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Tailgating Forbidden For Super Bowl


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I've been told that and that's why I've made it a point recently to say that I'm not morally superior to anyone on this board. I'm strictly talking from the point of view of someone trying to enjoy the game. A lot of the incidences that take place in the stands are fueled by drunk people and I'm very sensitive to that. And you have to admit that there are many people who attend these games who drink just to get drunk.

Let me stress again.... I don't care if you drink a beer, a Smirnoff or whatever. It's when you interfere with my enjoyment of the game where I have a problem.

i know what you're saying. but you know what?

those drunk idiots that interfere with the game? they annoy me just as much as they annoy you. and i'm usually drunk.

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i know what you're saying. but you know what?

those drunk idiots that interfere with the game? they annoy me just as much as they annoy you. and i'm usually drunk.

But, Major, does that mean we just have to tolerate it? I'm not trying to be difficult and I'm definitely not trying to mock you or put you or anyone else down, here. But, if you're usually drunk and they annoy you, too, then you have to admit that there's a problem and something should be done about it.

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But, Major, does that mean we just have to tolerate it? I'm not trying to be difficult and I'm definitely not trying to mock you or put you or anyone else down, here. But, if you're usually drunk and they annoy you, too, then you have to admit that there's a problem and something should be done about it.

i'm pretty sure that trying to stop people from acting like idiots is an exercise in futility.

now, from our side: should responsible drinkers be denied the right to drink alcohol because of a small minority of knuckleheads?

i think a better approach might be a zero tolerance on idiotic behavior. beef up stadium security, and get the knuckleheads out at the first sign of stupidness.

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i'm pretty sure that trying to stop people from acting like idiots is an exercise in futility.

now, from our side: should responsible drinkers be denied the right to drink alcohol because of a small minority of knuckleheads?

i think a better approach might be a zero tolerance on idiotic behavior. beef up stadium security, and get the knuckleheads out at the first sign of stupidness.

Major, I think we've finally found a compromise we both can agree on. Hallelujah! But, you do make a good point. Why should the whole bunch be punished because of a few knuckleheads? We need to make these stadiums "idiot-free zones" and your idea seems to be the right call.

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I don't believe I ever mentioned alcohol or drunkeness in my post. I go to sporting events to watch the game. I show up a little before the start of the game and leave immediately after it's over. For me, there is no real need for the tailgating experience at all. If others wish to do it, fine; but it's not for me.

Of course you show up just before the game and leave right after. I'm pretty certain that it's not that you "see no real need for the tailgaiting experience,"

but don't have anyone to tailgate with and I'm also pretty certain that you are that guy that buys the single ticket to the game.

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Major, I think we've finally found a compromise we both can agree on. Hallelujah! But, you do make a good point. Why should the whole bunch be punished because of a few knuckleheads? We need to make these stadiums "idiot-free zones" and your idea seems to be the right call.

I'll agree with this as well. The NFL should not infringe on people having fun and who for the most part are respectful. Times have changed, as in, times have changed that the masses are more educated on a whole than they were 100 years ago. Then again, you also hear of worse stories due to the horrible influence of our popular music and media.

Anyways, yes, bump up security. Security at fedex is bad enough as it is, i'm sure anyone could walk in with anything and that worries me in general. I would prefer less idiots at the game.

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I've never understood the alure of tailgating to begin with, so this is the sort of game-day atmosphere that I would prefer. Sounds like a heck of an idea for every game, all year long.

:doh: Why does this not surprise me. If Tailgating becomes a thing of the past for "security reasons," I, along with many, many others, will stop going to games altogether. Security reasons my ass. EVERYTHING has that tag now. "It's for security reasons." Pretty soon, the govt. will be knocking on peoples doors & throwing them into "camps" for "security reasons."

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Tailgating is not ONLY about getting drunk. How about the crowd that wants to grill up some sausages, wings, chili, and chill with their friends, alcohol free? The rules say NO GRILLING -- even if you want Diet Coke with a hot dog, NOT ALLOWED. That is just silly !!!! As said before, police the idiots !!!

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Tailgating is not ONLY about getting drunk. How about the crowd that wants to grill up some sausages, wings, chili, and chill with their friends, alcohol free? The rules say NO GRILLING -- even if you want Diet Coke with a hot dog, NOT ALLOWED. That is just silly !!!! As said before, police the idiots !!!

Did I miss something here? How are the police idiots? It is the NFL SUPER BOWL committee that made this decision...at least that is what I thought I read.

Did the police make this decision?

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As said before, police the idiots !!!

But that's too difficult. Then they would actually have to do something. This way, where there's smoke, there's a grill. Easy to find. It's not easy to find an idiot griller in the middle of thousands of grillers. You can't possibly expect the NFL/Stadium security or the police to actually WORK for a living on Super Bowl Sunday, can you?

BTW, I think this is the dumbest rule I've ever seen. If the League starts to adopt this rule around the League, I don't think they will like the results.

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Did I miss something here? How are the police idiots? It is the NFL SUPER BOWL committee that made this decision...at least that is what I thought I read.

Did the police make this decision?

:doh: Read it again, Blondie. He said, "Police THE idiots," NOT "police are idiots."

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I would be standing one mile and one foot away from the stadium with a cooler full of beer... selling them for 3 dollars a pop. Money, money, money. :cool:

Er, I would be standing one mile and one foot away from the stadium with a cooler full of beer...........drinking them with my buddies.

Then i'd walk the mile to the stadium. Maybe fight a few people on the way in. Definitely puke on as many people as possible.

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Tailgating is one of the greatest American pastimes. I don't understand why they cant just have a lot of extra security for the game. They really don't need say that people arent allowed to do it. Extremely stupid IMO.

EDIT: I mean, do they really think that that is going to stop people from getting drunk? Picture thousands of drunk fans walking a mile to the stadium, crowding the roads, and drunk people getting RUN OVER. C'mon.

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I don't think that there is any reason that you absolutly should get drunk at a tailgate. But I mean, why not? It's a lot of fun. Just don't do it until you puke shards of your liver.:cheers:

At the risk of overinflating my ego -- and some of your fellow posters have accused me of just that -- I have fun at tailgates and I don't take a sip of alcohol. You make it sound like you MUST get drunk at a tailgate. The problem is the people who do drink until they "puke shards of (their) liver."

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Explain to me why you SHOULD get drunk at a tailgate.

Why not? Explain to me why you should post pics of yourself all over this site? I bet the answer is because you like to. Well, I like to drink. Whether I am drunk or sober and I attend a game, I am LOUD. That is who I am and what I do. I have a right to enjoy myself as well. Just because you may want to stay quiet at a game does not make me screaming and being loud wrong. You can sit down as long as you want but, I am standing the great majority of the time. Getting drunk at a tailgate is something that I do. Why do you go to the tailgate club and take pics with the cheerleaders over and over and over? You do what you like and I will do what I like.

Rincewind, the fact that you'd make a stupid statement like the one above shows that you're only reading what you want to read and not trying to understand my point of view.

Pot meet Kettle.

I have no problem with people drinking alcohol. The problem comes when those same people can't handle their liquor and interfere with my trying to enjoy the game. The people who drink too much are the same people who puke in the stands, want to pick fights, yell constantly for no reason and just generally make fools of themselves. I'm seeing it more and more at FedEx Field and I'm tired of it. I applaud the NFL's efforts to create a more family-like atmosphere.

You may get pissed about people jumping up and down and screaming but, I have a BIG problem with the people who just sit there and *****.

Just because I don't drink alcohol, does not make me morally superior to you or anyone else on this board who does, nor does it give you the right to insult me.

You are insulting the people who do drink though. If you do not have a problem with people who do then shut up about it. Why must you contradict yourself and lump all drinkers into one group? I drink but, I do not puke all over myself (well, not at football games :silly: )and pick fights. You may say that you do not have a problem but, with your inability to stay consistent with your opinion proves otherwise.

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At the risk of overinflating my ego -- and some of your fellow posters have accused me of just that -- I have fun at tailgates and I don't take a sip of alcohol. You make it sound like you MUST get drunk at a tailgate. The problem is the people who do drink until they "puke shards of (their) liver."

I don't believe that you trying to overflate your ego. It's just your opinion. You just happen to be the only one in this thread who doesn't drink at tailgates. If their were more people in here that shared your views, then people wouldn't be singling you out.

I didn't say that you must get drunk. When I drink I don't get totally ****faced. I just get drunk enough so that I can control myself and my actions, but still have fun. And I know I'm underage but everyone does it anyway. :D

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Why not? Explain to me why you should post pics of yourself all over this site? I bet the answer is because you like to. Well, I like to drink. Whether I am drunk or sober and I attend a game, I am LOUD. That is who I am and what I do. I have a right to enjoy myself as well. Just because you may want to stay quiet at a game does not make me screaming and being loud wrong. You can sit down as long as you want but, I am standing the great majority of the time. Getting drunk at a tailgate is something that I do. Why do you go to the tailgate club and take pics with the cheerleaders over and over and over? You do what you like and I will do what I like.

Pot meet Kettle.

You may get pissed about people jumping up and down and screaming but, I have a BIG problem with the people who just sit there and *****.

You are insulting the people who do drink though. If you do not have a problem with people who do then shut up about it. Why must you contradict yourself and lump all drinkers into one group? I drink but, I do not puke all over myself (well, not at football games :silly: )and pick fights. You may say that you do not have a problem but, with your inability to stay consistent with your opinion proves otherwise.

Okay, that question above was in response to your statement that you "should get drunk at tailgates." I read that as your saying to me that I needed to get drunk at tailgates. I disagreed with you on that and I simply asked why I should. I notice you didn't answer that question and just rationalized yourself. At least when I post pictures, I'm not hurting anyone or interfering with them in the process.

Secondly, you don't know me. You don't sit around me. How do you know what I do at games? I don't "get p----d about people jumping up and down and screaming" because I do just as much if not more than the average true Redskins fan. If you bothered to read my past posts, you'd know that. And I don't "lump all drinkers into one group." Once again, if you bothered to read my posts instead getting so defensive and rationalizing your behavior, you'd see that I was merely talking about those who can't handle their alcohol and feel the need to puke in the stands and pick fights with people. I have said that over and over again.

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Not allowing tailgating is un-American. The NFL needs to come up with a better solution to the terrorism risk than to disallow tailgating at the biggest game of the year for crying out loud. I'm glad I'm not going to this game because if I was, I'd be pretty friggin' pissed off.

Does anybody know if this has been going on in the past? Or is this the first time? Or what? Thanks

PS If the Redskins make the SB some day, I'm not going if I can't tailgate. **** that.

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Of course you show up just before the game and leave right after. I'm pretty certain that it's not that you "see no real need for the tailgaiting experience,"

but don't have anyone to tailgate with and I'm also pretty certain that you are that guy that buys the single ticket to the game.

Even if I had people to tailgate with, it's still not what I am looking for in a sporting event experience. I buy single tickets to games because the majority of my friends at this point in my life are not sports fans, or root for teams other than the ones I root for. Therefore, why would they attend a game with me?

Besides, since when was there an issue with buying a single ticket to a game?... It's a sporting event, not a social occasssion.

Back in the days when I would go to three or four weekend Red Sox games at Fenway park with people who DID show up several hours before the game and tailgate, I prefered to show up 45 minutes before the first pitch, meet them at our seating location, and leave immediately after the game (or whatever point in the game it became obvious the Red Sox weren't going to win). I've just never seen the alure of tailgating.

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Not allowing tailgating is un-American. The NFL needs to come up with a better solution to the terrorism risk than to disallow tailgating at the biggest game of the year for crying out loud.

How about this one Mark....

Every tailgate gets to "purchase" a police officer for the day. With their standard 4 hour minimum shift at whatever the going rate for special duty is in Miami. That officer will be in uniform and is considered "on-duty" for the entire length of the tailgate. Any activity at the tailgate which would be considered illegal in a city parking lot, including providing alcohol to a minor, disorderly conduct, public drunkenness, etc... and the entire tailgate group gets shut down, removed from the property, and has their tickets for the game invalidated. That seems to be the fairest option as I see it. Tailgaters get to have their fun (within legal limits), they get to pay for the added security for their fun, and when their fun gets out of hand they get to pay the price for it.

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