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To Hail With You All!


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We are a proud and storied franchise.

We won our first NFL championship in 1937.

Won another in 1942.

Our next one..forty years later in 1982.

And again in 1987 and in 1991.

Joe Gibbs was there for those last three.

So was I.

And, you know what? He and I hope to be there for the next one.

Will YOU be?

I'm not crazy, you know....I HAVE a life. I have a wife, kids, a job...even a dog and a few fish. I don't paint my face, I don't wear a pig nose or wear a dress...I haven't had a big "#1" sponge hand in years....

.....but I'm a Redskin fan. And Redskin fans DON'T WEAR BAGS OVER THEIR HEADS. Redskin fans follow their team faithfully and with great interest....we are smart, objective fans who don't fall off the bandwagon at every bump in the road. We raise holy hell in our home stadium and remain glued to our televisions when we're on the road. We rely on Tivo when our real lives beckon and will scour all forms of media both during the season and off-season for whatever news we can gleem about our favorite football team. We do not apologize for our team's failings....and we do not overly gloat when we prevail.

But, this week, I've read much too much about how terrible we are and about how things must change on the team in order for some of you out there to remain excited, or even just interested. Well, go back to your Sunday barbeques if you must...be nonchalant about setting the Tivo if you want....but I, for one, will remain. I will watch Jason Campbell progress...I will see him make mistakes and I will see him make great strides. Most of all, though, I will trust in Joe Gibbs to do what must be done, whatever that may be...even if it requires him looking in the mirror. He's earned my faith and my patience. And so, no matter how far we may have sunk to reach this point, or how badly we may perform over the next weeks, and in spite of the negative press we may get....I will watch knowing that whatever occurs, it will be temporary. That it will be fixed....in time.

I admit, it gets hard to watch at times. Some can't stomach it, nor bear to watch at all. Still others I've spoken with have had to resort to mainlining Pepto to get thru the games...but in the end, the good will always outshine the bad. And one day, we'll reach that pinnacle...yes, we'll win it all again. No, probably not in 2006...but maybe in 2007....or 2008.....who knows? All I know is that I'm not going anywhere. I couldn't wait to see our first preseason game...I couldn't wait to see the opener...I couldn't wait to see last weeks' game...and I can't WAIT for Carolina this week. I, for one, am gonna enjoy this ride...every second of it.

What's better than being a Redskin fan?

For those of you who think you have an answer to that....well...

To hail with you.

Happy Thanksgiving.


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We are a proud and storied franchise.

We won our first NFL championship in 1937.

Won another in 1942.

Our next one..forty years later in 1982.

And again in 1987 and in 1991.

Joe Gibbs was there for those last three.

So was I.

And, you know what? He and I hope to be there for the next one.

Will YOU be?

I'm not crazy, you know....I HAVE a life. I have a wife, kids, a job...even a dog and a few fish. I don't paint my face, I don't wear a pig nose or wear a dress...I haven't had a big "#1" sponge hand in years....

.....but I'm a Redskin fan. And Redskin fans DON'T WEAR BAGS OVER THEIR HEADS. Redskin fans follow their team faithfully and with great interest....we are smart, objective fans who don't fall off the bandwagon at every bump in the road. We raise holy hell in our home stadium and remain glued to our televisions when we're on the road. We rely on Tivo when our real lives beckon and will scour all forms of media both during the season and off-season for whatever news we can gleem about our favorite football team. We do not apologize for our team's failings....and we do not overly gloat when we prevail.

But, this week, I've read much too much about how terrible we are and about how things must change on the team in order for some of you out there to remain excited, or even just interested. Well, go back to your Sunday barbeques if you must...be nonchalant about setting the Tivo if you want....but I, for one, will remain. I will watch Jason Campbell progress...I will see him make mistakes and I will see him make great strides. Most of all, though, I will trust in Joe Gibbs to do what must be done, whatever that may be...even if it requires him looking in the mirror. He's earned my faith and my patience. And so, no matter how far we may have sunk to reach this point, or how badly we may perform over the next weeks, and in spite of the negative press we may get....I will watch knowing that whatever occurs, it will be temporary. That it will be fixed....in time.

I admit, it gets hard to watch at times. Some can't stomach it, nor bear to watch at all. Still others I've spoken with have had to resort to mainlining Pepto to get thru the games...but in the end, the good will always outshine the bad. And one day, we'll reach that pinnacle...yes, we'll win it all again. No, probably not in 2006...but maybe in 2007....or 2008.....who knows? All I know is that I'm not going anywhere. I couldn't wait to see our first preseason game...I couldn't wait to see the opener...I couldn't wait to see last weeks' game...and I can't WAIT for Carolina this week. I, for one, am gonna enjoy this ride...every second of it.

What's better than being a Redskin fan?

For those of you who think you have an answer to that....well...

To hail with you.

Happy Thanksgiving.


good post. read my post a made earlier.
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I will always be a diehard skins fan. I'm not any less of a fan because I am sick and tired of being stuck in a losing pattern meanwhile teams like the Saints and Bengals come from nowhere to taste success. I'm tired of the constant change. I want to have a good season and follow that with an even better draft like most teams. I want to know the guys im cheering for so hard will be here next season. I'm sick of the dictatorship that Snyder runs, I want him to speak directly to the fans about the future of this team. Before I pay for a $50 hot dog, I want to atleast hear that we are committed to the future. It pisses me off that I payed for season tickets this season and the only good that comes from it in November are seeing friends in the tailgate and watching Jason Campbell.

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:yikes::anon:-----:nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono:



Need to get:excited: :wavetowel for our team..............Or the rest of us will :whippin:

for your are talking about the Redskins:kungfu:.

Sometimes you just have to show them with pictures they understand. :nono: :anon: - understand?

Thank you:doh:

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Happy Thanksgiving to all true Redskins fans still on the bandwagon, those that have fallen off and those whom are still holding on but will fall off when we hit the next bump in the road.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours - will hopefully "see" ya on Thanksgiving game day in the future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HTTR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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At least people who wear bags over their heads care a little bit.

The people I can't stand are the folks who arrive at FedEx in their "business casual" attire and sit without making a noise until the third quarter, when they leave to beat traffic.

I would call them "chardonnay sippers", but I think folks who sip wine might have too much fun for these other folks.


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At least people who wear bags over their heads care a little bit. :laugh: :rolleyes: :doh:

The people I can't stand are the folks who arrive at FedEx in their "business casual" attire and sit without making a noise until the third quarter, when they leave to beat traffic.:rolleyes:

I would call them "chardonnay sippers", but I think folks who sip wine might have too much fun for these other folks.:doh:


Hey - I have been stuck buying their "stuff" and watching them on TV for nearly 30+ years - so if you go to the stadium and wear a paper bag............someone is going to "light you up" and I'll Tivo it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: and put it on YouTube as an example of how NOT to dis fans.;) Yes, I will do that and..................then................................................................I will tell the local fire department you're carrying WMD's...........and to call the Hazmat team for a scrub down............:rolleyes: And trust me, the scrub down is NOT what you want!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I will always be a diehard skins fan. I'm not any less of a fan because I am sick and tired of being stuck in a losing pattern meanwhile teams like the Saints and Bengals come from nowhere to taste success. I'm tired of the constant change. I want to have a good season and follow that with an even better draft like most teams. I want to know the guys im cheering for so hard will be here next season. I'm sick of the dictatorship that Snyder runs, I want him to speak directly to the fans about the future of this team. Before I pay for a $50 hot dog, I want to atleast hear that we are committed to the future. It pisses me off that I payed for season tickets this season and the only good that comes from it in November are seeing friends in the tailgate and watching Jason Campbell.
I find myself ageeing with this quote more.

Redskins fans aren't any less Redskins fans because they show concern about what direction there favorite football team might be headed in. We aren't any less of fans if we don't just blindly follow and agree with every decision that is made by everyone on staff with the Redskins.

I am my kids biggest fan, but I don't agree with every move that they make and will be the first to put hand to ass if need be.

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Great Post My friend Happy Thanksgiving!

....by the way i really get tired of people ****ing about buying season tickets and having a losing season. boo hoo. bunch of cry babies. and stop ****ing about the price of everything! its not that much different around the league

It's funny how someone like you calls it ****ing. I'm not a brainwashed cult member. I have my own thoughts and beliefs and I'm not a loser who supports losing. I'm so sorry that you dangle from the words "supersmart"

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I grew up on the eastern shore of MD, part of a large family, and never got to go a game. I since travelled up and down the east coast getting an education and finding a job. But I always managed to follow the team. I've settled in NJ, married, had a baby in March, and bought a house in the spring, and yet this summer when the Redskins called and said my name was up on the season ticket list (after 15 years) my wife and I put together the money to buy them.

To go to a game, I have to first travel to Salisbury MD or Harrisburgh PA to leave my daughter w/ her grandparents. Then travel to FedEX, then go back and get her, and then go home so my wife and I can go to work Monday morning.

Yet you get to tell me if I am a Redskins fan or not. I'm sorry, but that is not how it works.

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I find myself ageeing with this quote more.

Redskins fans aren't any less Redskins fans because they show concern about what direction there favorite football team might be headed in. We aren't any less of fans if we don't just blindly follow and agree with every decision that is made by everyone on staff with the Redskins.

I am my kids biggest fan, but I don't agree with every move that they make and will be the first to put hand to ass if need be.

I don't have a problem AT ALL with fans who question the direction of the team in the lean years...nor, do I have ANY problem with fans who want to see a product of a certain caliber on the field, and when not, who want to hear legitimate reasons for this. This is the sign of a fan who cares and takes an intellectual tack on the problems, or successes for that matter, at hand.

The type of fan I, personally, find at issue, is the type of fan who will not care enough to watch or follow the team in those lean times, but will be the first to blow the trumpet when we have success. I have a problem with those who are so fickle that they would rather go to a game and wear bags over their heads than either stay home in the first place or just go to the stadium and show their support. I have a problem with fans who either complain that they wasted money on season tickets or who threaten to let theirs go because of a losing season. This is the hardest ticket in football to get...and I waited on the season ticket waiting list from the time I was ten years old or so to get mine. I'm now forty three and I live in Los Angeles and I still have my seats. I find either friends or family to buy them from me each year, and if I'm lucky I get to a game or two. I consider it a privilege to have those seats....and those who do not want theirs should give them to someone who does. To "hail" with them.

I don't agree with many of Dan Snyder's policies...but the truth is, no matter how much hooting and hollering from around the league you hear...I'm fairly certain that fans of most teams in the NFL would LOVE to have an owner who cares as much about his team as he does. Love him or hate him...I don't think anyone can deny the fact that he's trying whatever he can, no matter how misguided his tactics may be, to bring a winner to us. And no, it's not his responsiblity to provide a good product nor is it our right to have one provided to us. It's his team and is therefore his to do with as he wishes....and it's ours to enjoy. Just be glad he's not one of those owners who purges the roster every two years or two to save money..never putting a quality product on the field. I have a feeling that Milwaukee Brewers and Florida Marlins fans could tell us a thing or two about that.

Oh, and, if you're going to make the effort to go to the game..please try to enjoy it. Splurge and spend the fifty bucks for the hot dog and make it an enjoyable experience for your kids. If you can't justify the dough, then pack a lunch. It's nothing to be embarrassed about.....but whatever you do, just make it fun. Cause in the end, that's what this is all supposed to be about.

It isn't always smooth...but enjoy the ride anyway. It'll be more meaningful to you when we DO win.

Gobble Gobble...and...


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I grew up on the eastern shore of MD, part of a large family, and never got to go a game. I since travelled up and down the east coast getting an education and finding a job. But I always managed to follow the team. I've settled in NJ, married, had a baby in March, and bought a house in the spring, and yet this summer when the Redskins called and said my name was up on the season ticket list (after 15 years) my wife and I put together the money to buy them.

To go to a game, I have to first travel to Salisbury MD or Harrisburgh PA to leave my daughter w/ her grandparents. Then travel to FedEX, then go back and get her, and then go home so my wife and I can go to work Monday morning.

Yet you get to tell me if I am a Redskins fan or not. I'm sorry, but that is not how it works.

Oh, PeterMP, it seems to me you've missed the point again. Frankly, from what I've just read of your post, you seem EXACTLY the type of Redskin fan I would like to see more of. You obviously appreciate the opportunity you were able to take....and you take the state of the team very seriously. I'm not trying to diminish your loyalty because you question the direction of the team this season. Those I have a problem with, in particular, are the bandwagon, knee-jerk fans who'd just as soon mindlessly bash the owner on down to the coaches on down to the players on down to the trainers on down to the poor secretaries at Redskin Park than have an intellectual, rational discussion about what the teams' real issues may be. Calling for a ban on wearing or buying Redskin gear, wearing bags over their heads at games, cutting EVERY SINGLE PLAYER AND COACH AND STARTING OVER? These are the types of solutions I've been reading this week...and they are not reasonable and were obviously not written by what I consider to be honorable, legitimate Redskin fans.


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I have always been a Redskins fan but because of the increased TV coverage in the UK and this year being able to watch all Redskins games on the internet. I feel I become an even bigger fan every year.

All of the sporting teams I support seem to always struggle but the best thing about supporting a struggling team is that when they do turn it around and become the best you can be proud that you stood by them when they were poor. The Redskins will be Super Bowl champs again one day and all the suffering at the moment will be worth it if you stick by them.

Keep the faith!

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The people I can't stand are the folks who arrive at FedEx in their "business casual" attire and sit without making a noise until the third quarter, when they leave to beat traffic.

I would call them "chardonnay sippers", but I think folks who sip wine might have too much fun for these other folks.


Over here at premiership grounds, they're un-affectionately known as the "prawn sandwich brigade".....!!

Anyways back to the original fantastic post - love it!! I've been a skins fan for 25 years and I've always believed they will win every game they play - we could be 0 & 15 with Shuler heaving bombs to Howard and I'd still be back for more.... you know why.... because they're MY TEAM, and nothing makes me feel more alive or passionate than MY TEAM!!

What seperates true supporters from the casual fan....going through the dark days - only then do you truly appreciate the good times.

So let them ***** - who cares.....we are redskins fans, true and proud.....and we shall never stop!!!

Have your self a very happy thanksgiving.....or as we will say in England - enjoy Thursday!

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