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Here's the plan:


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I'm going to rent one of those big vans that community groups use to take a bunch of kids on field trips. Next, I'm going to see who replies to this thread and wants to come with me, and tell them to all bring heavy baseball bats with them. After that, I'm going to drive to Ashburn, Virginia. I'm going to park the van outside of the Redskins Headquarters' premisis and I'm going to inflitrate the security system. I will wait in the cover of the surrounding trees to see what car Shane Matthews goes into. Day one will be just to get the visual on his car so I know which one to follow. Day two will have me waiting in the van outside of Redskins Headquarters with my fellow extremers who want to come along and take out their agression. I will see Shane's car coming out of Redskins Drive, and I will follow him home. At either a secluded stop light, or as he pulls into his drive way, we are going to each bash a window in of his SUV, and I'm going to pull Shane Matthews of the car and beat him senseless. As his last breaths are wasting away, I'm going to make him tell me and my fellow extremers HOW BAD HE IS AND HOW SORRY HE IS THAT I PAID 500 BONES FOR MY REDSKINS SEASON TICKETS AND HE IS SINGLE-HANDEDLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REDSKINS HAVING A TERRIBLE SEASON.

Ahhhhh.....what a day it will be.

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If this was supposed to be funny .. it was not.

If it was supposed to be cool ... it was not.

If it was supposed to be just another installment of your more and more frequent posturing, gangsta-wannabe crap ... it was.

I find it hard to believe nobody besides the one person who PM'd me to call my attention to and voice their objection about this latest stupidity has spoken up about it.

Are we really okay with this kind of hateful BS here, fellow members? Is this really "just another post"? Because if we are, and it is ... I may be in the wrong damn place.

You tell me.

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I saw it shortly after it came out and though tempted, decided to ignore it. Had my share of confrontations today. I was hoping it would go away. Took the thread for what it was worth and considering the source, decided just to ignore the wanna be. In retrospect, bad decicision. If it's not okay to just b**** and complain constantly about how bad the Redskins suck, or to post homophobic, racist or intolerant opinions, certainly this should not be allowed. Not usually one to ignore things like this, but did so this time.....won't happen again. This is the kind of thing that can bring down the board. And way to much work has gone into this board for that.

Killer, take that crap somewhere else. (Aside from the fact that S.S. is the one keeping S.M. in), it's not welcome here Ice Ice baby.

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This is more than silliness. This crosses the line.

This is a threat.

I read on the other site where he wrote how funny it would be to have the poster on this board and the other board get in a huge fight at Hogfest.

What if he was mad at someone in your family and he said he was going to stalk their vehicle, pull them out and beat them?

Still funny?

Maybe you think so. I find it disgusting.

Brave, I imagine you are correct.


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Thanks for illustrating the point.

I know this is going to seem like a huge overreaction to many of you, but this is something that's been bothering me for a long time now, and damn if I'm going to resist talking about it again. Damn the torpedos.

I must completely not "get it" anymore. I don't get the @ssholes in their ‘95 Cavaliers who cut you off with bald, in-your-face, my-time-is-more-important-than-yours maneuvers that put both my car and the half-dozen cars around me in jeopardy – and then don't have the stones to look you in the eye when you pull up next to them at the next light.

I don't get the vacuous morons in the stands at sporting event who find strength in beer and numbers and do their damndest to pick on somebody smaller than them in a different color scheme, in order to make themselves feel more like men – as long as they have a half-dozen of their punk running buddies at their back to give their stones the weight they need.

I don't get the people who sit behind a computer and use the anonymity of it to pose and strut and throw around the kind of crap CK has posted here again. Dammit, people, we all "express frustration," but most of us recognize that 1) there IS a line out there, 2) that the line shouldn't be crossed at the drop of a damn hat OR a football game, and 3) that just because your Daddy isn't there to whip your @ss with his belt when you get caught, it's is not okay to use the forum provided you by someone else to make yourself feel less like a punk kid by talking the way you think a man should.

And it bothers the hell out of me that I don't get how when someone DOES spew this kind of ****, it doesn't really seem to bother anybody any more. I don't get it ... I really don't. I'm beginning to come to the realization that maybe it's ME who's out of step.

But you know what? I'm not gonna change, because when I go to bed at night I know I am on the right side of this, and that my wife and my children and my parents and my friends know I'm right. So okay ... I'll be the "old man" of 42 who thinks we can do better than this – here AND out in the world.

I'll be the one many of you can roll your eyes at when you read this and be amazed such a Dudley Do-right still lurks out there. And I'll be the one who knows you can be civil AND still be a man. I'll be happy to shake anyone's hand who doubts that ... and look you right in the eye, tell you about when I think you're out of line, and be prepared to back it up.

I'll be the one who continues to speak out against this kind of bull**** here when I see it, until such time as the gentlemen who pay for this space, and who have given me the right to be a part of it, tell me I'M the one who is out of line.

When and if they do that, I'll know it's time to back off and maybe move on.

Let me anticipate something here: I was 19 at drunk and stupid once, too. But even then, I was able to tell right from wrong. Weren't you? This isn't about "age" or "frustration" or "venting" or even "just relaxing." It's about expecting a little more from each other as human beings.

Maybe I just don't WANT to get that we find that so easy to slough off today.

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OM...I agree in principle...but where do you draw the line? frankly, as a matter of taste and human dignity, I don't care for some of the subtly racist/homophobic stuff I have read on this board. irrespective of my own "interest level" some may find the babe postings offensive. but there seems to be a tolerance for this and other off-color material. I have tossed out some crude language when frustrated myself. where is the line drawn? is the board even worse off if censorship (either direct or peer pressure) is selective? what standard are we keeping to?........just trying to focus things.....

put differently: we may all know where the line is drawn in the sand, but we may be in different sandboxes!

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I am really sorry, but I was 100% completely joking. Lord, same thing was posted over at CPND and no one kirked out and called me an insecure boy. Dudes/Dudettes, I was just making a joke, and I wrote that about 2 minutes after Strahan sacked Shane and I was livid at the moment. You all need to calm your nerves. I was J.....O.....K.....I.....N.....G, much like you always do at my expense, so deal with it.

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Due respect, al, but either you missed my point entirely, or I didn't make it clear enough. I don't want censorship by the powers-that-be, and I don't want censorship by peer pressure. I want people to stop and listen to the little voice in their head that tells them where "the line" is before they cross it, and without anyone having to tell them why.

And if they don't have that little voice ... well, I guess I don't want to know about that at all.

I've said my piece on this thread, and then some. I'll leave well enough alone now, at least until next time my overactive Ivory Tower gland acts up.

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Well said Om. I generaly get a kick out of CK but this was way over the line. Here's a tip people, If a GAME gets you this upset, may I suggest you take up kniting or go for some long quiet walks and get some fresh air. Its a GAME. I'm a die hard Skins fan and every loss hurts but I'm not going to loose my mind over it. What's next? Is some moron going to jump a coach on national TV? And let me say that this doesn't end with CK. I've seen some real venom comming from quite a few here and it's both sad and sick. Get a grip people, If you cand take the strugles of this team after all of the coaching changes and diruptions we have had over the years, YOU are the ones who need help. We all had high hopes for this year, damn shame they didn't pan out. Now get over it and try to give the new coach and his system a year or two to gell, LIKE ANY OTHER TEAM. We're going to be fine. Sorry if it's not going to happen overnight.:doh:

I don't post as much as I used to because the quality of discussion has gone WAY downhill. CK's post takes it to a whole new level.

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One last thing, then I'll shut up, I promise.


Apology accepted ... and I will apologize as well, for seemingly going over the top on you alone; this was about more than just you.

It was about a lot of things; ASF and his Ashcroft-is-a-murderer thread that became a "joke" only after a couple of people called him out on it; the numerous threads that you and others have indulged in about finding posters like FSF that you don't like and beating the hell out of them. And it was also about me having concerns about the lack of respect so many of us seem to have for one another, which I see more of every day, and how on THIS day it just happened to set me off at your expense.

All I can hope is that the kind of diatribe I wrote above is not an anachronism in 2002, and that next time, maybe you will write it.

Here's to it.

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CK. Glad you were joking and props for taking the fire on this. As Om said, it's not just your post that brought the heat. I think we all need to show responsibility for the things we say. As crazy as it sounds, no matter how off the wall our comments are, there will always be some morron who takes our word as gosple. Calling Ashcroft a murderer or suggesting people attack a QB may one day inspire some nut to take matters in their own hands. Call me crazy but I think we can all help make this world a bettter place by thinking before we speak.


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OM...just a final comment on this topic.

First of all, I think you would be surprised that the vast majority of folks here enthusiastically agree with you. If there is not immediate response to posts that 'go over the line', I think its in part due to an expectation that it falls to the Admins to police the site. There is also a tendency to encourage 'less than civil' exchanges here that goes far beyond posts like CK's. Its common for some folks to brutalize each other here because they disagree with a point another poster makes. Words like moron, 'freakin idiot', and worse are thrown around daily. Now I'm no shrinking violet, and I'm not going to burst into tears if I get targeted, but that is sometimes the tone on this board. I also know that there are times when folks are urged to 'tone it down' and then are berated for 'not being able to take it' or 'crying'.

Whats my point? I guess what I'm saying is that we all ought to tone it down a little bit (whether the post is about Matthews, the offensive line play, or dragging Shane out of his car and beating him). We are all rabid fans, and that lends itself (particularly during an incredibly frustrating season) to anger and hostility, but we ought to enforce a more civil tone. I'm relatively new here, but I sense a lot of tradition and pride in this site, and I don't ever want to contribute to anything that hurts the site, and I think thats how everyone who posts here should view it. I can tell you, I've crossed the line on occasion in posting a very 'hot' post now and then, and I've always tried (even if only by pming a fellow poster) to apologize when I've done so (Jack, think I probably still owe you one!).

I'll shut up, but its not just the clearly over the top posts that contribute to a poisonous environment, its also the everyday posts that are extremely hostile or disrespectful. Thanks for taking a stand on this one, and again, I think you are wrong, most of us agree with you.

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I should have prefaced my comments in this thread with the disclaimer that the sentiments expressed are not "official" Extremeskins policy. I did not – and do not – purport to speak for Blade, Die Hard, Art or Buddha, here, and I suspect I would have done well to frame this as my personal issue with CK and everything and everyone else I may have caught in the shrapnel.

To the extent anything I have said while sporting "The Coach" avatar carries any more weight than it might have were I still sporting "The Waterboy," or that I have put the aforementioned other admins and moderators in an awkward position by speaking so freely without consultation, I offer an unqualified apology. And to anyone who would take me to task on anything said, I would ask them to do so without concern over possible "ramifications."

I hope most of you know by now that while voluble and sometimes hyperbolic, I am also not easily given to loss of temper of composure. I try to pick my fights. This thread, for a variety of reasons, got under my skin. That, and the PM I received from a regular member whose opinion and perspective I value, that asked me to consider saying something.

Beyond what has been said already, I really would like to just leave it where it lies, now, at least insofar as me having anything more to say. I will read and take to heart the comments made already, and any that may yet be posted, but I don't know that anything I could add at this point would help. I stand by the sentiments, if not necessarily the full-broadsided presentation, made without my usual practice of counting to ten in every language I know first.

I hate Mondays when we lose.

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