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A letter to Daniel Snyder


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Mr. Snyder

I've decided to take the time and put some things down in regards to the Washington Redskins organazation. Since this is the official message board for the skins, I'm hoping that you read this. Not that it's going cause you to think differently because it is painfully obvious that you will continue to proceed in the manner that your running this team inspite of what anyone thinks.

I could start with many issues on this team. But I'm going to address the core of all the skins problems. The core to the redskins problems sir is that you won't turn the team over to a compitent GM and scouting dept. and get out of the day to day runnings of the team.

You continue to fly into the face of the obvious Mr. Snyder. You, Mr. Cerrato and coach Gibbs are not compitent in the General Manager aspects of the organazation. You have failed year after year and made this once proud organazation a laughing stock around the league in the manner at which you operate. You spend wildly in free agency. You give away draft picks for little of nothing. Example?

Look at what you gave away for T.J. Duckett?? You gave those picks away for what? For a big RB that you and coach Gibbs refuse to use on third and one situations?? You even started Ladell Betts (who's a proven 2nd round bust pick) over Duckett. Which made no sense at all.

Now, I don't want to here the excuse of , " That was coach Gibbs decisions" because YOU Mr. Snyder will not/won't insist on Mr. Gibbs having a GM. In Mr. Gibbs previous tenure here, he had a GM. And Mr. Beathard and Mr. Gibbs fought regualarly about different things. But they balanced each other and one was good for the other. Mr. Gibbs doesn't know what he's doing as the "GM" of this team. The 3rd round draft pick he gave away for Brunell (a stop gap QB at best) and the giving away of a 2nd round pick in the Bailey/Portis deal also was idiotic to say the least. And proof of his short comings in the GM dept.

Before Mr. Gibbs returned to this organazation, this team was operating pretty much the way it is now. Because you and Mr. Cerrato have created a circus environment that has no stability with coaches and players coming and going at an alarming rate. Now there are rumors of Gibbs leaving, Saunders leaving, certain players not wanting to be here and etc. etc. Same as it's been for the last six years since you've owned this team.

Mr. Snyder, what needs to happen is for you to turn this team over to a real GM. A GM that can help Gibbs. Be the devil advocate that Gibbs needs to get the job done. A GM that can accurately evaluate talent as well as know how to acquire picks and maneuver through the draft. And you need to stay out of the day to day runnings of the team and be a more traditional owner and just sign the checks.

I know that would be incrediable hard for you but you claim to be a life long redskins fan. As I am. But if your a real fan as you claim, then it's time you give up control somewhat. And let a real football man come in here and put things in order, restore crediability, and restore stability.

Mr. Gibbs would fight you on the GM idea. I know this. But Gibbs wasn't crazy about Beathard either. So there is a limit to what Gibbs knows and doesn't know about football. And it's clear that Gibbs doesn't know the neauances of the front office aspect of football.

In conclusion Mr. Snyder, I ask you to look at the successful teams in this league. None of them are ran in the manner that you run the redskins. None. May I suggest that instead of trying to do things against the grain, wouldn't it be easier to copy what the successful FO are doing? Using the draft properly, using free agency only to fill holes on the team, trying to stock pile draft picks instead of giving them away easily, and treating the Defensive and Offensive line positions like they really matter?

Thank you for taking the time and reading my letter sir.

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Gibbs Lives? Gibbs may not live much longer if you keep throwing him under the bus. Hasn't this horse been beat to death in countless other threads?

There's plenty of ways listed on the Redskins website for you to make contact with the FO. Letters, phone calls, faxes... What makes you think Snyder is reading every post on this board, much less ones that say the same stuff that the last three posts said? :2cents:

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Mr. Snyder

I've decided to take the time and put some things down in regards to the Washington Redskins organazation. Since this is the official message board for the skins, I'm hoping that you read this. Not that it's going cause you to think differently because it is painfully obvious that you will continue to proceed in the manner that your running this team inspite of what anyone thinks.

I could start with many issues on this team. But I'm going to address the core of all the skins problems. The core to the redskins problems sir is that you won't turn the team over to a compitent GM and scouting dept. and get out of the day to day runnings of the team.

You continue to fly into the face of the obvious Mr. Snyder. You, Mr. Cerrato and coach Gibbs are not compitent in the General Manager aspects of the organazation. You have failed year after year and made this once proud organazation a laughing stock around the league in the manner at which you operate. You spend wildly in free agency. You give away draft picks for little of nothing. Example?

Look at what you gave away for T.J. Duckett?? You gave those picks away for what? For a big RB that you and coach Gibbs refuse to use on third and one situations?? You even started Ladell Betts (who's a proven 2nd round bust pick) over Duckett. Which made no sense at all.

Now, I don't want to here the excuse of , " That was coach Gibbs decisions" because YOU Mr. Snyder will not/won't insist on Mr. Gibbs having a GM. In Mr. Gibbs previous tenure here, he had a GM. And Mr. Beathard and Mr. Gibbs fought regualarly about different things. But they balanced each other and one was good for the other. Mr. Gibbs doesn't know what he's doing as the "GM" of this team. The 3rd round draft pick he gave away for Brunell (a stop gap QB at best) and the giving away of a 2nd round pick in the Bailey/Portis deal also was idiotic to say the least. And proof of his short comings in the GM dept.

Before Mr. Gibbs returned to this organazation, this team was operating pretty much the way it is now. Because you and Mr. Cerrato have created a circus environment that has no stability with coaches and players coming and going at an alarming rate. Now there are rumors of Gibbs leaving, Saunders leaving, certain players not wanting to be here and etc. etc. Same as it's been for the last six years since you've owned this team.

Mr. Snyder, what needs to happen is for you to turn this team over to a real GM. A GM that can help Gibbs. Be the devil advocate that Gibbs needs to get the job done. A GM that can accurately evaluate talent as well as know how to acquire picks and maneuver through the draft. And you need to stay out of the day to day runnings of the team and be a more traditional owner and just sign the checks.

I know that would be incrediable hard for you but you claim to be a life long redskins fan. As I am. But if your a real fan as you claim, then it's time you give up control somewhat. And let a real football man come in here and put things in order, restore crediability, and restore stability.

Mr. Gibbs would fight you on the GM idea. I know this. But Gibbs wasn't crazy about Beathard either. So there is a limit to what Gibbs knows and doesn't know about football. And it's clear that Gibbs doesn't know the neauances of the front office aspect of football.

In conclusion Mr. Snyder, I ask you to look at the successful teams in this league. None of them are ran in the manner that you run the redskins. None. May I suggest that instead of trying to do things against the grain, wouldn't it be easier to copy what the successful FO are doing? Using the draft properly, using free agency only to fill holes on the team, trying to stock pile draft picks instead of giving them away easily, and treating the Defensive and Offensive line positions like they really matter?

Thank you for taking the time and reading my letter sir.

Wow. Spell much?

I think you should stick to writing letters to Santa Claus.

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Hey GibbsLives,

I thought it was a good letter. You expressed yourself clearly and made some good points. I didn't even notice the spelling mistakes. Honestly, we could use more posts with as much thought as you put into yours. Thanks for sharing.

Regarding what you said in the letter, I must disagree. I have no problem with Gibbs, Cerrato, and Snyder making personnel decisions. I really don't see how that is much different from Gibbs, Beatherd, and Cooke calling the shots. Gibbs has even said that it is a similiar situation. Where Cooke used to settle disagreement between Beatherd and Gibbs, Snyder settles disputes between Gibbs and Cerrato.

I'll agree that Gibbs and company have made some mistakes, but they have made some good moves too. For example: Taking Sean Taylor ahead of Kellen Winslow Jr, taking Chris Cooley in the third round, acquiring Clinton Portis, acquiring Cornelius Griffin, trading Coles for Moss, picking up Shawn Springs, etc, etc.

It really isn't that bad, personnel wise. It looks to me like the rosters we have had for the last two or three years are a lot better than any other roster we have had since the early 90s.

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Daniel Snyder does not make any football decisions without considerable advice from people who should be knowledgeable. He is every coaches dream as an owner - and if you're tired of him - I know the Cardinal fans will gladly trade you Bidwell and all of their draft choices for Dan.

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I wrote that lette kind of fast and didn't worry about the spelling mistakes.

The way this organazation is ran is not going to work. Our team only has one real D-lineman and that is Griffin. The rest are just bodies. The current FO doesn't feel that the D-line is that essential and you can judge that by their feable by who's on it. Wynn is 100 years old. And has been average for years now. The redskins do not use high draft picks on the D-line whatsoever. That is proof enough that they really don't place any importance on the D-line.

As for offense, Samuels and Jansen are vastly overrated and Dockery is just a plain old bust. Samuels should be moved for draft picks if possible.

I'm not ready to give up on Carlos Rogers yet but regardless, we are still in desperate need of another CB.

We will not be able to fill all the holes we have thru free agency. The only way we can get better in the next couple of years is by using the draft the way it's suppose to be used and not the ****ized way Snyder & Gibbs have used it.

Alot of you are too young to even know what your talking about in regards to Gibbs. I was here and in the stands while these other guys were not even conceived.

Oh..and just because Snyder is a genius in how he made his initial money, doesn't mean his a genius in running a pro football franchise.

If I all of a sudden bye a barbershop, would you also want me to cut your hair too? Just because you own something doesn't mean you know how to work it.

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I wrote that lette kind of fast and didn't worry about the spelling mistakes.

The way this organazation is ran is not going to work. Our team only has one real D-lineman and that is Griffin. The rest are just bodies. The current FO doesn't feel that the D-line is that essential and you can judge that by their feable by who's on it. Wynn is 100 years old. And has been average for years now. The redskins do not use high draft picks on the D-line whatsoever. That is proof enough that they really don't place any importance on the D-line.

As for offense, Samuels and Jansen are vastly overrated and Dockery is just a plain old bust. Samuels should be moved for draft picks if possible.

I'm not ready to give up on Carlos Rogers yet but regardless, we are still in desperate need of another CB.

We will not be able to fill all the holes we have thru free agency. The only way we can get better in the next couple of years is by using the draft the way it's suppose to be used and not the ****ized way Snyder & Gibbs have used it.

Alot of you are too young to even know what your talking about in regards to Gibbs. I was here and in the stands while these other guys were not even conceived.

Oh..and just because Snyder is a genius in how he made his initial money, doesn't mean his a genius in running a pro football franchise.

If I all of a sudden bye a barbershop, would you also want me to cut your hair too? Just because you own something doesn't mean you know how to work it.


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Wow. Spell much?

I think you should stick to writing letters to Santa Claus.

With over 1500 posts you must feel real confident that you never made a spelling or punctuation mistake. Dude this is a message board not Ms. Johnsons third period english class. Your post brings nothing to the table and does nothing but belittle another poster. Why not state your disagreements instead of insulting the person?

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With over 1500 posts you must feel real confident that you never made a spelling or punctuation mistake. Dude this is a message board not Ms. Johnsons third period english class. Your post brings nothing to the table and does nothing but belittle another poster. Why not state your disagreements instead of insulting the person?

It was a letter to the owner of the Redskins; You take your time with those; You use your spell check for those type of letters. If you don't, I feel REEEEEAL sorry for you.

There's no credibility in that letter if your spelling is that terrible.

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It was a letter to the owner of the Redskins; You take your time with those; You use your spell check for those type of letters. If you don't, I feel REEEEEAL sorry for you.

There's no credibility in that letter if your spelling is that terrible.

Man it is a message board, and honestly the thread has as much meaning as the petition to fire Gregg Williams thread. Do you think dude was really going to send that letter to Snyder? and if he did what would Snyder do? Not hire a GM because some fan sent him a letter with spelling errors. Looks like Cerrato and Gibbs can continue to be co-GM's thanks to poor spelling, and just when Danny was ready to hire a GM.

If it will make everybody happy I'll hire a professional writer to send Snyder a letter about how we need a GM, I'm sure that will get the problem fixed.

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No if it were the 80's we would have won another Super Bowl by now. And Flock of Seagulls would be on top of the charts!

I was speaking of trends.... On a side note I went to a flock of seagulls show here years ago..I didnt watch the band but I got wasted and got in a fight. About ten cop cars showed up. A guy at the bar told the cop I had been sitting with him all night so I got out of trouble. My buddyI was with became a legend. Everyone thought he was the one they were looking for. The rumor was he beat up 3 guys by himself. I didn't need a guy named bubba in my lifeI just went right along with it.....

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