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PS3 driving Blu-ray movie sales, outpacing HD-DVD


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I said a few weeks ago that HD-DVD was winning the DVD wars. Apparently that may be changing now.


Sony has made certain that recent Nielsen VideoScan sales figures would not go unnoticed, today heralding PlayStation 3 as a driving force behind a growing appetite for Blu-ray movie consumption. According to the Nielson data, during the first two weeks of January, sales of Blu-ray movies outpaced those of HD-DVD movies by a wide margin; in week one, 47.14 HD DVD titles were sold for every 100 Blu-ray titles; in week two, the margin grew to 38.36 HD-DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles. High-Def Digest suggests that, despite HD-DVD's head start, overall sales of the two formats could be equal in a matter of weeks; while Sony is already confident that "Blu-ray has surpassed HD-DVD in cumulative sales."

It should be noted that during those first two weeks of January the only high-def titles released were two Blu-ray movies: The Covenant (Jan. 2) and Crank (Jan. 9). Also, if we are to credit PS3 for the Blu-ray sales spike, we should notice that not a single PS3 game was released during that two-week period (see: PS3 release schedule). There's reason for Sony to be proud that allegedly 90% of PS3 users have watched a Blu-ray movie; but from our perspective, we'd be just as willing to applaud if that percentage dipped in favor of deeper gaming experiences.

Perhaps the game drought has worked in Sony's favor, generating greater interest in Blu-ray movies, while early PS3 adopters wait for the software library to grow. No doubt Microsoft is also closely watching high-def movie sales; and if the current trend continues, a jump to Blu-ray is always possible.

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I said a few weeks ago that HD-DVD was winning the DVD wars. Apparently that may be changing now.


Sony has made certain that recent Nielsen VideoScan sales figures would not go unnoticed, today heralding PlayStation 3 as a driving force behind a growing appetite for Blu-ray movie consumption. According to the Nielson data, during the first two weeks of January, sales of Blu-ray movies outpaced those of HD-DVD movies by a wide margin; in week one, 47.14 HD DVD titles were sold for every 100 Blu-ray titles; in week two, the margin grew to 38.36 HD-DVD titles for every 100 Blu-ray titles. High-Def Digest suggests that, despite HD-DVD's head start, overall sales of the two formats could be equal in a matter of weeks; while Sony is already confident that "Blu-ray has surpassed HD-DVD in cumulative sales."

It should be noted that during those first two weeks of January the only high-def titles released were two Blu-ray movies: The Covenant (Jan. 2) and Crank (Jan. 9). Also, if we are to credit PS3 for the Blu-ray sales spike, we should notice that not a single PS3 game was released during that two-week period (see: PS3 release schedule). There's reason for Sony to be proud that allegedly 90% of PS3 users have watched a Blu-ray movie; but from our perspective, we'd be just as willing to applaud if that percentage dipped in favor of deeper gaming experiences.

Perhaps the game drought has worked in Sony's favor, generating greater interest in Blu-ray movies, while early PS3 adopters wait for the software library to grow. No doubt Microsoft is also closely watching high-def movie sales; and if the current trend continues, a jump to Blu-ray is always possible.

The question is how many non PS3 Blu-ray compared to HD DVD players have been sold. It is way to early and if Sony is desperate for this news to proclaim they have won then it is not looking good. Remember Beta was ahead of VHS at the beginning :) most people like myself are just waiting for prices to drop, when a player is say $200 then we will see.

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The thing is, Sony learned from their lesson with Blu-Ray. They took steps YEARS before to make sure their movie library was big enough to give them a foothold when a new format war started. This is just the start. I still see more Blu-Ray movies on the shelf over HD-DVD movies. This is a major reason why Blu-Ray will overcome it. The only thing that may save HD-DVD will be the LG player that can play both formats.

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Just great.

I just bought a 50" HDTV (for my Redskins Room) and was going to upgrade my Dish Network satellite boxes to the HD ones (with the built-in Tivo) and buy a HD-DVD player, but now this???

Like what War Paint said, "I wish one format would take over so I can feel comfortable buying a player and movies."

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Just great.

I just bought a 50" HDTV (for my Redskins Room) and was going to upgrade my Dish Network satellite boxes to the HD ones (with the built-in Tivo) and buy a HD-DVD player, but now this???

Like what War Paint said, "I wish one format would take over so I can feel comfortable buying a player and movies."

LG makes a player that plays both.

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Just great.

I just bought a 50" HDTV (for my Redskins Room) and was going to upgrade my Dish Network satellite boxes to the HD ones (with the built-in Tivo) and buy a HD-DVD player, but now this???

Like what War Paint said, "I wish one format would take over so I can feel comfortable buying a player and movies."

I love by cutting edge hi-tech gadgets. But with High Def DVD's I am waiting till it is somewhat sorted out. Right now the only way I would consider getting one is if it was dual format.

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I just bought a 50" HDTV (for my Redskins Room) and was going to upgrade my Dish Network satellite boxes to the HD ones (with the built-in Tivo) and buy a HD-DVD player, but now this???

Youre TV will be fine for quite a while and standard-definition DVD's aren't going anywhere any time soon. I'd wait for the format war to fight itself out. Then players will come down in price as the technology changes and improves, more media will be available, etcetera. Regardless what Sony thinks, I have a feeling HD-DVD will ultimately win out. It's Beta versus VHS all over again.

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You're TV will be fine for quite a while and standard-definition DVD's aren't going anywhere any time soon. I'd wait for the format war to fight itself out. Then players will come down in price as the technology changes and improves, more media will be available, etcetera. Regardless what Sony thinks, I have a feeling HD-DVD will ultimately win out. It's Beta versus VHS all over again.

The thing though in regards to Beta vs. VHS is that Sony now owns the rights to a ton of movies, such as the James Bond collection. Also what hurt Beta was there wasn't enough recording time on it. Blue Ray has much more data storage capabilities.

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The thing though in regards to Beta vs. VHS is that Sony now owns the rights to a ton of movies, such as the James Bond collection. Also what hurt Beta was there wasn't enough recording time on it. Blue Ray has much more data storage capabilities.

I don't necessarily mean the situations are similar in terms of the technology, but the format war. If HD-DVD does ultimately wind up in more homes via component systems (not PS3's), the Sony will have to eventually acknowledge that. Having the rights and putting movies out on their proprietary product won't mean a hill of beans of no one buys it. The average teenager playing a game console couldn't care less about Dr No... ;)

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Some at BB told me that the porn industry is using HD DVD and they have the power to dictate future media trends.

I saw a blurb that "debbie Does Dallas" was going to come out on Blu-Ray.

I was talking to my brother about it over the weekend. The legend goes that the reason VHS won out was because of the porn......

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Dont listen to the kid trying to sell you something at BestBuy, dont even gauge which one is better by the sales numbers, cost.unit etc. The defining factor in all new media comes down to one industry. PORN.

Thats right, the Porn industry will decide for you which will become the dominant format. Think back to VHS vs. Beta. Talk to any videophile you know and they will tell you Beta is the better format, easier to use and easier for editing. up to as late as 2002 many north american TV stations still shot and edited their video using Betamax. But the porn industry chose VHS because it was cheaper to manufacture.

And rememeber Laser Discs? those 12" -14" discs that everyone though was the latest craze in the video world? not a single Porn title was initially released on laser disc, the Porn industry kept using VHS until something called DVD came along. How many laser discs or laser disc palyers do you see today? Id bet you'd be lucky to find even one.

So just sit back and relax, wait and see which Porn titles come out on either blu Ray or HD-DVD and then go out and buy the appropriate player. Dont try to guess by articles posted on the web now which says the Porn industry will go with Blu Ray, becasue if you did a google search last month, you'd find jsut as many articles stating the Porn industries prefernce for HD-DVD.

WAIT.....thats the only thing you can do.

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I don't necessarily mean the situations are similar in terms of the technology, but the format war. If HD-DVD does ultimately wind up in more homes via component systems (not PS3's), the Sony will have to eventually acknowledge that. Having the rights and putting movies out on their proprietary product won't mean a hill of beans of no one buys it. The average teenager playing a game console couldn't care less about Dr No... ;)

everyone likes to bring up VHS and Beta, but ignore DVD vs DiVX. Sony seems to have won that one. Fact is Sony learned from it's mistake. When people look at the shelves and see more of a selection on the Blu-Ray shelves they'll go towards Blu-Ray. The avg. teenager may not care that Dr. No is only on Blu-Ray, but they might care that all 3 Saw movies are. Or how about Dodgeball?

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No doubt Microsoft is also closely watching high-def movie sales; and if the current trend continues, a jump to Blu-ray is always possible.

Why the Xbox 360 is a better machine. Because it's cheaper, but doesn't force hardware on you.. You want the HD-DVD player you go buy it.. If HD-DVD loses, then MS will just make a blue ray addon. If blue-ray loses however, PS3 is stuck with it, and will not make the console look good having defeated hardware in it.

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The defining factor in all new media comes down to one industry. PORN.

Sorry, this is just untrue. The internet is where most of the porn industry is making their money. Your statement is partially true for the VHS vs Betamax, but it is not an issue today.

Sony has a spotty history in format wars. Minidisks are gone and the PSP's UMD discs are a failure. This time, though, Sony has a lot more backers. Really, Universal Studios is the only group that is keeping the HD-DVD alive.

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Sorry, this is just untrue. The internet is where most of the porn industry is making their money. Your statement is partially true for the VHS vs Betamax, but it is not an issue today.

Sony has a spotty history in format wars. Minidisks are gone and the PSP's UMD discs are a failure. This time, though, Sony has a lot more backers. Really, Universal Studios is the only group that is keeping the HD-DVD alive.

yeah minidisks lost out to basically the Ipod, but the PSP format, is still going I believe. They continue to release movies for the PSP.

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