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My take on why the team is lost


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Marcus Washington is not a leader?? Four guys on that line are long time vets in the league and they arent leading?? You dont have leaders stepping up when your losing games, bottom line. They dont just lack a leader. So at the beginning of the season you dont think there were like 15 guys stepping up to be a leader when the season looked promising??

To answer your question in short, NO! Marcus Washington is not a leader. He was asked early in the year if he has taken on a leadership role with the team and he tip-toed the answer. LaVar was a long time leader, Darrell Green was a leader, Doug Williams, Joe Thiesmann, John Riggins, Monty Coleman, and lets not talk about Brian Mitchell or Gary Clark even. I see glimpses of leadership with Sellers but he is a special teamer. Not a playmaker! A playmaker needs to set up and take on the critisism when a team is losing and winning. There where no leaders in training camp, when this team was getting there ass kicked. Mind you it was training camp, but after the Vikings game, the dallas game. We we're sitting 0-2 and no one was angry or said anything in the press to light a fire. This team will never be great until we have a proven leader on the team who can motivate these players. This team again is full of followers with no one for leadership.

Everybody is not born with leadership qualities and I understand that but there are 52 men on this team, how isnt that we have not 1 leader!!

That's it!

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Let me tell you something. Gibbs made a HUGE blunder from the start by bringing in Brunell. he doens't have the arm to run Gibbs offense. Look back at all our QBs under Gibbs I. Even JoeT when we went to back to back superbowls had a decent arm for the deep throw off the play action pass. Now look at Brunell. Even in his prime he was a west coast offense QB. While in washigton, especially this year he simply can't make these type of throws when needed.

I think Gibbs, instead of evaluating Brunell's performace for what it was, he second guessed his offense, thus here comes Al. Honestly Brunell simple messed up the entire team. I trully believe that.

Let me add one more thing. PR might not have been the QB we though he was but when he was in there you could feel the entire offense being more "capable". At any time in otherwords we could have a big play. I never felt that way with Brunell in there.

You nailed it right on the freakin head!!!!!
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To answer your question in short, NO! Marcus Washington is not a leader. He was asked early in the year if he has taken on a leadership role with the team and he tip-toed the answer. LaVar was a long time leader, Darrell Green was a leader, Doug Williams, Joe Thiesmann, John Riggins, Monty Coleman, and lets not talk about Brian Mitchell or Gary Clark even. I see glimpses of leadership with Sellers but he is a special teamer. Not a playmaker! A playmaker needs to set up and take on the critisism when a team is losing and winning. There where no leaders in training camp, when this team was getting there ass kicked. Mind you it was training camp, but after the Vikings game, the dallas game. We we're sitting 0-2 and no one was angry or said anything in the press to light a fire. This team will never be great until we have a proven leader on the team who can motivate these players. This team again is full of followers with no one for leadership.

Everybody is not born with leadership qualities and I understand that but there are 52 men on this team, how isnt that we have not 1 leader!!

That's it!

I understand what your saying. As fans we want those leaders to step up to the microphone and rant so we know someone is speaking up. But a lot goes on behind those locker rooms that the media never hears about. I promise you there is someone back there for the Skins ranting.

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man now i see that saunders coming in was a huge mistake......but how are we going to fix it? We cant get rid of him can we?

NO! He needs to prove this offense and he will. The problem is not and has not been the offense. Defense is the heart and soul of a team. If you can not defend even a little you will get beat. Simple as that, this is Al Saunders first year, cut him some slack. In Joe's first year back you werent saying this when he was running the offense. Actually some people did, but in his second season he turned things around. I think the offense last week had about 40 plays, that is unheard of. Our defense is the culprit this time, but hey they will get that together just give em time. We will be back!

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the problem with Portis' argument is tah thye offense *ucked when it counted thre most: in the playoffs. the "physical" bunch couldn't do it when it counted. his ypr were awful. Saunders was brought in cuz everyone in the world knew the offense wasn't cutting it and that JG's concepts/playcalling may have been a step behind the times. how much you wanna bet that Saunders hiring just didn't happen because the good idea factory was working overtime? I'm willing to bet that this subject came up - repeatedly - in the frequent conversations JG has said he had with Dick Vermeil.

btw......4 straight 3 and outs cuz you can't run the ball has the same impact as 4 straight 3 and outs cuz the passing game is all behind the line of scrimmage. The Dallas game demonstarted just hhow far this team is from being a dominating running team.

also...wasn't the blocking scheme changed to accomodate CP who is not a power runner?

Portis is (when healthy) one of the top backs in the league. Get a legitimate passing game and watch what Portis will do. When defenses can stack the box because they dont respect the passing game NOBODY can run well consistently.
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NO! He needs to prove this offense and he will. The problem is not and has not been the offense. Defense is the heart and soul of a team. If you can not defend even a little you will get beat. Simple as that, this is Al Saunders first year, cut him some slack. In Joe's first year back you werent saying this when he was running the offense. Actually some people did, but in his second season he turned things around. I think the offense last week had about 40 plays, that is unheard of. Our defense is the culprit this time, but hey they will get that together just give em time. We will be back!

way off here guys. The defense was one of the better teams in the league last year. They were the heart and soul of the team last year and got them as far as they did. Its going to come back to the offense everytime. The defense is not good this year but that can change with a few key additions. Offense hasnt been any better than what the defense has done. every year you all can keep cuttin people slack but eventually you just got to start demanding things as fans.

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Hey man, part of the reason that the D is so bad is because we go 3 and out and sometimes that 3 and out didnt include a run play, so therefore we chew up 50 seconds, punt the ball away and the defense is forced to go back onto the field for 4-8 minutes.

well, maybe if the defense could force other teamss to go three and out once in a while, they wouldn't be so damn tired!!!!!!

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way off here guys. The defense was one of the better teams in the league last year. They were the heart and soul of the team last year and got them as far as they did. Its going to come back to the offense everytime. The defense is not good this year but that can change with a few key additions. Offense hasnt been any better than what the defense has done. every year you all can keep cuttin people slack but eventually you just got to start demanding things as fans.

This is the last thread to you, Troll. I was speaking to another heart broken skins fan. Go start an extremecowboys site and speak on everything you dont like about the redskins. If you are from DC and love texas so much. Go to Texas Avenue, ranting about the Cowboys and see what happens...TROLL

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CP is an Al Saunders style back. TJ Duckett is a Joe Gibbs style back.

While Clinton Portis is one of my favorite players.. he is also the number 1 guy on our team who we could trade in order to get better in other positions. I would hate to see him go but, if it meant that our team WOULD be better than that is what needs to be done.

(Let me clarify a bit because I know I seem like a douche for thinking this. :laugh:.... )

The Running Back position is far more easier to fill than a great majority of the others. You see 'no name' RB's doing well in a system for RB's i.e Denver amongst others. No matter who they have running the ball they do well. This day and age, you see 'rookies' playing right away and making a big impact.. Maroney, Jones-Drew, Mike Bell..etc. Draft would be a good way to get a finesse styled running back. I know, I know.. What the heck is the draft?! :silly:

A Duckett type guy can do well in a true Joe Gibbs smash-mouth style offense with a lot of success moreso than a Portis type can. This was our original intent as well as our O-Line is styled that way. It has been proven over and over. We had to change the style of blocking to have CP succeed. It worked, however. So, it should be the same for Al Saunders to develop a change for more of a smash-mouth back instead of strictly finesse. Draft a guy for your finesse style and use Duckett for your smash-mouth.

CP can be used to make the fix at other glaring weaknesses at a quicker time frame than waiting for our draft picks to replenish and drafting for LBers, CBs, O-line, D-line... etc. We are talking multiple years to right this ship. We could get a few higher round picks for him and fill those holes.

I am not saying that we SHOULD trade CP. I am just saying if we want to get better faster and use our team the way it was originally intended.. I think this way would be best IMO.

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There were no complaints last year about Brunell not being able to go downfield. That was the one thing the Skins did really well last year was go down field. There is more missing than just that.
Feel free to follow my history on Brunell I believe you will find it consistent.
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well, maybe if the defense could force other teamss to go three and out once in a while, they wouldn't be so damn tired!!!!!!

Chill guys!!! I know we are bad now but we are beating a dead horse. The defense is bad we know this. The QB was bad and now we have our savior in JC. We will be back!!! Trust me, let Gibbs get it together,


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I agree with this offense is not the smash mouth style we would all like to see. But to think last years offense was better is just not fair. Last years games were won by the defense. The offense was struggling to score points. All the talk was if we had been able to score or move the ball we would have been right there for the SuperBOwl. Everyone was calling for change. Lets give this a thing a chance to evolve, it may be slow, but it could be great!

Gibbs nor Saunders have been able to dictate a game,simply because of our D

every single time we score the D we give up points, 3 or 7

for example we went up 10 to 3 ,the guy was stop short on the 14 yard line

if we get a three and out, we will have great feild position,and have the ball back .Instead we give up a TD and now the score is 10-10 now you can't be in attack mode because any type of mistake will cost you the game:doh:

we need to play consistant on both sides of the feild :2cents:

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This is the last thread to you, Troll. I was speaking to another heart broken skins fan. Go start an extremecowboys site and speak on everything you dont like about the redskins. If you are from DC and love texas so much. Go to Texas Avenue, ranting about the Cowboys and see what happens...TROLL

if you have read any of my posts, TROLL, then you would see I am not hating on the Skins. There is hope for the Skins but until people involved in the organization and fans in general wake up, nothing is going to get accomplished. And I will stand out in the middle of whatever street and scream Cowboys Rock as long as its during the day. But I could tell you go to downtown Dallas and rant about the Skins and see what happens.

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if you have read any of my posts, TROLL, then you would see I am not hating on the Skins. There is hope for the Skins but until people involved in the organization and fans in general wake up, nothing is going to get accomplished. And I will stand out in the middle of whatever street and scream Cowboys Rock as long as its during the day. But I could tell you go to downtown Dallas and rant about the Skins and see what happens.

LOL It was fun, we will do this again...TROLL:finger::dallasuck

Back to the line for me...

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Portis is a great back but in the 4 years or so he has been in Washington he has only put up 1 good year. Clinton cant pound the ball better because he wouldnt survive the season. He is starting to show that wear even without pounding it up the middle every play and you think he would survive when he did pound it every play? He just doesnt fit the system and the type of power O-line that the Skins have. Clinton was brought here for that homerun play and I only remember seeing that big 60+ dash one time and I think that was the first game he played with the Skins against the Bucs at home. Where is that homerun threat. Thats why he was brought here. TJ is bigger than a lot of linebackers and to have a guy like that just pounding away all game would rip apart defenses. Then you set up the pass through that. That O-line is geared to push people around, not sweep outside. When Tiki leaves next year I think the Giants will be fine because they have that big back in Brandon who is just going to punish defenses. And when you punish and push around defenses you hold onto the ball longer and longer. You start controlling that clock, you keep the defense off the field and keep them fresh. I know Dan wants to win bad but you cant just sign a big check and think everything will be fine.

This is Portis's 3rd year in Washington and this will be the first time in his career he hasn't broken 1300 + yards and that's only because of injuries. Last year he was playing in Joe Gibbs' pound-it-out scheme, this year has been all about sweeps and BS like that. He survived the entire season last year, taking a beating every game. That's what type of back he is. Tough, hard to bring down, and agile enough to break through secondaries and score. He's obviously a better back than TJ Duckett and I wouldn't expect to see him traded anytime soon.

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Guys, please quit all this talk and realise that the Redskins' problem right now is THE DEFENSE!!! Could the offense be a little better? Yes, but lets focus on the REAL problem with this team.


Running game is a question mark (without CP), but most of the focus now should be on the defense. Saunders, Gibbs, and Snyder are the ones getting most of the heat. Sorry, but it's GW who should feel the fire (since Gibbs has addressed the QB problem). Week in and week out the same old thing... LOUSY tackling. Yet in the pressers, he NEVER addresses it (anyone asking it?... no) or does ANYTHING to correct the OBVIOUS. What does the D DO in practice every week? GO OUT AND CATCH BUTTERFLIES? If there's anyone going soft on his players... it's GW. But every week it's "La di da... la di da." I know, lack of a pass rush and secondary coverage is a big problem too, but lets start with the fundamentals first or those other things will become more futile in the attempts.

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This is Portis's 3rd year in Washington and this will be the first time in his career he hasn't broken 1300 + yards and that's only because of injuries. Last year he was playing in Joe Gibbs' pound-it-out scheme, this year has been all about sweeps and BS like that. He survived the entire season last year, taking a beating every game. That's what type of back he is. Tough, hard to bring down, and agile enough to break through secondaries and score. He's obviously a better back than TJ Duckett and I wouldn't expect to see him traded anytime soon.

1300 yards a season is bad for a guy who was brought to washington to put up 1800+ seasons. He survived last year but he didnt survive the preseason this year. It wasnt just one injury but multiple ones. Eventually the pounding takes a toll on the smaller bodies.

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1300 yards a season is bad for a guy who was brought to washington to put up 1800+ seasons. He survived last year but he didnt survive the preseason this year. It wasnt just one injury but multiple ones. Eventually the pounding takes a toll on the smaller bodies.

seriously man shut up. this isnt even your site. stop talking **** about our team and learn how to finish games in DC.

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I could see where CP would be pissed about the change but I think the rest of your post is speculation. I mean, there is not a single quote here. Not even from CP.

But I've said from the beginning that Saunders playcalling is a joke. Teams have weaknesses and he totally disregards them. Weve played the worst run defenses in the league all year yet he refuses to run the ball. That right there is enough for me. I could run a more effective offense than him.

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Gibbs and C.P. agree,

Gibbs/Redskin football starts and ends with the run. "Physical" Hogs, runners, and run stoppers.

Some of Al's "playbook", and G.W's "schemes", are officially shelved until Joe's (and C.P.'s) "principles" are achieved.

P.S. Author is taking bets that Joe will use C.P. more sparingly next preseason:laugh:

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I agree with CP!!! :applause:

We need to be a 'SMASH-MOUTH, DOWNHILL, ROAD-GRADER, HOGS-Type' Rushing Offense (ala: JOE GIBBS' Offense) - conjoined with a 'DIVERSIFIED, ATTACKING, QUICK-STRIKE, PLAY-ACTION, DEEP-STRIKE, BIG-PLAY' Passing Offense (ala: AL SAUNDERS' Offense)!!! :cheers:

On DEFENSE, we need to be an 'ATTACKING, BALL-HAWKING, GANG-TACKLING, NASTY' Defense!!! :cheers:

The KEY here is: Just Be 'INTENSELY PASSIONATE, PHYSICAL & FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND TECHNICIANS (Keep It Simple, Stupid / K.I.S.S.)' - 100% of the Time!!! :cheers:

Just MY 'Opinion'... :2cents:

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The redskins are less physical on offense and defense. The 700+ page playbook is ridiculous. Clinton had a good year last year, because the offense changed their running plays that fit more to Portis' style (stretch-block running). The offensive line does have problems making holes for the running backs, but the WHOLE defense sucks!!! The defense can't stop the run, can't rush the passer without blitzing, can't cover in the secondary, can't tackle, can't get turnovers, etc. It's been 11 weeks and Greg Williams hasn't changed a damn thing, except benching Adam Arch. And to top it off, you can watch the defense play and some of the guys are not even running full-speed. The defense needs an overhaul. I don't care if some of those guys played well last year or have big contracts. He needs to bench the poor performers and give somebody else a chance. The first two I would bench is Carlos Rogers and Lamar Marshall. Put Sean Taylor at strong safety and Marcus Washington at MLB. Bring in Rocky McIntosh or Posey to play OLB.

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