher his whole career before last year, so thats still what a call him.

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