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Borat Tries Sexytime with Martha Stewart on Leno

Dan T.

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One of these days this moron is going to run into somebody who isn't going to find his crap very funny and he'll get his just desserts. I hope I get a chance to see THAT live.

This buffoon is no better than the scumballs involved in projects like "Jackass" and "The Jerky Boys". It's not comedy, it's crap. Pure and simple.

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One of these days this moron is going to run into somebody who isn't going to find his crap very funny and he'll get his just desserts. I hope I get a chance to see THAT live.

This buffoon is no better than the scumballs involved in projects like "Jackass" and "The Jerky Boys". It's not comedy, it's crap. Pure and simple.

Joykill :mad:

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I don't think Mass Skins fan understands much of anything.

Pretty much spot on.

If he's not a fan of something, he absolutely hates it. Its quite neanderthalic and overall downright ignorant/closeminded. What a wonderful human being.

And by wonderful human being, I might mean "an inspiration for birth control".


Borat is pretty funny. But, i don't think I could sit through his entire movie of the same joke over and over again. Atleast, not pay for it until it gets to HBO or something like that.

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I don't think Mass Skins fan understands much of anything.

I understand things quite well, thank you very much. Including comedy, satire, and humor. What people seem to have missed is that I have no problem calling a spade a spade. If I don't like something, I'm more than happy to tell you that. If I do like it, I'll tell you that as well. If I don't have an opinion, I just don't comment. So I can see how some people would believe that means I hate everything I don't love.

In this particular case; this lying, cheating (so far as I'm concerned), slimeball disgusts me on several levels. He lies about who and what he is. He lies about what he's doing. His "comedy" is based not on humor, but on making people look and feel stupid or embarassed. That's not comedy so far as I'm concerned. It isn't even an honorable profession, so far as I'm concerned.

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I understand things quite well, thank you very much. Including comedy, satire, and humor. What people seem to have missed is that I have no problem calling a spade a spade. If I don't like something, I'm more than happy to tell you that. If I do like it, I'll tell you that as well. If I don't have an opinion, I just don't comment. So I can see how some people would believe that means I hate everything I don't love.

In this particular case; this lying, cheating (so far as I'm concerned), slimeball disgusts me on several levels. He lies about who and what he is. He lies about what he's doing. His "comedy" is based not on humor, but on making people look and feel stupid or embarassed. That's not comedy so far as I'm concerned. It isn't even an honorable profession, so far as I'm concerned.

Borat for President in '08!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey, he can't be any worse that whoever else the Democrats could come up with. He's a liar, a cheat, a European, has no morals, and he's a moron.... Hell, I'd guess that's a Royal Straight Flush so far as the Democrats are concerned.

you do know he was born in America and is jewish right :laugh: :laugh:

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He is a Jew from England. Borat isn't the only character he has. Ever heard of Ali G?

It was my understanding that he was from England, though I was not aware that he was Jewish. I was also aware that Borat isn't the only character he uses. I'm not familiar with Ali G though I have heard of the show. Knowing what I do about the "actor" you couldn't pay me enough to watch the show.

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