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A letter to Daniel Snyder


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Who gives a eff about some grammer mistakes, this guy has a lot of integrity. He most likely knows twice as much as you "dweebs" that are dogging him about the game of football. This man is 100% correct in all he has stated. Thank you for a worth while thread. Gibbs Lives is OK with me

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Dear fan,

As owner of the Washington Redskins, I would personally like to thank you for your years of support as a rabid Redskins fan. As a life long fan myself, I appreciate the passion you feel for the team.

I'm sorry that you now feel like the team's front office is so incompetent. I have to shoulder the blame for all the player/coach turnover since I bought the team, and I know that. However, if I had it to do over again, I don't think I'd change anything. I like having Joe Gibbs at the helm now, and I'd be afraid if I changed anything about the past, he might not be here now. To me, that would be a bad thing.

In the NFL, when you bring in a new coaching staff, they like to have their kind of players. The fastest way to do that is through free agency. Like it or not. Once you have most of the team in place, which I feel we now do, it becomes easier to maintain using the draft. I realize we paid a steep price to get to this point, but you'll soon see the shift start to take place. We're short on picks for the upcoming draft, but as long as we continue with what we feel are solid picks, we'll be fine. Plus, as you know, we aren't afraid to make a deal we think will help the team. A lot can happen between now and April.

Finally, as a life long Redskin fan, I'm quite surprised how many people seem to forget the great players we've had throughout the years, that we did not draft. Do a list sometime if you don't remember. How are we being any different now? If you take away all the free agents/trades in our history, who's to say whether we would have been any better off. Nobody knows for sure.

Because of all the coaching changes, up until I got Joe back, our biggest liability had been continuity. With Joe, we have turned that around. Hiring Al this offseason has caused a little stumble, but in the long run we feel like it sets us up to have one of the NFL's most prolific offenses for years to come. And, while it doesn't seem so at the moment, our defense is only a whisker or two away from being dominant again.

Please believe me when I tell you that we are doing everything we can to get back to the mountain top, ASAP.

Thanks again for your support,

D. Snyder

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The issue where I think the front office has done most poorly is scouting.

We need a stronger scouting department. We need to better assess what we have and what's out there and predict better how the fit will be. We are better at picking undrafted free agents than players during the draft. We have been terrible at finding those fourth through seventh round gems. At the same time, this year, we got too greedy in free agency. Adam Archuletta was snagged because he is a great pass rusher, but pass rusher is a bonus for a safety. Carter had the measureables to be a great pass rusher. There had to be someone out there rated higher than Holdman (especially, when considering last year's play) Wright must have been better in Jacksonville, but as a starter his style didn't fit in well with what Williams wants out of cbs (that's bad scouting). Now, I know he was picked to be the third corner, but if you grab a guy to be your third corner with the injuries in this league you have to anticipate he'll be starting some games this year.

On offense, they might have done okay. If this was a Superbowl calibre team than the Duckett panic move made total sense. You sell out if you are that close. Lloyd and El are pretty good. The O-Line, however, has had a subpar year and the backups they found obviously aren't good enough for the coaches to utilize the bench. We haven't had injuries that forced starters out and that was what we worried about, but even so, we didn't have the depth to rest guys or have players to push them for a position.

Scouting needs to be addressed far more than contracts and even the problems with our overspending on trades.

Look at our track record of diamonds found in the lower rounds. Look at the number of draft choices playing. We tend to pick players who don't pan out. Now, I realize that lower round (4-7) picks are supposed to be chancy, but we have a better track record with undrafted free agents than drafted picks. Similarly, our free agent scouting seems to be off kilter. It seems they look at the player in isolation and not the fit or they look at the measureables and not on field play or they look at one dimension of a player and ignore all the rest. Our favorite whipping boy is a great example. Adam Archuletta was covetted because he was the leader in sacks by a safety. For a safety, sacks are a bonus. They overlooked coverage issues. They allowed a player who had never been with the team to take huge gobs of money and then not practice with the team.

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Burgold makes the best points so far.

I'm a big fan of the draft, and I'd love for us to start keeping our draft picks and getting guys that will actually make the roster with them. This team's biggest need right now is depth. Lack of draft picks is a big reason for that.

Oh, and I'm no spelling nazi, but I do think when criticizing another's competance, one word it's probably a good idea to spell correctly is the word 'competent.'

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what a horrid letter. betts is far from a bust and will probably be starting for a team next year such as the texans/jets or another team without a proven #1 guy. and the duckett trade made perfect sense. think about it from the teams perspective. we had superbowl hopes and then bam, portis goes down. who knew how long he'd be out? so they went and got insurance for him. thats all he was. and theyre using him now that portis is out. think if we hadnt made that deal. now we have betts and rock. id rather have duckett carrying the few times he does than rock at all. stupid letter.

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Man it is a message board, and honestly the thread has as much meaning as the petition to fire Gregg Williams thread. Do you think dude was really going to send that letter to Snyder? and if he did what would Snyder do? Not hire a GM because some fan sent him a letter with spelling errors. Looks like Cerrato and Gibbs can continue to be co-GM's thanks to poor spelling, and just when Danny was ready to hire a GM.

If it will make everybody happy I'll hire a professional writer to send Snyder a letter about how we need a GM, I'm sure that will get the problem fixed.

Obviously, you can't read either, which isn't surprising given your appreciation of poor grammar and spelling. He started off the letter hoping that Snyder would read it due to this being the official Redskins Website.

And, yes, "dweeb," I am an English teacher: American Literature and Composition.

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I think you should stick to writing letters to Santa Claus.

Very funny. What a moronic letter. Yet another guy who thinks he knows what goes on behind closed doors at Redskin Park. We're having a lousy year. We should invest more in the draft than we do. Sh*t happens to every team. We have stability up top, the will to spend what it takes to compete at the highest level (even if not all of the decision actually work out), and some very good, young core players. I too think Burgold makes the only real salient point: our scouting, especially in the 2nd day of the draft, needs to improve.

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:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:

Snyder will always think he's doing things right regardless of what happens on the field. The only person who ever got rid of Vinny was Marty and Snyder fired him and brought back Vinny the following off season. Sometimes I imagine what this team would be like if Vinny never came back and Snyder had hired a real GM.

Sometimes I wish that when Snyder flew to NC 3 years ago to bring Gibbs back that as soon as Gibbs was on the plane they flew across country to CA to talk Bobby Bethard into coming back with the rest of them. Gibbs & Bethard really never were friends, but the Skins were great with Bethard getting the players and Gibbs putting them together. even though he was gone a few years before they won their last Super Bowl Bethard's finger prints were all over each of their Super Bowl teams. Didn't take long after Bethard left for the real drop off to begin.....even with Charlie C. in there as the GM.

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I really like the players we have here...I don't think we needed Archuleta but that's in the past and maybe the only bad personnel move since Gibbs. We given up a little much to get certain players but for the most part this is the most talented team we have had in years.

Archuleta is getting Lavared so he won't be here next season...he clearly wants out. We have a first round draft pick so that very well may turn out to be a great player. And it looks like Rocky McIntosh very well may be the beast we thought he was.

Jason Campbell is coming around...and we only started 6 players over 30 last week. That to me means we have a great young bunch of starting caliber players that can be Skins for years to come.

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Letting Trung Candidate go and then trading Bailey for Portis were the biggest mistakes.

Trung simply didn't get as many carries as Portis. If he had, he would have rushed for as many yards.

uh...i dont think candidate is even in the league anymore...so i'm not sure letting him go was that big of a blunder...

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I've got a letter too!

Dear Mr. Snyder,

I love the Redskins just as much as you do. I think that you should help out some of us fellow Skins fans anually and you can start with me. Something modest though. How about 1/2 of 1% of your earnings for this year. For no other reason than I'm a fan of the Redskins and stuck with this team through thick and thin. Please? Thanks man, I know you're a stand up dude and you won't let me down. :D

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I am not one to bash letter I just ignore them but please erase that and spend more than 15 minutes writing a letter that you hope the owner of the Redskins might read. I personally would not want snyder to think that I think the way you do. Until you know who the person is that makes the decision to bring in those free agents you should not bash anyone. I personally think that Cerrato is a big influence but who knows. but my guess is if The dan is reading this than he stopped reading after the 2nd sentance.

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Why do so many people feel the need to tell Snyder how to be successful? I'm afraid that our definition of success (wins vs. losses) is much different from his ($$$). In this regard, I'm sure he sleeps very well at night...

thats just not true. havent you ever watched him in the booth when something good or bad happens. he is jumping around like a madman and it has nothing to do with money. yes he is a smart buisnessman and is always going to try to earn as much profit as he can. how can you blame him for that if you were in his shoes you would do the same thing, its the american way. but to question wether his heart is in the right place its just plain crazy. there arent any fans on this board who want to win more than he does and it has nothing to do with profit. its because he is as rabid a fan as any of us.

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thats just not true. havent you ever watched him in the booth when something good or bad happens. he is jumping around like a madman and it has nothing to do with money. yes he is a smart buisnessman and is always going to try to earn as much profit as he can. how can you blame him for that if you were in his shoes you would do the same thing, its the american way. but to question wether his heart is in the right place its just plain crazy. there arent any fans on this board who want to win more than he does and it has nothing to do with profit. its because he is as rabid a fan as any of us.

I'm sure he's a fan. But I bet he wouldn't trade a good portion of his profits for a Super Bowl victory.

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