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Are you guys being serious? Youre acting like your 14 rather than 44. I got tagged with "No New Threads" for starting a thread entitled "Brunell farted", mocking the fans who blame everything on Brunell. Its not ok to do that, but the mods can run around here and say stuff like this??? and act like teenage girls??? Whats the difference? This thread has no point whatsoever. Why is this ok for mods and not the rest of us?

Practice what you preach, fellas!

I Agree.. Some of them need to watch their own psa......


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lame thread from a guy trying to feel important about guessing correctly the outcome of a close game.

I bet you assumed the Dallas game was over before Troy Vincent got his hand on the ball, didn't you?


So, now that you have diagnosed my condition, what's the cure doc ? If I was just trying to feel important, I would make useless post like yours that didn't contribute anything but wasted space to this forum. How about you try to get involved in the discussion instead of posting opinion that has nothing to do with the topic.

I don't really get the point of this thread. I think you just posted this for the sole purpose of trying to look like a "superior" fan. Did fans have any reason NOT to think it was over? At the time we were a 3-7 team. Most 3-7 teams to not pull out wins like we did today.

Do you think any titans fans beleived they still had a chance with 10 minutes remaining in the game?

Bad teams are not expected to win these kind of games. We don;t need ppl like you putting others down for thinking it was over. THis team is heading nowhere and I don;t blame anyone for thinking this game was over at any point in the game.

Hey, if you give up that quickly, that's your option. I'm quite sure that there were pleanty of Titan fans who beleived they could win with 10 minutes left. Some fans run at the first sign of trouble and hide their head in the sand, and some up their butts. I'm not that type of a person, and don't run from a fight.

Nah dude he knew we would win that game. He is a superfan who is better then all of us (also notice his avitar which proves how super he really is) I think i will fuel his ego by manning up to him and admitting I was wrong for not thinking a 3-7 team would pull out a close win against a playoff contender. :laugh: :doh:

Ok, show me where I said that I knew we would win. Show me where I said I was better then any other fan. All I'm doing in this thread is calling out the people from the game day thread that quit on the team at the first sign of trouble. Look in the mirror ;)

Are you guys being serious? Youre acting like your 14 rather than 44. I got tagged with "No New Threads" for starting a thread entitled "Brunell farted", mocking the fans who blame everything on Brunell. Its not ok to do that, but the mods can run around here and say stuff like this??? and act like teenage girls??? Whats the difference? This thread has no point whatsoever. Why is this ok for mods and not the rest of us?

Practice what you preach, fellas!

Still haven't figured it out yet COOLeyCatch, have ya. :doh:

You started a thread with a subject that belonged in the game day QB thread. That's why you got tagged with NO New Threads. Hope I've been clear on that point. Even a teenage girl would have figured it out, but I guess I can't expect that from the advanced intelect of the members here. That's OK, the staff is here to lead people by the hand.

As for the reply you state I shouldn't be able to reply to the way I did. Sue me..... The poster put up a completely useless post, and I replied in the same fassion, using the posters own words. If you haven't been able to figure out the point of this thread, I touch that subject soon.

I Agree.. Some of them need to watch their own psa......

First you post a dumb pic and caption, and then cant even come up with your own thoughts to put up, so you just "Me Too" and agree with somebody else. When you can think on your own, let me know, and we can talk. The only thing I have to watch is that I play within the rules as everybody else does. I guess you folk think because I'm on the staff that I'm not entitled to my opinion, or allowed to go at it with other members in discussions. Incorrect...........

AS for this topic. It's about the day of the game, and living in it, not the past. Things change, and my team didn't show any reason to give up on them yesterday. If people quit on the team yesterday, there more then entitled to. That doesn't mean I have to like it, or have to hold my tongue about it. If the negative, quitting type get pizzed of about my stance on comments in the game day thread, tough. If you like what you see as a fan when looking in the mirror, good for you. When I look in the mirror I don't see a quitter, but when I look across the board, I see lots of people I wouldn't associate with.


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If I was just trying to feel important, I would make useless post like yours that didn't contribute anything but wasted space to this forum. How about you try to get involved in the discussion instead of posting opinion that has nothing to do with the topic.

Pete, come on man, I'm trying to stay on your side on this issue, but stuff like this makes it tough. Just do what you tell everyone else to do, ignore it or argue through PM's.

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I would like to see all the fans who insisted this game was over when Jason threw the pic with 7 + minutes left to man up and apologize to the people who kept the faith.

I expect this thread to fall quickly being I doubt these same people have the balls to come forward now. I figure these same people are joining in the celebrating for the team they didn't support.

Well Pete, I couldn't post - I was too busy screaming for the Defensive plays! No one should ever CALL any game - didn't we win won with 00:00 on the scoreboard?

As poised as the QB is-with all the excellent teammates he has -Never post until the fat lady (Parcells) sings:laugh: :laugh:

Mark 9:23

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While I stayed in my seat at the game, I saw a good number if people get up and head for the exits after that pic and I was shocked; I mean there was 7 mins left...7 MINS!!!!

Yeah, that was sickening to me...tons of fairweathered fans yesterday. Like some others have said in this thread, I was not overly concerned with the INT. It was like a punt, with hardly any time wasted. Our D was looking good so I felt confident that the D would stop them again, which they did. Heck, I was actually happy that Campbell aired it out and made an attempt to throw the ball deep.

My only concern was that we would have to rely on Novak for a game-tieing field goal. :doh: Thank goodness it did not come down to that!

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I would like to see all the fans who insisted this game was over when Jason threw the pic with 7 + minutes left to man up and apologize to the people who kept the faith.

I expect this thread to fall quickly being I doubt these same people have the balls to come forward now. I figure these same people are joining in the celebrating for the team they didn't support.

You mean the FAKE fans that started leaving the stadium(??!!??!) after Jason's pic?.....I could NOT believe that...I was like were the heck are you going?!?! :mad:

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Still haven't figured it out yet COOLeyCatch, have ya. :doh:

You started a thread with a subject that belonged in the game day QB thread. That's why you got tagged with NO New Threads. Hope I've been clear on that point. Even a teenage girl would have figured it out, but I guess I can't expect that from the advanced intelect of the members here. That's OK, the staff is here to lead people by the hand.

As for the reply you state I shouldn't be able to reply to the way I did. Sue me..... The poster put up a completely useless post, and I replied in the same fassion, using the posters own words. If you haven't been able to figure out the point of this thread, I touch that subject soon.


You know what Pete, despite being an infantile smartass at the age of 45 (grow up) youre not nearly as smart as you think you are. Maybe the mods need to get together on things to get on the same page as far as enforcing and following the rules.

Art explained my "No New Threads" tag like this, and I quote:

"You're in no new threads because of your Brunell farted post. What unique value did that provide that it was necessary to put in a thread of its own? Why is it so important that you have the right to post new threads when that is what you might post?" I can quote because I saved it. Now Mr. Smarty pants, please explain to me the difference between your post and mine.

There isnt any. You provided zero "unique value", period. Actually, I think my Brunell farted thread was slightly more unique.

I appologized to Art admitting that he was correct that it was a waste of a post, I think you owe the rest of us the same RESPECT.

BTW, you are the original poster and your post/thread is "completely useless", to use your own words. Nearly everyone in here is replying to your "completely useless" post, not the other way around like you are trying to imply.


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While I stayed in my seat at the game, I saw a good number if people get up and head for the exits after that pic and I was shocked; I mean there was 7 mins left...7 MINS!!!!

Not that it's a good thing, but at least they waited until the interception to leave. There was a bozo sitting in the row behind me who was wearing Redskins gear but spent almost all of the first 2 quarters talking with a Carolina fan about how wonderful the cowgirls are and how lame the Skins are this year. He snatched up his son and left midway through the second quarter. :doh:

I was actually glad to see him go, though. Who wants to hear that crap when they go to a game?

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We need to have a WHAT WE THINK OF MODS DAY and be able to tell our opinions w/out visiting banned camp.

Its not even about that, not for me anyway.

I understand and appreciate what these guys do to keep this thing up for us. I was tagged with the no new threads for starting a thread titled Brunell Farted a month or so ago as a joke because the Brunell Bashers were blaming EVERYTHING, including the defenses horrible play, on Brunell.

The next day I noticed I had been tagged. So I IMed a couple of the mods asking why I had been tagged and several days later Art IMed me back explaining that I had been tagged because my material had no unique qualities to contribute. Ok, fair enough. I accetped it with no complaints.

But now we have a mod doing the very thing that I got tagged for. Thats where I have a problem. Why is this ok? Why is this acceptable?

Im not saying we should start a revolution, but an appology for such behavior isnt too much to ask, IMO. Either that or Id like my priveleges to start threads back.

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So, now that you have diagnosed my condition, what's the cure doc ? If I was just trying to feel important, I would make useless post like yours that didn't contribute anything but wasted space to this forum. How about you try to get involved in the discussion instead of posting opinion that has nothing to do with the topic.

My cure? Stop making stupid arrogant useless threads. If my objection to this thread keeps you from making another one then my posts aren't a waste, they are for a very good cause.

As for me contributing something to the discussion, did you not read the second line of my post? I guarantee that you believed the Redskins had lost to the Cowboys just prior to Troy Vincent blocking the Vanderjagt field goal. So if there was someone who believed all along that the Redskins would find a miracle, would you accept that person running up to you and demanding that YOU "man-up" and admit that you were being a "bad fan" by losing hope?

Again, this thread is LAME and should have never been made in the first place. You should know better. If you're angry about the people who left the stadium after the pick, I agree 100% with you. But even though I never stopped watching the game I still had an overwhelming feeling that the Panthers would find a way to capitalize on the turnover. I'm not going to "man-up" about anything. If Smith found a way to score on that hail mary at the end, like the Saints did against the Falcons, you would have a very different tone. It was too close to say anything was certain, and you get no credit for believing the Redskins would top the Panthers in a game as close as it was.

Don't rock the boat when everyone's having a party, the team won so just enjoy it without calling out fans.

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that was a disgraceful showing by our fans, easily visible on the tv for the millions watching the game. I can definitely name some rows and seats around me where people left, again, very rediculous and weak. I started yelling stuff like fairweather as they were walking down, that was probably the thing that pissed me off the most about the game.

almost 8 minutes left, while we are only down 3 points, and people want to leave? I really wish we had more real fans than the die hards that post on this board and the current season ticket holders who actually use their tickets. I always stay 'til the bitter end, even a preseason game.

I paid however much I did for tickets, I expect to see a full 60 minutes of game play out there. I thought the game would be over then too. I also thought the game was over against Dallas in September 2005, November 2006, and early October 2006 v. Jacksonville. Shoot, I thought the Texans would rally when we played them earlier and beat us. The team defense I saw yesterday was fired up, and tried to get the fans involved, we as fans do not leave a defense that is playing that hard in the middle of the 4th quarter.

If this was the Giants or Philly game, fine, leave, it was hopeless then. Not when down only 3 points wiht plenty of game time to go. We definitely gave a good impression to my Panthers fan friend with me. I can safely guarantee he cheers more for the Skins otherwise than those fairweathers who left.

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Hey, if you give up that quickly, that's your option. I'm quite sure that there were pleanty of Titan fans who beleived they could win with 10 minutes left. Some fans run at the first sign of trouble and hide their head in the sand, and some up their butts. I'm not that type of a person, and don't run from a fight.

Dude stop being rediculous. First of all, I don;t think anyone in the world expects any team to be able to score 24 points in 10 minutes let alone the titans. Second of all this has nothing do to with running from a fight.

Ok, show me where I said that I knew we would win. Show me where I said I was better then any other fan. All I'm doing in this thread is calling out the people from the game day thread that quit on the team at the first sign of trouble. Look in the mirror ;)

I know u didn;t say that we would win that game...I was being facetious. Also you never said that you were better then any other fan but basically what this post said was:

"I am a true fan. I knew it wasn;t over. All you "fairweather" fans who thought this game was over should come into my thread and admit that they are worse then me and a few others for being wrong"

Most ppl who gave up were regular ppl who expected a bad team to do what they do best.... lose games. YOu cannot blame them for thinking realistically.

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Oh and by the way Pete, for the record I didn;t even watch the game. i was working all day and had no idea how the game went. I did not post on the game thread and i did not think the game was over because I wasn't watching. All i knew was the final outcome. I am just sticking up for the many people who didn;t think a 3-7 team would pull out this game.

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No offense, but who cares? It was a meaningless game.

The defense played much better today though, so if anybody needs to eat crow, it's the people who have been bashing Gregg Williams...

It would mean something if Patrick Ramsey would have played.:rolleyes:
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11. Please do not use the “Quote” feature to quote huge blocks of text or pictures.

If you would like to respond to the contents of a particular post, simply quote the sentence or idea that you're commenting upon, not necessarily the entire post. It wastes space on the database and unnecessarily extends and clutters threads.

Even a teenage girl would have figured it out? I'm sure there are some young female fans here that would be offended by that.

Dude, you really need to chill. All I did was make a statement about your thread. I didn't personally attack you, or demean you in anyway. You did just that to not only myself but others on the board as well. This kind of behavior by a moderator should not be tolerated. You do have the right to your opinion, but Sir you do not have the right to demean others. Being a moderator you should hold yourself to a higher standard, remember you are a representative of not only this board but also of the Redskins orginazation.

As for some other "rules" that were broken in your post........

5. Please be respectful of your fellow members. Every registered member agrees, upon registration, not use these forums to post material or topics which are knowingly false, defamatory, deceptive, inaccurate, racist, insulting, abusive, inflammatory, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually graphic, physically threatening, invasive of another's privacy or otherwise in violation of any law, including stalking or otherwise harassing individual members.

Personal attacks or threats will not be tolerated. Go after the idea, not the poster. Free debate within the parameters outlined herein is welcome on these forums, and diversity of opinion lies at the heart of a good debate. Toward that end, every member is free to have their own opinion so long as it is expressed in a civil manner, is within the subject matter topic of the forum and does not otherwise violate forum rules.

12. No trolling. Do not post messages that are inflammatory and serve solely to incite fellow members. ExtremeSkins has always prided itself on its zero tolerance policy for the common internet troublemaker. Trolls will be identified and censured, at the discretion of the ES Staff, quickly and efficiently.

17. Do not create “call out” threads. Threads whose intention is clearly to "call out" another particular member on a personal matter. These forums are not to be used as a medium for personal and/or private vendettas. To the extent personal exchanges/conversations are necessary---and desired by BOTH parties---those members are encouraged to pursue them via Private Messaging. Feel free to question members as to past comments you’d like them to explain in the spirit of good debate. Do not use private messaging to badger or intimidate other members. Substantiated instances of such behavior will result in the immediate loss of private messaging privileges for the instigator, and may result in permanent banning from Extremeskins.

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If you would like to respond to the contents of a particular post, simply quote the sentence or idea that you're commenting upon, not necessarily the entire post. It wastes space on the database and unnecessarily extends and clutters threads.

:applause: :cheers:

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