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Are YOU convinced?


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I know that many of you have been yelling since the end of last season for Jason Campbell, but I want to be the first to say that I do not believe that Jason Campbell is the answer either. I don't think that he was really that great coming out of Auburn, I think he was a product of a good team, great running backs, and a good system. I think that if we really want a guy who has proven that they can play quarterback in the NFL, Snyder needs to find some way to buy Matt Schaub from Atlanta, and we can have a young, good sized, intelligent passer, who has shown glimpses of greatness in the few opportunities that he has received. I am not convinced on Jason yet, and I would also like to thank MB for the season he had last year, the passes against Dallas to Santana, and the playoff birth that he put us in position for. I know he isn't the future for our franchise, but he certainly wasn't the only present problem. If JC does come in and prosper, then I have his back 100%, I guess I am just a little reluctant to put all my hopes in a guy who hasn't proven anything as of yet....


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I do not believe that Jason will make us playoff material overnight. I do believe that if we lose it will be by a lot less points than we were before. If he is willing to take shots down field it will open up holes in our running game. While that will not make our defense any better, it will increase offensive productivity and we should score more points.

And hell if we could lead more games by more than 3 points, the D could blitz incessantly which is what made them so good last year.

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LMAO...way to get out in front of the "dump JC" movement.....you trendsetter...

All kidding aside, I don't think too many people (at least the rational ones anyway) are putting "all their hopes in the guy" but a #1 - and whatever was given up to move into that slot (memory fails me at the moment) - went into him and the team needs to find out if it was worth it.

Nobody will know if it was worth it or not until he's had the equivalent of - at least - a season as the #1 guy.

That clock's gotta start ticking sometime.

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Auburn was then this is now. Sometimes people blossom later on and with the right coaching Campbell will be a stud. He has the physical tools, he just needs to be coached up properly. I don't think he was a product of the system, this guy has raw talent. If this was true every Heisman trophy winner would be great in the NFL. Success and lack of it at the college level doesn't mean much. If you have good skills and have coaches that can utilize those skills you can be good. Johnny Unitas supposedly wasn't smart enough to be a QB. Know what I'm trying to say?? Campbell may or may not workout, but he has the skills to succeed.

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I don't believe that Jason is the answer for one second. This team's struggles go far beyond the quarterback.

Do I think that this will bring excitement and possibly a spark to this suddenly mellow team? Without a doubt.

I agree, there are more problems than just at QB. Even if Campbell throws some INT's, maybe he will throw it deep and end up better than if Frost had to punt.

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I know that many of you have been yelling since the end of last season for Jason Campbell, but I want to be the first to say that I do not believe that Jason Campbell is the answer either. I don't think that he was really that great coming out of Auburn, I think he was a product of a good team, great running backs, and a good system. I think that if we really want a guy who has proven that they can play quarterback in the NFL, Snyder needs to find some way to buy Matt Schaub from Atlanta, and we can have a young, good sized, intelligent passer, who has shown glimpses of greatness in the few opportunities that he has received. I am not convinced on Jason yet, and I would also like to thank MB for the season he had last year, the passes against Dallas to Santana, and the playoff birth that he put us in position for. I know he isn't the future for our franchise, but he certainly wasn't the only present problem. If JC does come in and prosper, then I have his back 100%, I guess I am just a little reluctant to put all my hopes in a guy who hasn't proven anything as of yet....


ummmm how can you be convinced ?no one has seen him play .why go sign a backup QB when we havent seen JC play More than A Preseason Quarter?:2cents:
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No, we won't find out Sunday. We may find out by the end of the season though. Jason may not be the answer, but he may be definately part of the solution. At this point in the season, looking for answers is legitimate. It's important to know what you got and see if your belief in him is wise or misspent. He won't turn us into the 91 skins overnight but if he does, boy will we be upset with Gibbs. What I hope is that he shows enough potential that some of the questions about the future are answered. The problems with the 'skins go deeper than Mark. Mark played okay, but with this team, with this defense, with the lack of breaks okay wasn't near good enough. We need someone to play well, not just okay.

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I don't think he's the answer either b/c the QB position is NOT the only weakness on this team right now...but JC certainly can't do much worse than MB at this point...I'm just glad there's some type of change coming...sheesh...week after week of the same ol' same ol' really gets old if you know what I mean especially if its dead in the water...just to have fresh legs and eyes on the field is good for me...No one person can change things overnight...but he certainly can't hurt us at this point.


:point2sky :) :point2sky

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"Are YOU convinced"? Well, no, at least not yet, but how can ANY of us be convinced if the kid never gets a chance to play?? How much do we really know about JC? Not much because he has been waiting for his shot. If he is only the product of a good system at Auburn than we'll find that out over the next seven games. Do I think that the Skins with JC are gonna go on some roll, win 7 in a row and make the playoffs? NO, I doubt you will get anyone else on this board to say that. Do I think that he gives us a better chance to win games? Yes I do, not because Brunell doesn't, but because I believe the kid is hungry and looking for any chance to prove himself. No one will ever be CONVINCED about a young QB who hasn't even thrown a pass is a real NFL game, but at least Gibbs finally putting him in gives us hope....not hope for this year, but next year & the years beyond that.

Let's, for a moment, look at what we do know:

1) Although I'm not ready to give up, after last week's loss this season is pretty much over.

2) The Skins have a young QB that gave up alot of draft picks for, so Gibbs & the staff MUST see something in him more than just a "system" guy.

3) By playing JC now the Skins are giving him a full 7 games, plus a full off season as the named starter, and 4 preseason games to get ready for next year.

4) There are other issues with this team besides QB (DL, LB, depth at DB) that needs to be addressed in the off season, but by giving JC the final 7 games of this season the Skins will see if they can at least address the QB issue now so they will know going into the offseason where they stand.

5) Are defenses now going to have to worry about more than just the running game and short screens & dump off passes? YES!!! Without a doubt!

Gibbs did what he had to do. He stayed with Brunell until the very moment that almost any chance the Skins had to make the playoffs this year slipped away and, upon seeing that, he decided that we must at least see what the future COULD BE here in Washington with JC.

So, once again "Am I convinced?" No, not yet, but I feel a heck of alot better about the future of the Washington Redskins as an organization and its direction today than I did before 4:00 PM yesterday.

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I know that many of you have been yelling since the end of last season for Jason Campbell, but I want to be the first to say that I do not believe that Jason Campbell is the answer either. I don't think that he was really that great coming out of Auburn, I think he was a product of a good team, great running backs, and a good system. I think that if we really want a guy who has proven that they can play quarterback in the NFL, Snyder needs to find some way to buy Matt Schaub from Atlanta, and we can have a young, good sized, intelligent passer, who has shown glimpses of greatness in the few opportunities that he has received. I am not convinced on Jason yet, and I would also like to thank MB for the season he had last year, the passes against Dallas to Santana, and the playoff birth that he put us in position for. I know he isn't the future for our franchise, but he certainly wasn't the only present problem. If JC does come in and prosper, then I have his back 100%, I guess I am just a little reluctant to put all my hopes in a guy who hasn't proven anything as of yet....


well as my dealrly departed granny always said "its good to want things". unfortunately you are many moons AND threads late to even be close to the first. nice try though.

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And so Campbell doesnt have a couple great Rb's behind him right now on the skins, he doesnt have 3 great recievers that when they get the ball can break one for a TD at anytime. He doesnt have 1 reciever who was second in total yards in the league last year. He doesnt have a HOF coach on the sideline, a offensive coordinator, while he has had a bad rap here, but led top 5 offenses 5 years in a row. Does anyone realize what kind of talent this kid has around him, if you think he had talent at Auburn what do you think of our recievers. Did one of his recievers his senior year even go to the pros? I love how you say that he is a product of great system recievers and blah blah, But can anyone deny that he has amazing talent around him just begging to get the ball thrown to them. And oh yea a top 5 back in the league injured on the sidelines begging for defenses to stop stacking the box due to a threat of an actuall passing game for his first time in his career in washington. I wish some people, not all people would realize this kid has loads of talent around him and if he gets the ball to them, he doesnt have to be superman here just get the ball to the playmakers he can be great. BYAAAAAAAAAHHH.

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Alright alright....I wasn't saying he didn't need to get a chance...and like i said before, if he turns out to be the "FUTURE" as so many people have labelled him, then GREAT, I will be at FedEx every game cheering just as loud as I have been this season for a disappointing year! But don't get mad because I am questioning if you really believe that he has the ability to be an NFL qb...I mean, it isn't like nobody has seen him play before...he did GRADUATE college, he has PLAYED IN THE PRESEASON...that is all...that is why we have blogs, to debate and discuss, don't worry, it is nothing personal...I am still REDSKINS FOR LIFE....HAIL TO THE REDSKINS....WHOOOOOOOO

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I know that many of you have been yelling since the end of last season for Jason Campbell, but I want to be the first to say that I do not believe that Jason Campbell is the answer either. I don't think that he was really that great coming out of Auburn, I think he was a product of a good team, great running backs, and a good system. I think that if we really want a guy who has proven that they can play quarterback in the NFL, Snyder needs to find some way to buy Matt Schaub from Atlanta, and we can have a young, good sized, intelligent passer, who has shown glimpses of greatness in the few opportunities that he has received. I am not convinced on Jason yet, and I would also like to thank MB for the season he had last year, the passes against Dallas to Santana, and the playoff birth that he put us in position for. I know he isn't the future for our franchise, but he certainly wasn't the only present problem. If JC does come in and prosper, then I have his back 100%, I guess I am just a little reluctant to put all my hopes in a guy who hasn't proven anything as of yet....


Put Payton Manning or Tom Brady on a "doo-doo" team, and you will see "doo-doo" results! WTF?!? :doh:

Payton & Tom became good QB's BECAUSE of the personnel surrounding them!!! :doh: So, you don't think our WR's are among the leagues BEST?!? :rolleyes:

Tom Pasquerelli, is that you?!? :doh:

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No realistic fan is expecting Campbell to come in and light it up right away. Of course there is a slim chance he could be the next Tom Brady/Ben Roethlisberger/hell even Tony Romo sits to pee but that's the exception.

I'm not convinced of anything but the fact that it was definitely time for Campbell to get the start because this season is basically a lost cause so we may as well see what we have in the kid.

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