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Your funniest recieved wrong number?


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I have pranked called a couple times.

I called a random Orlando number one time and a guy answered to what sounded like a party so I used a deep southern accent and asked him if Kenny was there. They guy asked who and I said Kenny and he said hold on. Some new guy was on the phone and I asked him if he was Kenny and he said "no, who is this?" I told him that I am Kennys cousin Bubba and that my brother Leonard wanted me to call Kenny.

The guy was silent for a moment and said there is no Kenny here so I asked if I had the wrong number and he said yes. I said well you have a good night son and hung up the phone.

I could only imagine how bad theey were making fun of Bubba after they hung up the phone :)

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And...George W must have called you asking for Foreign Policy advice :paranoid:

He did, but the bugger just wouldn't listen. I did mention something about how the French gave us a great symbolic gift of liberty and freedom. He was like the only the French gave us was Asparagus and that gave us sticky pee. Strangely, he said that while doing a Ross Perot immitation, a damn good immitation too by the way. I think I may have accidentally been responsible for the whole freedom fry ordeal. Sorry again.

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Something funny is these kids at my school tried to prank phone call my dad. They called saying they were cingular, and wanted to speak to the bill payer, I didn't catch on yet, then when I called my dad, i listened on for 2 more seconds before hanging up, and noticed who it was. After my dad stopped yelling at them and hung up about him not having service, i told him, Dad we just got pranked called, and he get arguing against me, that we didn't and that people within the business do that all the time.. I then told the kids the next day, and they started cracking up.

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:laugh: This reminds me of the Seinfeld where Kramer changes his number to the old moviephone number, and people keep calling him, asking for movie information.
The shipping giant "Maersk" put my phone number on their website. Some idiot tranposed the numbers to their Long Beach facility 310 area code vs. 301. Try finding anyone to call who could fix it. I was getting hundreds of calls. I would take orders, tell people their containers were lost at sea, asked people if they were inquiring about their drug or gun shipments, etc. It got old though, and still happens occasionally.
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I work for a company that sells laboratory furniture and have the word "LAB" in our company name. For some reason, we are listed under testing labs in the yellow pages and every so often I get a call from someone who wants me to test "a stain on my couch" or "some green slimey thing on my wall". When I tell people that we sell lab furniture the majority of them say, oh, sorry and keep trying other places.

But this one lady called, I told her sorry we dont do that kind of work and she fires back "well your in the yellow pages under testing labs" and I said yes I am aware of it, but it is a mistake, sorry I cant help you. But she kept demanding that I test her pool water. I finally got rid of her, but she called back about 10 min later, still screaming at me telling me that "since my compnay is listed under testing labs I should do her testing". At this point, polite buisness phone manor went out the window, and I ripped into this lady, finally getting her to stop talking long enough for me to say goodbye and hang up the phone. Then she gets her husband or some guy to call us and ask the same questions, and as I am being polite to this guy and telling him no we dont do that, she grabs the phone and starts screaming at me again! I said enough with this and left for the day.

The next morning when my receptionist checks the messages on the answering machine, 84 messages left between 6pm and 2am by this lady demanding to know when someone could come and test her pool water.

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I have a couple.

1. When I was in high school there was a guy my buddies and I could not stand, but he insited on hanging out with us. So, after aquiring his phone number we proceed to prank call him. After dialing *67 (blocks the number), I call him in a disguised voice. I told him that I was Trooper Johnson of the MD State Police Department calling to obtain information on a suspected harassment of a (hot) teacher at our school. I went on to tell him that she had told the us that he had been harassing her and making obscene gestures at her. He got incredibly nervous and started stammering and stumbling over his words. The phone interrogation went on for about 15 minutes and that dude threw ALL of our names out there as people who coud have harassed her. Needless to say after school the next day we jumped his B*tchass. You NEVER throwyour buddies under the bus NEVER.

2. About two years ago I was over a buddy's house and we decided to prank call different 24 hour establishments with the Ahhnold soundboard. Well, my buddy Johnny (after myself and my other buddies had been quite successful) decided to take a whack at it. When the lady picks up the phone his finger gets stuck on the "HI" button. After he stopped the lady responded, "HI, H, H, H, H, H, HI, HI, HI!" We all fell out!!!

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I have a couple.

1. When I was in high school there was a guy my buddies and I could not stand, but he insited on hanging out with us. So, after aquiring his phone number we proceed to prank call him. After dialing *67 (blocks the number), I call him in a disguised voice. I told him that I was Trooper Johnson of the MD State Police Department calling to obtain information on a suspected harassment of a (hot) teacher at our school. I went on to tell him that she had told the us that he had been harassing her and making obscene gestures at her. He got incredibly nervous and started stammering and stumbling over his words. The phone interrogation went on for about 15 minutes and that dude threw ALL of our names out there as people who coud have harassed her. Needless to say after school the next day we jumped his B*tchass. You NEVER throwyour buddies under the bus NEVER.

2. About two years ago I was over a buddy's house and we decided to prank call different 24 hour establishments with the Ahhnold soundboard. Well, my buddy Johnny (after myself and my other buddies had been quite successful) decided to take a whack at it. When the lady picks up the phone his finger gets stuck on the "HI" button. After he stopped the lady responded, "HI, H, H, H, H, H, HI, HI, HI!" We all fell out!!!

That first one is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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In middle school, a couple years back, a friend and I, after school would go to the pay phone and call Mattress Discounters. Because it was a 1800 number, the call was free. We would just go and say random crap and stuff, and make fun of the peoples name, and say we wanted a good bed for sex etc etc. Then hang up and go home on the bus.

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My friend got a random voice message(which he saved on his phone for over a year) from a black chick looking for "Jamal."

(Imagine this in an accent crossed between large black chick snapping fingers at you and valley girl)

The message opens: "Heyy Jamaall! I just calling to say i forgive you. I don't care you been skanking around with that hoe. You made a mistake and I made a mistake too, but if you just like stop seeing her, maybe we can be together again Jamal baby. Let me take u back sugarpie. Jamal. I love you Jammaalll! You better call me now aight."

We laughed for ten minutes after listening to that and we decided to call her back pretending to be Jamal and have some fun. We call her back and my friend says in his best deep, gangster rapper voice:

"Hey what's up?"

The lady responds: "Who dis be?"

My friend: "It's Jamal baby"

She says: "Jamal got squeaky voice" :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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My friend got a random voice message(which he saved on his phone for over a year) from a black chick looking for "Jamal."

(Imagine this in an accent crossed between large black chick snapping fingers at you and valley girl)

The message opens: "Heyy Jamaall! I just calling to say i forgive you. I don't care you been skanking around with that hoe. You made a mistake and I made a mistake too, but if you just like stop seeing her, maybe we can be together again Jamal baby. Let me take u back sugarpie. Jamal. I love you Jammaalll! You better call me now aight."

We laughed for ten minutes after listening to that and we decided to call her back pretending to be Jamal and have some fun. We call her back and my friend says in his best deep, gangster rapper voice:

"Hey what's up?"

The lady responds: "Who dis be?"

My friend: "It's Jamal baby"

She says: "Jamal got squeaky voice" :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Thats Priceless!

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Thats Priceless!

I wish you could hear the message... too bad my friend broke the phone that he saved it on. My friend tells it better than I ever could tho, great accent too. Still every couple of weeks one of us will say "Jamal got squeaky voice" and we'll just lose control and start falling out of our chairs in Econ class... these are memories to cherish right here.

Just yesterday my teacher sent us an email about our "behavior during class." My friend's mom is a teacher at our school and teaches next door to us so the econ teacher got him in trouble with his mom. The econ teacher wanted to email my parents but she didn't have their emails so she asked me for my mom's phone number. I iwrote down my friends cell number instead and now we're waiting for her to call. If we do it right, it'll be classic.:cool:

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I wish you could hear the message... too bad my friend broke the phone that he saved it on. My friend tells it better than I ever could tho, great accent too. Still every couple of weeks one of us will say "Jamal got squeaky voice" and we'll just lose control and start falling out of our chairs in Econ class... these are memories to cherish right here.

Just yesterday my teacher sent us an email about our "behavior during class." My friend's mom is a teacher at our school and teaches next door to us so the econ teacher got him in trouble with his mom. The econ teacher wanted to email my parents but she didn't have their emails so she asked me for my mom's phone number. I iwrote down my friends cell number instead and now we're waiting for her to call. If we do it right, it'll be classic.:cool:

Wow.. that will be right out priceless..

Keep us updated on that...

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Wow.. that will be right out priceless..

Keep us updated on that...

I might have to act up again to get her to call. I was trying the reverse pyschology before (begging her not to call my mom up, attempting to steal back the sticky note I wrote the number on) but I think she likes me too much to actually call unless I really piss her off.

The story of how we got in trouble and got the email sent home is pretty funny too. We're in AP Microeconomics classes and she brings up monopolies and mentions Amtrack as an example of how monopolies are not always profitable just because of their lack of competition. As she's explaining and taking questions, a quiet, little Asian genius girl raises her hand and asks completely out of the blue: "Would Hooters be considered a monopoly?"

:doh: :laugh: :laugh:

It gets even better though. My teacher (female btw) responded straightfaced while the whole class is rolling around on the floor: "A monopoly on what? The industry of restaraunts that have waitresses with short shorts and big boobs?... And beer."

She thought we were making fun of the girl(we weren't, we're all in good fun with everybody), but needless to say when my friend answers the phone and impersonates my mom, he's going to ask: "But seriously though Mrs. ___, do you consider Hooters to be a monopoly?" We're not really gonna try too hard to hide who we are. It'll be funnier if we let her catch us. She'll thinks its really funny... I hope. ;)

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A long time ago, I was sitting at home on a snowy day. I was also a bit out of it... I got a phone call and it was some chick. She must have been able to tell I wasn't quite with it and really started playing some mind games with me. I must have talked to her for about an hour and the more I talked to her the more she messed up my head. Before it was all over I was reeling. I never knew who it was but it really was the best time I had on the phone. And no, I've never called a 900 number....

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When I was in hs we used to get calls for an abortion clinic. Needless to say I would make appointments and vive bad directions...

I once got a call at a pizza joint i was working at from a kid that was about 10 asking if he could stay the night at a friends. i told him to stay a couple nights if he wanted and to just call me when he was ready to come home.... ;)

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I once got a call at a pizza joint i was working at from a kid that was about 10 asking if he could stay the night at a friends. i told him to stay a couple nights if he wanted and to just call me when he was ready to come home.... ;)

dude, you're evil :laugh:

but wouldn't you feel guilty if you read about him in the paper a couple days later.

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