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The future of the running back.........


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I have been feeling the same way about CP lately, When all is going well, he acts like "The face of the franchise." But lately he passes the buck to the system being at fault - not directly but in so many words in that interview after practive a couple weeks ago. That really pissed me off.

I am beginning to think we may be better off without him next year. HE is a bit of a primadonna and I am sick of it.

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You read my mind. I'm not thinking a draft pic, but a key player. I don't see Peppers being let go, but there are some spots that could use a boost.

Have you ever seen Betts given the chance to lead this team anywhere ? Nope...... As for moss leaving, I honestly doubt it. Business is business. Saunders came up in the same system Gibbs did, that's why Gibbs wanted him.

Guys, I'm not looking to bash Portis. I just think the combo of Betts and Duckett are what we need, and what our coaching staff likes. Saunders loved Betts in the preseason, and said he would be more involved this season. He has, hasn't he. I'm sure a little bird in Atlanta told Gibbs that Duckett is his type of back, and that's why we went for him to insure we were covered when Portis went down.

Okay, but with all due respect Al Saunders also has a 700 page playbook that seemingly contains 690 pages of screen plays. Getting rid of Portis would be the worst thing that this organization could do. Talk about killing chemistry. The U guys have a serious comradry (sp?) and would certainly contribute to a mutiny if portis was sent off.

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Skins Will Retain Cp And Utilize Tj In Short Yards. This Will Allow Cp To Stay Healthy By Not Taking 25+ Attempts Per Game. Tough Situation For Betts Though. Hail

Great idea, but it hasn't worked this season yet has it. Portis comes and goes as he pleases, and hasn't carried nearly as much as you would expect from a premeir running back.

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I hate to admit it but i was thinking the same thing about CP. It seems that the downhill style of Betts and Duckett is exactly what we need. Lately, it has looked like CP is getting too confused in his runs, trying to make more out of each carry than is actually there. Getting those 4 yard runs by pounding the ball is something both Betts and Duckett can do. They dont dance alot in the backfield (like CP has been doing lately) and will put our offense in a good position to pass and pickup first downs.

We can then get some good draft picks back and maybe some help on our O-line or Defensive Back depth. All these questions should be answered by the end of the season. It sucks that CP is injured again but at least it gives us a chance to see TJ and Betts so we can evaluate and build for next year.

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Speaking of dumb, that thread starter wasn't banned. The next time you want to spout off, know what you're talking about. Otherwise simply shut up.

I love how that is the only thing you can nit-pick from my post.

Excuse me for not wasting time to see if some random idiot on an internet message board was banned or not.

If you are going to tell me to shut up, the least you can do is provide a decent rebuttle.


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Okay, but with all due respect Al Saunders also has a 700 page playbook that seemingly contains 690 pages of screen plays. Getting rid of Portis would be the worst thing that this organization could do. Talk about killing chemistry. The U guys have a serious comradry (sp?) and would certainly contribute to a mutiny if portis was sent off.

Saunders has been catering to Brunells strenths, which are few at this point. If your QB can only heave it long once or twice a game, and isn't willing to throw into coverage often, what are you left with. It has all to do with the play of Brunell, not the play book. Saunders said he wanted to go down field more, which is surely one of the reasons JC is getting the start. Brunell has limited the ofensive play calling greatly.

I just don't buy the whole mutiny thing as I said before.

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do you people just want drama?!?! First brunnell has to go and now portis has to go?!?! I can't believe you people call yourself fans! oh right, betts and duckett would make a GREAT combo!! yea!! duckett does really well rotating with betts!! Oh wait, he doesn't play!! and what has betts done? in his opportunity to show something against minnesota and dallas starting he did nothing!! NOTHING!!! do you see magical holes for portis that he doesn't see or something? this is a ridiculous thread and anyone who thinks it would be BETTER for this franchise if portis left just sucks!

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yes! let's get rid of a RB who set a franchise record!! wait wait, let's just trade santana too, i mean, he is really having a crappy year so let's cut and run now!..I mean 17 yars last week? pathetic! Loser! and that loser missed a game cuz he was injured, can you believe it?!?! GOSH! oh and cooley isn't doing nearly what he did last year, he should go too!

All you people get mad at Danny for not having any patience and gutting the team, how do you think taking away our best offensive player and core redskin will affect the team?!? why do you all want changes? what he need is some freakin consistency!

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Portis is the best blocking back on the roster and he has the best vision.

He hits the corners harder than Betts and like someone else said Betts has been less durable in less work than CP.

Portis has put up over 1300 yards in his first 4 years in the league. He's been injured all this year missed 1 or 2 games completely and prior to this sunday lead the NFC in touchdowns by a running back. He was averaging 4.1 yards a carry.

He's only 25 years old, not even at his prime, Campbell is the same age.

You don't get rid of a running back that can put up those kinds of numbers, especially when your not going to get anything in return for them.

In the two games Betts started he racked up an amazing 66 yards on 19 attempts and 0 tds. Thats a 3.5 average.

Portis in his games started is at 484yds on 117 4.1 yds and 6 tds.

Portis is much more solid all around back that has adapted into too two completely different systems in Denver (one cut down hill) and DC (counter trey, between tackles) and been successful. You don't trade someone who has proven that he can fit to the style thats needed. Portis has shown that.

I love me some CP.

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Maybe we should replace our Oline instead so our QB is protected and Portis doesn't take a beating blocking blitzers every down. The guys an animal. Haven't you seen some of the hits he's placed on folks blitzing??? He can knock out a LB for gods sake. Great runner, can catch and block.. What else do you ask for?

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You know, it's not that far fetched an idea to me at all. As much as most of us appreciate and love having Portis...we are more concerned with the success of the team. If that means Betts and Duckett work better for this style of offense, as well as a more cap friendly situation..it is a possibility. Would hate to see someone of his talent leave though.

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Maybe we should replace our Oline instead so our QB is protected and Portis doesn't take a beating blocking blitzers every down. The guys an animal. Haven't you seen some of the hits he's placed on folks blitzing??? He can knock out a LB for gods sake. Great runner, can catch and block.. What else do you ask for?

this, my friend, is exactly on point. i take only ladanian tomlinson ahead of cp an open rb draft. what cp brings to the table is IRREPLACEABLE, especailly considering his blocking abilities for a new qb.

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why does anyone think that the betts/duckett combo is what the coaches want? DUCKETT HAD 2 CARRIES SUNDAY and suddenly that combo is exactly what the coaches want? Why would anyone want a betts/duckett combo when you can have a portis/ANYONE combo?

Are you guys freakin kidding? how many "where is duckett" threads have you seen?

please stop the madness!

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My thoughts on Portis

- He's a great teammate

- He's got heart

- He is selfish to a degree

- He's smarter than he lets on

- He wasn't into this season after his pre-season injury

- He gets way more credit than he deserves for last seasons 5-0 run, The Defense stepped up for us bigger than the running game

I like Portis but he tends to say and do things that are questionable, and if someone like TO did some of those same things -- we would tear him apart. I'd love for him to stay on the team though.

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I AM going to jump on both of you.

Are you crazy? He's our single-season rushing record holder. Yes, and it was under Gibbs. Give him an offensive line and then he'll have the durability that you're asking for. If Portis leaves, then my heart will break; he IS this team right now.

Blasphemy if I've ever heard it.

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Trading Portis only works for me if we're getting a young Jonathan Ogden/Joe Jacoby monster for our O-line. I truly believe our inability to run or pass block has killed the offense this year (that and a broken-down over-the-hill QB).

This team needs a couple young beasts on the O-line and the D-line. We're getting KILLED in the trenches this year on both sides of the ball.

Joe will get back to Redskin football and start pounding the ball between the tackles eventually. I never thought CP was a good fit for his offense, although in fairness to CP, he developed into a tough runner and blocker last year. The problem is - if you aren't that good on short yardage, you aren't a good fit for Redskins/Steelers type running game.

I think we'll probably have Portis and Duckett next year, but who knows. No one is irreplacable. I root for the burgundy & gold. Whoever wears it.

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Joe Gibbs has primarily used and been know for a physical attack and a heavy duty back like TJ. And still he brought in Porits to build this team around. And Portis has excelled while changing up his style to some degree.

Now we have Saunders led offense. From what I have seen in Washington, Saunders likes to get his Rb's to the outside. So I would disagree that this staff, especially with Saunders, would prefer or be able to better utilize a strickly north/south style of back.

Saunders commented that he would like to be getting CP as much as 30 touches a game, but the injuries have limited his availability and effectiveness. I think CP is very much in the plans.

Its not off the wall, however, to imagine a Gibbs/Saunders offense preforming well with a 1-2 power punch of Betts and TJ. We would save money on their salaries but that would be offset by the excelerated portion of CP's guarnteed money. I don't know the specifics of any of the contracts.

But CP is a special talent in my opinion. Even if we were to break even with the cap ramification, and aquire 1st round compensation. I wouldn't make the trade. If JC proves to be the real deal, Portis will shine.

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Just out of curiousity, what do you see in Ladell that Clinton doesn't have? Clinton is faster, bigger, stronger, and much more shifty than Ladell, its just that he's been injured like crazy since the first preseason game this year.

Portis/Duckett with Sellers... theres a running game you should fear.

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- He gets way more credit than he deserves for last seasons 5-0 run, The Defense stepped up for us bigger than the running game


AZ-105 y-1 TD

STL-136 y-2 TD

DAL-112 y-0 TD

NYG-108 y-1 TD

PHI-112 y-2 TD

that would be 573 yards and 6 TDs

but you are right, he gets WAY too much credit :laugh: :laugh:

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