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Time to clean house


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Jason Campbell's performance today aside, it is clearly time for this franchise to prepare to clean house in the offseason. Give your opinions here. I'll get the ball rolling:

1- Management. Fire Vinny. Keeping him sends the message that failure is acceptable. Hire a true GM to get this franchise going the right direction on personnel decisions. Hire a GM who favors drafting and building talent versus free agents.

2- Fire Adam Archeleta. Get rid of him in the most cap friendly way you can while doing the most injustice to him. He is a huge bust.

3- Coaches. This is tough. I think you keep Greg Williams. I think it is too early to make a judgement on Al Saunders, given that he has not had a true QB to run the offense until today. Joe Gibbs. This is again tough. I think Joe Gibbs has not earned the right to coach another season, but he deserves the right based on his history with the franchise and position as a HOFer. A strong GM would keep him from making bad personnel decisions like Mark Brunell. I don't know about the position coaches, perhaps someone more informed can render an opinion on them.

4- The running game/ O-line. I'm not fully sure what is wrong with the running game, obviously the O-line play has alot to do with this. Keep Clinton Portis, he has had a tough season which is not his fault. I have a question here, why is Betts running off tackle instead of North South? Is this Saunders decision.

5- QB. Mark Brunell has to go after June 1st or restructure his contract to be a backup.

Feel free to add to the list.

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I told all of you so, as my post from 8/29/06 will attest.

We need to face it, this is going to be an ugly season

Well, where I should I start? We have a starting quarterback that obviously can't get it done. Brunell was totally inept in the two playoff games and if the Redskins had just a decent QB against the Seahawks they would have won and went on to the NFC championship. Seattle was almost giving the game away. Mark Brunell shouldn't even be on this team and having Todd Collins is a joke. Maybe Jason Campbell is the future but if he is they need to find that out now. The best player on the team is out indefinetly and the same goes for one of the best players on the defense. And yet again we have a group of free agent additions that are overhyped and underachieving. Look at this group and tell me who will be in the pro bowl in the next three years, what a joke! We all know that T.O. is going to be better than our two free agent WR's. We all know Darren Howard is better than Andre Carter. This is going to be another season beginning with high hopes and ending with huge disappointment. The Redskins need to hire a good GM and start the process of building a team. I hate to say this, but the Redskins will not be in the playoffs this year. Their record will be around 6-10 this year. Face it, the handwriting is on the wall.

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I don't know if all of these moves can be done in one offseason but I would draft/aquire a young CB, young SS, young MLB, and young DE

Replace Dockery with a new guard. Draft/aquire a proven young RT.

Aquire a new kicker.

Our offense really isn't in that bad of shape if Campbell can prove to be a legit NFL QB, which I think he is on his way to doing.

Defense needs 2 new linebackers, a stud DE,a young established CB who can take over for Springs and replace Rogers for the time being, and a new SS who is excellent in coverage.

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This is a little harsh, I dont think we are that far away from being good. We need another Safety to replace AA next year, a Ryan Clark kinda guy to help cover up Rogers. If Rocky can take over for Holdman and do well that will do alot to sure up the defense. Campbell learning and improving and a healthy Portis will solve the offenses problems. This season was screwed up by the coaches right from the start with the way they handled camp and preseason, we shouldn't blame the players to much.

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This is a little harsh, I dont think we are that far away from being good. We need another Safety to replace AA next year, a Ryan Clark kinda guy to help cover up Rogers. If Rocky can take over for Holdman and do well that will do alot to sure up the defense. Campbell learning and improving and a healthy Portis will solve the offenses problems. This season was screwed up by the coaches right from the start with the way they handled camp and preseason, we shouldn't blame the players to much.

Looking at the big picture. 2 playoff appearances in how many seasons? It's simply not acceptable, or shouldn't be accepted by anyone affiliated with this organization.

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Just got back from the game, bottom line our Defense ****ing sucks. Either it's personell or it williams but something has to give. On Offense, I think the Saunders experiment isn't over yet a few mor games to go but if things don't improve give it back to Gibbs, it may not be flashy but we won dammit. On a side note, bye bye Ladell Betts you cant run worth **** without Portis wearing the D down.

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Guest sith lord
3- Coaches. Joe Gibbs. This is again tough. I think Joe Gibbs has not earned the right to coach another season, but he deserves the right based on his history with the franchise and position as a HOFer.

That kills your entire argument. If you "really" want change, well then change it. Don't give me the old " Gibbs shouldn't be the coach, but he deserves the right based on his history with the franchise and because he's a HOFer" speech.

I appreciate what Gibbs has done for this franchise as much as anyone, but he's not bigger than the franchise and he's failed bigtime this year. He needs to step down so Dan Snyder can hire a good, fresh football mind for today's game.

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i was so excited when archuletta came over, because of his past record. is he in the right spot? are we using him to his capacity? i think that andre carter has to be gone. warrick holdman...gone.....john hall....gone.....nick novak.....gone.....mark brunell....gone....

as far as the running game, i don't know if i'm correct in this, but i'd like to see ladell betts used as trade bait for another really good line player. i think that tj duckett would be a superb second running back behind clinton portis. look what duckett and dunn did in atlanta.

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Jason Campbell's performance today aside, it is clearly time for this franchise to prepare to clean house in the offseason. Give your opinions here. I'll get the ball rolling:

1- Management. Fire Vinny. Keeping him sends the message that failure is acceptable. Hire a true GM to get this franchise going the right direction on personnel decisions. Hire a GM who favors drafting and building talent versus free agents.

2- Fire Adam Archeleta. Get rid of him in the most cap friendly way you can while doing the most injustice to him. He is a huge bust.

3- Coaches. This is tough. I think you keep Greg Williams. I think it is too early to make a judgement on Al Saunders, given that he has not had a true QB to run the offense until today. Joe Gibbs. This is again tough. I think Joe Gibbs has not earned the right to coach another season, but he deserves the right based on his history with the franchise and position as a HOFer. A strong GM would keep him from making bad personnel decisions like Mark Brunell. I don't know about the position coaches, perhaps someone more informed can render an opinion on them.

4- The running game/ O-line. I'm not fully sure what is wrong with the running game, obviously the O-line play has alot to do with this. Keep Clinton Portis, he has had a tough season which is not his fault. I have a question here, why is Betts running off tackle instead of North South? Is this Saunders decision.

5- QB. Mark Brunell has to go after June 1st or restructure his contract to be a backup.

Feel free to add to the list.

(1.) FIRE Vinny & Get a REAL G.M.: Check. :mad:

(2.) Get Rid of Archuleta: NO Explanation Necessary. Check. :mad:

(3.) Sack Gibbs: "Thanks for the Memories", Joe, but it has been YOU who has 'handcuffed' the TEAM, with Brunell, 'over-ruling' your Assistants, etc.!?! Get MORE AGGRESSIVE (or, simply, AGGRESSIVE and TECHNICALLY SOUND) on Defense. :mad: :doh:

(4.) Stop running 'outside' so much: Our O-Line is PERFECTLY suited for The POWER (NOT 'Finess') Running Game (Portis & Duckett). :doh:

(5.) "Bye-Bye", Brunell: Thanks for 2.5 YEARS/SEASONS of 'MEDIOCRITY'; and, HELL NO... We DON'T want YOU as our 'backup'!!! :mad: :doh:

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I wouldn't wait for the off-season. Fire Saunders TODAY. Lets see what the O-line can do running Duckett North-South the rest of the season 30+ carries a game. We may find out with JC and a power running offense, there are less problems than it currently seems.

I've thought and said all along that Saunders' play calling was killing our offense. Even the announcers on the tv wondered out loud why a bunch of 300+lb linemen were being asked to run stretch plays. Saunders is not a good coach for this team. The personnel fits Joe Gibbs play-calling....let Joe go back to calling the plays.

On defense, time to see what McIntosh and maybe our Louisville middle linebacker can do.

Not much else that can be changed defensively mid-season. If Betts doesn't fumble away the ball on our side of the field in the second half of a 10-10 ballgame, the outcome could have been different. We didn't stop the run at all (again), and I put a good portion (like ALL) on the linebackers.

Offseason - Vinny Verrato goes and a real GM gets hired who has more say over personnel (Archuleta and Carter signings were unbelievably bad).

Other than that, I let Joe stay on as long as humanly possible, cause he's still the best coach we've had in the last 10+yrs.

Draft defense in 1st rd. We need to start spending 1st and 2nd rd picks on LINEMEN - both sides of the ball. Football is won in the trenches and the last trench player we spent a top pick on was Chris Samuels. That's too long. The last defensive lineman taken in the first rd was...? Help me out with this one folks...I can't even remember. :(

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every year we cut the team...aside from a few players who are big cap hits and suck (AA and brunnell) we need a few additions and then we need to keep the team together!! if we keep starting new every year, we will have the same result every year.

I think the main thing we need is someone who is actually capable of rushing the passer...it all starts up front. Rogers is struggling, but we give opposing QBs ALL DAY!!! even when we 'bring the house' we still don't get pressure....

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Joe either be the president or the coach you can not be both anymore it is not working.

Joe Bugel, time to retire. It is time to stop living in the past we need a GM in here that can turn this around.

Release AA tomorrow, he is pathetic and might be why we can not keep Taylor in the future.

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This is a little harsh, I dont think we are that far away from being good. We need another Safety to replace AA next year, a Ryan Clark kinda guy to help cover up Rogers. If Rocky can take over for Holdman and do well that will do alot to sure up the defense. Campbell learning and improving and a healthy Portis will solve the offenses problems. This season was screwed up by the coaches right from the start with the way they handled camp and preseason, we shouldn't blame the players to much.

A little harsh???? The D-Line does nothing. Absolutley nothing. The middle linbacker is a joke. 2 tackles in the last two games. Rodgers stinks. Springs is getting old and is to injury prone. Taylor, for every good play he makes, he either misses tackles or takes stupid penalty's. Other then Thomas on the O-Line the rest are expendable.

Other then Santana Moss and Washington, who has earned their money??

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Brunell's terrible play has hidden the fact that this defense is awful. We need the following on defense:

1. At least 1 New Defenseive End

2. A starting Middle linebacker. (I would have added an outside backer but I would hope Rocky will be able to play there)

3. A starting caliber cornerback

We need 3 starters and only have 1 pick on the 1st day of the draft.....

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I believe the main problem on our defense is at the linebacker spot. Marshall isn't talented enuff or big enuff to take the pounding season after season and we all agree that Holdman sucks.

I also think Rogers is at best a #2 corner or good nickel back but we need to find a cover/press corner who can jam a receiver with the "guts" to play man. Also Sean Taylor needs to move over to Strong Safety because he is a liabilty in coverage. I'm not saying he can't cover at all, but he'd be better covering a 3rd or 4th wideout and the prototype tight end and keep Troy Vicent at Free Safety or find his replacement.

We should be drafting the best defensive player available at the draft whomever it is, hopefully either corner or linebacker. Also we need to do what Joe Gibbs said we were gonna do when he first got here, and that's keep the core Redskins. Just think of the talent and depth we had that's starting for other teams now. Omar Stoutmire, Ryan Clark, Antonio Pierce, Fred Smoot, even Walt Harris was 3rd in the league in int's a few weeks ago.

I'd definitely take him over the chump playing nickel now.

I think we do well in Free Agency and the draft, we just don't keep them at cheap prices and want the superstar or then feel like those guys aren't worth what they want when actually they are. I look at a team like Chicago, basically everybody on that defense is the same except they added Ricky Manning and drafted a couple of players to add. That's what we need to do instead of rebuilding every summer. Now I'm sure people here will say I'm crazy to say we shoulda kept some of those names listed listed above, but our D was tenacious the last two years, and now we just plain stink. Let's face it the defense is old and youth we had is gone to teams like the Saints the Giants and Steelers, and they all start. So let's build on what we have instead wishing for everybody else's players. :2cents:



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