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At 8-8 are paloffs still possible?


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Lets hope your boss isn't a Redskins fan...I'm just kidding haha.

I pretty much cried after this loss today because I invested so much faith/hope/money into this season and then it seemed to all have went down the drain after today. However, if 8-8 will get us in some way or somehow then I'm in for rooting the team on in a 4 game winning streak. I've already emptied my bank account a few times to make it to games this season, why not give them my faith (whats left of it). Hail to the Redskins! -Wes-:helmet:

Keep the faith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :cheers:

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I thought dfox was asking what has to happen for us to get in...I dont think he cares what all of you who are saying "we don't deserve to go blah blah blah" have to say...

that's correct.

Does your life or your happiness take a nosedive as a direct result from any Skins fans wanting to keep tabs on playoff hopes?...

Thanks Califan....You are correct in your support. I appreciate it.

Count me in for the paloff bandwagon. :wavetowel

Granted, I watched the game from my home office via a somewhat-choppy Sopcast stream from thousands of miles away, while some of you probably shelled out hundreds of hard-earned dollars to witness it in person, so I can understand your frustration. But everyone knows going in that there's no guarantee of success.

I just don't get the point of pessimism. Realism, of course, is another thing. And realism with a touch of optimism is the best thing.

Are we gonna go 8-8, get some help, and miraculously back our way into the paloffs? Not likely.

But you've gotta cheer for something, no?

As I see it, the alternative would be not caring anymore. And I just don't know how not to care about the Redskins. :logo:

I too was only able to watch the game via sopcast... and later on HD via ten yard torrents. What amazes me is that so many of the fans who live at or near this team and who are able to attend the games seem so much more willing to give up hope than those of us who are so far away. great post by the way.

first off let me say it is really really hard for us to get into the playoffs almost impossible...but i do have a much brighter way 2 look at it then all of u...

Your's was the type of post I was hoping to get more of...awsome job and thanks. :)

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At 8-8, are playoffs still possible?

Get real.

We would have been in the playoff hunt if we would have won. Because all the other teams that were in our way lost, except for the Carolina-Phile game which is tomorrow night.

Break out the :anon:. I forsee double-digit losses after what I saw with this group of coaches and players.

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Its time to be realistic...this team cannot stand prosperity in anyway shape or form. The fact we have yet to post back to back wins since week 4 shows that...and there are still people who are talking about playoffs? Oh forget it...it's time to look towards next season.

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Face it man! We are not good enough to be in the playoffs. We cant beat the Titans, The Falcons, The Buccs or the Eagles! Give it up. Do you seriously think we can beat the Saints, Giants, and St. Louis in the next few weeks. It is not possible. Our D needs a complete overhaul! Enjoy the rest of the season for what it is. We could be spoilers and maybe get some consistency for the the 07 season. One thing is for sure, this aint our year!

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Do you purposefully click on threads that you KNOW ahead of time will piss you off?...

If so, why?

No, actually when it was POSSIBLE I was with it. Now we are 8-8 and you all are still talking that sh*t? We are gonna be 7-9 and people are still gonna be making these.

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Guest RedskinsB40

You should ask something like this 5-8...Can we finish the season hopefully at 7-9 or 8-8...i would like to just have a .500 record. My parents went to meet cooley fri night at sign of the whale and got autographs and my mom talked to him and he sounded like they were going to hand it to the falcons. Please can we just play consistent for the rest of the season?

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At 8-8 are paloffs still possible?

this thread is for Us diehards....

Hey you number crunchers....Tell me the dream is still alive. Give this board some hope.

We may be laughed at and ridiculed but some of us want to believe it is still possible...

...At least for one more game.

You know who you are...

Tell me how it can happen....:notworthy


Well i don;t know if we can tell if it's mathimatically possible yet. Because we must still figure out NFC record of all the other teams we might tie with at 8-8. I would figure it out but I know we're not a playoff calibur team and we're not gonna make it. So figuring out the math would jsut be wasting my time.

Please do not say "this thread is for the diehards" Ppl who still think we might make the playoffs are not any more "diehard" then any of the rest of us.

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I thought nobody was going to be dumb enough to put this thread.

Read it once and for all:


We lost with one of the worst teams in the league: The Falcons.

How in the world are we going to win 4 in a row with this team?

If we go 2 and 2 the rest of the season u got to be pleased.


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At 8-8 are paloffs still possible?

this thread is for Us diehards....

Hey you number crunchers....Tell me the dream is still alive. Give this board some hope.

We may be laughed at and ridiculed but some of us want to believe it is still possible...

...At least for one more game.

You know who you are...

Tell me how it can happen....:notworthy

You can be a die-hard fan and live in reality at the same time...I love the 'skins but they ain't going no where this year


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