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Rumor- Smoot is back home


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I have a source inside the Redskins that just said Smoot has signed with the skins. No details on money yet but he said it is a done deal!!!! It should be announced this afternoon. I am very happy, I always liked Smoot and I am glad he is back with the Redskins. Please don't kill me on this info, I don't post alot but I am always willing to pass on info I get.

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I have a source inside the Redskins that just said Smoot has signed with the skins. No details on money yet but he said it is a done deal!!!! It should be announced this afternoon. I am very happy, I always liked Smoot and I am glad he is back with the Redskins. Please don't kill me on this info, I don't post alot but I am always willing to pass on info I get.

Can you identify your source? Or do you have to "claim anonymity due to the sensitive nature of contract negotiations"?

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In the past he has claimed to work for Comcast SportsNet. I'd be a little surprised if he was already here. Smsmith has the plane going to Jackson, Mississippi, not returning yet. Perhaps the contract was agreed upon in talks with the agent over the phone, and Smoot is going to be dropping by the Park, but I seriously doubt he has already signed the papers. At best, agreed to a contract.

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I have a source inside the Redskins that just said Smoot has signed with the skins. No details on money yet but he said it is a done deal!!!! It should be announced this afternoon. I am very happy, I always liked Smoot and I am glad he is back with the Redskins. Please don't kill me on this info, I don't post alot but I am always willing to pass on info I get.

if ur right ur my new hero - that would mean no clements and subsequently more money for kerney.

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another CB who is toasted with regularity...just what we need!

Not with the Redskins he wasn't. Perhaps we can look at his 2 years with the Vikings as an aberration. I thought he was fantastic in his 1 year w/Williams. That's why he got the big payday from MN.

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Smoot was a above average CB here i don't know why anybody would be down on the signing.. We are'nt gonna spend huge dollers on Clements and he is better then any rookie cb coming in and his replacement Carlos Rogers.. Who could we get better seriously??

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